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Response to: I can't create anything. Posted 2 days ago in Art

You can create things, you just choose not to because you believe that you can't.

You want to create something? It's as simple as opening MS Paint and drawing the first thing that comes to mind. Will it be any good? Probably not. But you created something, and by continuing to create you'll get better and better.

Response to: Suggestions to make games for ladies. Posted 3 days ago in Game Development

You know that women are just people, right? They're not some alien race with unwordly tastes in media

Response to: Which video game would you live in Posted 7 days ago in Video Games

At 12/28/23 02:28 PM, sawyoucoming wrote: Well if you were given a choice between living in a video game or not which one would you choose and do not worry you will also have the choice to go back anytime you want to

Animal crossing. Id love to just be a lil animal dude who doesnt have to worry about jobs, paying rent, bills, etc. Just catch bug and eat fruit

Response to: Which Videogames Remasters You Want? :D Posted 7 days ago in Video Games

At 12/27/23 09:30 AM, GabrieleTheMan wrote: I mean, write one, few, some, all or whatever videogames you want a lot to be remastered or remade!
Spore Remastered

I'd love to see a modern remaster of the first 2 Shenmue games with updated graphics

What does "get fuck in his ears" mean

Response to: Lowest Points In Games You Love Posted 2 weeks ago in Video Games

At 12/13/23 01:10 PM, CarolineSparkle wrote: Even our favourite games of all time have that one moment/section that just makes you go "i really wish they hadn't done it this way". It doesn't need to be straight up awful, just weak compared to everything else in the game.

Me personally, that moment was Persona 5's Okumura Palace. I love P5 to bits but that dungeon was so blegh, not good compared to the others. Plus Ryugi and Morgana's little disagreement kept taking screentime away from Haru. Also the boss fight was straight up ass.

Battle for Bikini Bottom is a pretty great 3D platformer, but Kelp Forest is an awful level. It's dark and ugly, the challenges are very poorly designed with a lot of totally unnecessary backtracking, and the enemy placement is so random and unthoughtful. Luckily BFBB isn't too linear of a game so the level can be mostly skipped, but it means you'll have to do most optional objectives in previous levels.

Response to: Tell me about your first game! Posted 1 month ago in Game Development

I have no way of knowing what my first ever game was as I made so, so many of them as a kid using various different tools such as Scratch and Roblox.

My first ever game on Newgrounds, however, is Egg-Legs

My friend and I made this game in a week for a game jam and it really shows.

It was pretty clear that I was learning (and not fully understanding) a lot of new stuff in the Godot engine while making it. Most of the minigames are pretty poorly designed ideas that weren't completely thought through.

The game had basically no file compression causing it to take way too long to load in browsers.

The difficulty was too bullshit for the judges to beat it when they livestreamed all of the games in the jam, and when we gave them a debug code to help them get to the last minigame it completely bugged out and was unplayable.

I think the only positive of the game that people found was the personality and voice lines of the antagonistic, although this was also another negative for some players.

The game turned out to be a disaster, but the development of it and the feedback from players was a great learning experience that helped me in making other games moving forward.

At 10/26/23 04:48 PM, SlaveOnAStick wrote: My favorite out of all of these has to be the 3DS with the PSVITA being a close second. The 3DS had a huge library of games, backwards compatible with DS games, Miiverse and more, so with all that shit being said what handheld console is your favorite?

The Vita is a phenomenal console when hacked. Full range of PS Vita, PSP, and PSX games from all regions as well as homebrew.

Response to: What game do you think deserves a remaster? Posted November 1st, 2023 in Video Games

At 10/27/23 02:08 PM, Chucky9 wrote: Are there any games that you think deserve a remaster? You can say one game or list a bunch of games.

I personally think Road Trip Adventure should be remastered, I love that game.


I'd love to see Shenmue 1 & 2 get a proper, from the ground up set of remakes.

