At 7/1/21 01:13 AM, Geekster1984 wrote: I've got a handful of... whats a new way to say questions... ah! inquiries.
Well, since I answered on that other side of the Internet (with images), I might as well reference it here.
It shows how to:
PS: I'm a ghost, pretend I'm not here.
At 6/25/21 07:15 PM, DrunkGecko wrote: @jimmybiscuit sent me pictures of a cute bat
and now i want one
i swear to god, i didnt know there was different types of bats
all i knew about was the vampire bat
his nose looks like a prolapse
While many call pigeons "rats with wings", bats are actually closer in terms of looks. Most drawings are of Vampire Bats though, with the pig-ish nose, which ruins that idea.
At 6/25/21 06:41 PM, JimmyBiscuit wrote: Am I just a small ant that you crush to get some sick satisfaction, or am I butterfly that brightens up your day when i fly past?
You're a flour-based baked food product, of course.
At 6/20/21 05:35 PM, capoeira14 wrote: Hi there.
I used to be an active member here around 7 years ago, and I really don't know why but I just had this urge to post again :D
Really looking forward to interact with some ppl and share my stuff again, hope you'll like it :3
anyways here some doodles I did on my phone
The BBS is a hell of a drug. Hello and welcome back, nice drawings!
Did someone say, Math-teraction? 7 years ago (2021-7) = 2014!
Just remembered, I made 2 test medals with the Mewgrounds (the repeated one) icon and removed them afterwards. That was likely the cause.
Since they were in a list for future removal (I think 2 days?) maybe they got back in?
( • - •)
/>❤ You want my uwu's?
( • - •)
❤<\ No my uwu's
( • . •)
/>❤ Just kidding you can have my uwu's
( - ~ -)
/>❤ But just a bit
( • - •)
❤<\ No you want too much! No more uwu's for you
At 6/23/21 01:05 PM, ngsite wrote:
Me too, there was a post full of Spam (like this one) and some Cans had what looked like a Spam Burger, hence my curiosity.
You should never underestimate the power of procrastination or bored people. With a hint of curiosity/amusement.
You're right, it is indeed "How much wood".
No silly, "Woodchucks don't actually chuck (throw) wood", why would they? It does throw dirt though.
At 6/23/21 11:41 AM, NastyPlatypus wrote:At 6/19/21 08:43 PM, PrincessUsagi85 wrote: Best tits in a normal movieCome on, let's spice this thread up a bit :) !
This is not an art question so I refuse to answer it 😝
Well for starters the movie needs to have naked boobies and that's rare nowadays, right?
Yeah. Illicit Desires (2018) seems to be the latest, with a score of 4.2.
At 6/23/21 10:08 AM, ngsite wrote: go on
I assume you mean Any Question.
At 6/22/21 05:07 PM, RonHidon wrote: seriously what brought you onto NG?
I wanted to make games like the Legend of Krystal [totally NSFW] but the Legend of Krystal Forums are kinda dead and making games is hard so...
I made a game for Pico Day a while ago (April 30th) but when I played it recently I saw that the icons in the gotten Medals list were messed up. Note that the same are fine in the Project > API Tools > Medals settings but the list below the game is not. Just watch:
So what the heck happened here? I'm sure it was fine when I last tested it.
At 6/22/21 05:08 PM, LiGamerGnarly65 wrote:At 4/21/07 01:28 AM, Jectoons wrote: Well... my first two movies were blammed two... T-T
I really think of myself as a sucker after that (I have only submitted 3 movies... the third one is still in the "checking Room"). Bruh I try to submit movies but literally every single one has gotten blammed, I think my art style is crap, the only movie I have is 2 stars
Why did you Necro a post from 2007? Some people have a tendency to react you know and boy would that be a disaster.
I go with Liquid! Always gets where it needs.
At 6/21/21 05:09 AM, ShayInator wrote: Have your parents told you what they wanted to name you only to change it the last second?
Let's just say that the O and N on my avatar's eyes were going to be a G and an O.
At 6/22/21 06:55 AM, BUM-DRILLER wrote:At 6/22/21 05:26 AM, Adidi wrote: Well, I don't remember but it was somewhat from an anime seriesThat reminds me, there will be a generation of kids named after Naruto or Sasuke.
Let's not forget that there's also a Dovahkiin, it's crazy.
Azure (Sky Blue) but is there even a blend with that color? Makes me think of dental-tonic.
At 6/21/21 05:06 PM, anymany wrote: amongus
What if he/she won't buy supporter for his/her account to avoid suspicion?!
Amongus indeed.
Just realized that the ads for my A-rated games are bound to be hotter than them...
At 6/21/21 03:24 PM, anymany wrote: that means that something came out of her.....(v-word). what a horrible world we live in
Yeah, it's horrible.
It was an original Gameboy Advanced, the blue/purple (indigo) one.
Given to me with some scratches, games and a light thingy.
At 6/18/21 01:36 AM, anymany wrote: i recommend starting out by making games like minesweeper, and snake to get started. im sure you could find some full tutorial for either of those two games
Pong is also pretty simple. You can complicate it as needed (physics, 3d, etc)
At 6/15/21 12:54 AM, Garnet-Frost wrote:At 6/14/21 02:33 AM, DiskCrash wrote: Support for Windows 10 will end in 2025 :)I didn't think they would be done with Windows 10 this soon. On the other hand, I do remember seeing a sneak peek to Windows 11 two years ago.
No-one wanted subscriptions so they had to take a step back in their ways to make Money. Also, "odd numbers are better" right?
Well at least they have them color-coded. No wait are Sonic's arms/feet blue or skin-colored? This is confusing.
I guess I'll stay away from this lucrative opportunity.
At 6/16/21 05:45 AM, Gage wrote: I wouldn't recommend Google Auth, they only allow local storing so if you lose your phone, or whatever, you will lose any account you have 2FA verification associated with it, I'd recommend using andOTP.
I used to have andOTP but lost everything when resetting my phone (I backed stuff up but the App itself isn't enough). Perhaps the similar Aegis Authenticator would help make easy backups. Just remember to actually make them.
I'm amazed that this poast was the fourth result when searching for news about it.
Here's some news:
Bet they only wanted the FIFA21 source code but got "780 gigabytes of data".
In case you're wondering what this FrostBite thing is, it's a game engine made by EA for FPS.
At 6/15/21 07:05 PM, mrg19998 wrote: step 1: draw porn
step 2: post the porn
step 3: done
Now when you say that, would doing it atari style work?
At 6/14/21 09:27 AM, TomFulp wrote: Observe!
Awesome, thanks for teaching us!
PS: You missed a spot. I know, he's pretty hidden.