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At 1/4/24 05:15 PM, Potartz wrote: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/potartz/brass-angels

Congratulations on submitting your first full comic.

The panel layout is good. You have a good readable font. The reading flow is good.

The plot is good. You can do things with that kind of plot. Hard boiled gangster, film noir, kind of stuff.

Your art and your story-telling using the comic book media, is not up to that ... yet.

Your art is very sketchy, don't have enough establishing images and it is not driving the story. The story is almost only told through text and the art is not adding much. With a comic you would want the art to be the primary element of the story telling. Dialog the second and other text the third.

You also need to slow down the story telling. For example, evolve why the gangsters are so horrible that they need to be killed.

A scene where Callie contact the "no name gun for hire" could have been a good way to start the story. Does "no name" have an office, like a PI and Calli come there to hire her? Or they meet in a bar? Or "no name" could be at the shooting range, showing off some fancy shooting. That could be interesting backdrops for a dialog where Callie through dialog can tell why she wants to hire "no name".

There is a lot of things you could add to the story to make it more interesting.

You have a long way to go, but you have a start. I hope I have not discourage you, and that you will go on making comics.

Response to: Should I post this as an illustration or a sketch? Posted 2 days ago in Art

At 1/4/24 05:57 PM, MonoArtist wrote: Hey! So As the title suggests, I am unsure if I should publish this as a sketch or illustration. I decided to experiment with a much, much looser art style, making this, and I would like to put it under illustration as to me, it is completed. But, in this style, it's very sketch-like and loose.

Too me, this would be fine as an illustration.

Response to: Grok's Pix Posted 2 days ago in Art


Another color book pix

Response to: WARNING! CHALLENGER APPROACHING! (Possible NSFW) Posted 3 days ago in Art

At 1/3/24 06:42 AM, xeiavica wrote: @perkgrok if the scenario you have any doubts still I truly was using one point perspective, I still have my original paper I drew on before tracing over it on a fresh piece of paper with a lightbox.

I still suffers from unconfident lines trying hard not to screw up, it's paramount for me right now to fix that.

OK. Try again, using a ruler for the guide paper and then you can freehand on the paper that you draw the finished art on. Look at the last part as drawing - aided by guidelines-, rather than as tracing. That are two different mindsets.

Response to: WARNING! CHALLENGER APPROACHING! (Possible NSFW) Posted 4 days ago in Art

At 1/2/24 09:36 AM, xeiavica wrote: Just practiced one point perspective and I think I'm starting to get the hang of things. Followed an online tutorial and got fairly close to how he did it.

Don't look like you are using a vanishing point. Your z-direction lines are all over the place, instead of coming together in one point.


If you don't follow the steps given in the tutorial, you shouldn't expect to make much progress.

And, you should probably use a ruler. Free-handing good straight lines, precisely positioned, is not easy.

Response to: Grok's Pix Posted 4 days ago in Art


Working on a digital coloring book. The white part is 40 different pieces to make each of the possible to color with different colors.

Response to: Grok's Pix Posted 7 days ago in Art



Response to: Would love some feedback! Posted 9 days ago in Art

At 12/27/23 02:18 PM, Mushcapp wrote: Hey all! I've taken a long break from art over the last year, but I've recently picked my pen back up. I wanted to turn 2024 into the year I push for improvement and exposure to my stuff and I would appreciate thoughts/opinions on my stuff.

This is my most recent drawing

I'm usually a little tentative when posting on the community feed, so I'm trying to be better about actively getting into the community. I've been here for a long time and visit the site multiple times a day, so I should participate more lol

Going on the piece you linked to.

I like this character and how you draw it and how you have colored it.

A couple of points though.

  1. Where the hat and the chin goes over the face respective the body I would suggest a thicker line and a shadow below. Trying different line thickness can be useful.
  2. With the crying eyes I felt it was overdoing it having tears flowing above the eyes. Maybe just be me.
  3. Changed the position of one arm, as it generally helps the pose not having both sides of the body doing the same thing.
  4. Added small toes as the legs looked like they where cut of at the bottom and that bothered me a bit. Could also just be me.


That is just a couple of thoughts.

Don't stress out on having to improve. You're doing fine.

Response to: first vs last drawing of 2023 Posted 12 days ago in Art



Response to: how can i improve my art? Posted 2 weeks ago in Art

At 12/22/23 05:32 PM, antmaster208 wrote: i am an amateur drawer that uses my laptop trackpad on MS paint. i want to see what i can improve on & get into the art portal. plz do not write negative/useless 2 liner phrases as feedback, actually go into detail

my finished pieces as reference:

This is how I would do your 'Goofy gets drafted'.