Response to: What cartoon has the worst artstyle? Posted October 13th, 2023 in Animation

angela anaconda was supposedly so horribly ugly that it indirectly caused a divorce

Whenever I'm done playing, I exit to the main menu. Even if I have nothing to do on the main menu, I just like exiting to it before closing the actual game

Response to: Do you ever get tired of things looking pretty Posted September 30th, 2023 in Art

While I really like the look of amateur art (and especially love the squiggly jank of old flash art/animations), there's nothing wrong with clean looking art. I guess the only downside to it is that it wouldn't be as memorable to viewers as something drawn a bit less clean

Response to: Favourite Game Engine? Posted September 21st, 2023 in Game Development


Response to: It's Pride Month Posted June 10th, 2023 in Video Games

I love Noelle from Deltarune, it's always good to be on that gay deer shit

Response to: One question... Posted May 12th, 2023 in Game Development

It's updated whenever a game gets frontpaged

Response to: Minors making nsfw Posted May 10th, 2023 in Art

Simple answer: No

Don't force your way into adult spaces, you'd be endangering both yourself and the people who are actually meant to be in those spaces.

Response to: Burgerking Gaming Posted May 10th, 2023 in Video Games

At 5/9/23 07:54 PM, olskoo wrote:
At 5/6/23 09:33 AM, Swabs wrote: I forgot about these but I do remember playing these, don’t really remember the game play of them but I remember having them.
sneak king you would like hide in a place like a garbage can and when someone walked by you'd sneak up behind them and give them burgers

it's like assassin's creed but good

Response to: Burgerking Gaming Posted May 10th, 2023 in Video Games

They're not very good, but they were kinda ahead of the game in terms of dual compatibility. As in, each disk contained an Xbox version of the game and an Xbox 360 version of the game, and it'd play the appropriate one based on which console you put it in!

I'm pretty sure most Xbox games nowadays have a similar functionality.

Response to: Whats the worst or weirdest game you ever played Posted May 10th, 2023 in Video Games

Tiny Toons: Plucky's Big Adventure is an absolutely horrible adventure game with terrible mechanics.

You know how a big part of adventure games is the inventory? In Plucky's Big Adventure you have two inventory slots, with the rest of your inventory being kept in a locker that you have to run over to, enter the locker combination for, and then sit through a loading screen each and every time you want to swap out items. And no, the game's puzzles aren't designed around this arbitrary limitation.

It also has some of the most incompetent graphics that I've seen on the PS1, most the rooms are almost completely bland and empty, characters are very few and far between, and all of the animations play at a noticeably small FPS.

The game only has 2 music tracks that struggle to play throughout the game, with the BGM often stopping, starting, and restarting whenever you enter a new room.

It is such an incompetently made game, but the most insulting part is that it was released in 2001. They shoulda had a fuckin grasp on the PS1 hardware by then, I've seen Net Yaroze homebrew that's more competently made than this retail shit show.

I'm very passionate about how much I hate this game.

Response to: the best gamecube games Posted May 5th, 2023 in Video Games

Was never huge into the Gamecube, but Chibi Robo is a classic that really needs a port to modern platforms

Response to: Best PSP games Posted May 5th, 2023 in Video Games

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix is a pretty spot on port of the PS2 game with new, optional levels

Response to: What is the most violent game you've ever played? Posted March 24th, 2023 in Video Games

Probably Harvester. That game is nasty at times

Response to: What do you guys think about this UI Posted March 24th, 2023 in Game Development

At 3/21/23 05:58 PM, Sketonna wrote: Sorry if the fps are poor but i recorded it with some weird ass screen recorder from the microsoft store , I tried the make it similar to a n64 game or just some other old school game system , i think i did well what do you guys think ?


Animations are a bit stiff but otherwise it looks nice n stylish

Response to: Favorite SNES Platformer? Posted March 24th, 2023 in Video Games


Response to: I've quit being an alcoholic for good Posted March 19th, 2023 in General

I've quick being an alcoholic, I've upgraded to heroin

Response to: NewGrounds Rally! Suggest Games to Talk about! Posted March 19th, 2023 in General

Talk about all those weird "windows xp emulator"s

Response to: Accepting Drawing Requests Posted March 19th, 2023 in Art

At 3/19/23 01:17 AM, KingBaller06 wrote:
At 3/19/23 01:16 AM, Scootakip wrote: draw a lil guy
You're going to need to be a little more specific.

just draw a lil guy i dunno

Response to: Accepting Drawing Requests Posted March 19th, 2023 in Art

draw a lil guy

Response to: Andy’s Apple Farm Posted March 19th, 2023 in Video Games

it's just more generic baby horror

Response to: goofy political moments Posted March 17th, 2023 in Politics

i liked it when joe biden went "SODAAAAAAA"