  1. Sketch the body pose, but not the arms yet.
  2. Sketch the gun on a different layer.
  3. Position the gun.
  4. Sketch in the arms and hands in position on the gun.
  5. Drawing the line-work on a layer on top of the sketch layers.
  6. Line-work without the sketch layers.
  7. Coloring on a layer below the line-work layer.

While drawing I have had a couple of reference images open of Goofy and a couple of guns.

Using references is a good routine. References doesn't have to be exactly the pose, or what have you, that your going to draw.

Before you can get a good result with this type of workflow you need to have your basics down.

You need to draw lines smoothly where you want to draw them and you need to train to understand what you see.

A common beginner mistake is to draw what they imagine something looks like instead of what the thing actually looks like, even though they are looking at a reference. It is important to train your eye (and mind) as much as your hand.

References only help you if you can draw what you actually see. You also need to be able to see when something is off in your drawing.

There are a lot of threads in this forum with suggestions of different tutorials.

Having good tools helps. You could improve your tools. A mouse would probably be a step up from a trackpad. I've never used a trackpad for drawing, but it sounds like it would be hard. Drawing with a mouse is doable.

I don't know what MS Paint looks like these days. Does it have layers? A program like FireAlpaca might be an improvement.

Paper and pen is also an alternative.

I hope you find something useful in this, even if it boils down to "keep practicing". (at least it is a bit more than 2 lines 🙂)

At 11/10/23 02:12 AM, Nachtmahr wrote: Also here's my girl if somone want's to give her a go. :3

[DRAWING Nachtmahr's OC]


Response to: Need some character design critique Posted 2 weeks ago in Art

At 12/21/23 03:20 PM, ObscureTen wrote: I've redesigned one of my characters and need some advices/critique on her look. Specifically if it gives right vibe about her character, but als avoiding overcomplicated look. I've tried as hard as possible to make her feel energetic, smug and sloppy, to feel like someone charismatic and capable, but who steel overestimate themself:
So... wich version is better, and what could be changed in this version/what you don't like in it?


I would suggest making eyes and mouth very clearly visible. You need them to show emotions.

I also moved the ear to a more correct position from an anatomical point of view.

The thumb on the hand saluting seems to be on the wrong side.

I think the new clothing is better than the old. I wondering a bit though on how the coat is tied around her waist. I would have expected that the sleeves would be used for that, but they seems to not have been used.

Response to: Extremely early animation (pre 1920) Posted 2 weeks ago in Animation


Early Swedish animation 1916 by Victor Bergdahl. He did two before that, but I've not seen those. This one is the first of a series about Captain Grog (Kapten Grogg), Captain Grog's wonderful journey.

Bergdahl used cutout paper-dolls on top of fixed backgrounds, to avoid having to redraw each frame.

Response to: Grok's Pix Posted 2 weeks ago in Art


In Sweden in the 1700s and 1800s (and even into the 1900s) it was Julbocken (the Yule Goat) that came with gifts for Christmas. Then he was replaced in that role by Jultomten (Santa), but still is part of Christmas decorations in the form of goats made out of straw.

Response to: Drawing characters that are original Posted 2 weeks ago in Art

At 12/19/23 02:29 AM, TheShokBlok wrote:
At 12/16/23 06:46 AM, PerKGrok wrote: 1

[if you still enjoy doing this, when you come to this one]
"A girl with brown, bellow the shoulders length hair with navy blue eyes, holding a sword, her clothes look like if she were a gladiator and they also are mostly white and red, she doesn't have any shoes and has a pink strip around her waist that has thingies to sheath her sword and carry other stuff.
She also has a white decorative feather with a black tip on her head, she looks like a Valkyrie or something similar, like the one from Record of Ragnarok"


My version:

Yes! I'm enjoying doing these very much, so don't expect me to stop anytime soon, and WOWEE, these two look nothing a like, I did what I could.

I'm glad you still are enjoying this. It is a lot of work you two are putting in, in this thread.

I thought this might give you a bit of trouble. Valkyrie actually was spot on, while gladiator was going off track as far as look of dress go, but not bad as a description of the spirit of the person.

A good try and I thoroughly enjoyed the result. 🙂

At 11/29/23 08:17 AM, Winterina wrote: Draw Me

Her name is Melanair Windismu

[DRAWING Winterina's OC Melanair Windismu]


Response to: 3d character in progrss (need help) Posted 2 weeks ago in Art

At 12/16/23 05:33 PM, SlaySly wrote: I want to build full character from my profile.

I. I found I didn’t do any thoughts about how is it looking. I have done this one, but I think it’s not looking perfect. Is there anything that needs to be modified maybe? The worst thing could happen is weird proportions maybe…


A couple of suggestions for proportions of the body and wings. The wings could be even larger if you want to have a more realistic form that could fly. I'm not sure what you want to do with the head. I mainly have a suggestion on the placement of the eye as far as the head goes..

To build a 3D model you would probably want to have a front view as well, and maybe a top view too.

Best of luck with your model.

Response to: Drawing characters that are original Posted 3 weeks ago in Art

At 12/16/23 12:07 PM, Spaggo wrote:
At 12/16/23 06:55 AM, MetalSlayer69 wrote:
At 12/15/23 11:12 PM, Winterina wrote: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862 ect ect numbers n shite
now you're just being irrational
Im not good enough at maths to tell if this is a pun or not

Looks like pi (Ï€) from the first 5 numbers (which is all I care to check against). Pi is an irrational number. The decimals go on forever.

It can be used to calculate the circumference of a circle if you know the diameter.

At 10/29/23 11:17 AM, KingoftheArt wrote: DRAW ME

His name’s Odin. He’s a futuristic knight.

[DRAWING KingoftheArt's futuristic knight, Odin]


Response to: Drawing characters that are original Posted 3 weeks ago in Art


[if you still enjoy doing this, when you come to this one]

Response to: Activity: Draw a golden age or pulp hero Posted 3 weeks ago in Art


Dotty Virvelvind (Whirlwind)

It was originally, short stories about a timid girl, Dotty Burns, getting superpowers through injections of different animal gland secretions, and fighting crime using her new powers, now using the name Dotty Virvelvind. In 1944 it was turned into a comic published 1 page a week in a weekly magazine.

Though made in Sweden for Swedish readers, the action take place in New York, and a lot of similarities with, at the time, new American Superheroes such as Superman and Wonder Woman are noticeable. Dotty grew up in the small city of Smallbury and she has a newspaper reporter named Jimmy as a boyfriend, later husband. From time to time Jimmy will need to be rescued.

Her arch enemy is an evil scientist named Hermes.

The comic version lasted for about a year.

Response to: SHOW ME YOUR ART REWINDS !!! Posted 1 month ago in Art


Response to: Grok's Pix Posted 1 month ago in Art


Response to: Name a woman from a game. Posted 1 month ago in Video Games

Cate Archer,

from No One Lives Forever, 1 & 2


Response to: Activity: Draw a golden age or pulp hero Posted 1 month ago in Art

At 12/10/23 06:24 AM, CzySzy wrote: Raccoon Zorro
hope you like it

Of course I like it.

A very nice spoof on a golden age character spanning pretty much all genres.

So 'el Zorro' is the fox in Spanish, and el Mapache is the raccoon. I get it. The connection is obvious. Someone just had to make it.

ps. Guy Williams was a great Zorro in the Disney TV-series in the late 50's, which of course also was made into comics (drawn by the also great Alex Toth). My favorite character from that version would however be Sergeant Garcia, played by Henry Calvin.

Response to: Activity: Draw a golden age or pulp hero Posted 1 month ago in Art


Alfred "Lash" LaRue was an American Actor mainly doing westerns in the 40s and 50s, usually playing a character with his own name, Lash LaRue. His movies were successful enough to get a spin-off series of comic-books with the same name (which qualifies him for this thread).

There where a number of different comics that, in the same way, was based on popular characters from the movies.

Some actors/characters that crossed over into comics where: Allan "Rocky" Lane, Charles Starrett, Dale Evans, Gene Autry, Gabby Hayes, Hoppalong Cassidy, Monte Hale, Reno Browne, Rex Allen, Roy Rogers, Tex Ritter, Tom Mix, Tim Holt and Wild Bill Elliott. Even John Wayne got to be a comic book character.

Lash LaRue looked a lot like Humphrey Bogart, his movie character, as it became defined, dressed in all black. A main part of the movies and the comics was that Lash used a bullwhip to do different tricks such as disarming an opponent, drag someone out of harms way or swing to safety. There where always some way the whip could be used to save the day.

The actor actually was really good with the whip and did different tricks live on promotional tours, lending credibility to the character in the movies and the comics.

He continued working in movies in different roles pretty much up until his death in 1990. One thing he did was to train Harrison Ford in the use of the whip for the first Indiana Jones movie. Sort of passing on the baton.

Response to: How to draw good comic bubbles? Posted 1 month ago in Art

At 12/9/23 11:53 AM, NoobClock666 wrote: Help? I want to draw text bubbles like in the Watchmen comics. Cool and sharp, and less round. But I'm a moron and can't draw it right, so any help?

I prefer the rounded speech balloons. This is the base shape I use.


But the balloon is not what I start with. I start with the text, forming it in good sizes for balloons. I don't want to much text in a balloon. If it is much text I will split it up in more than one balloon. The text should be aligned with the middle, lines being about equal lengths except top and bottom line, that should preferably be shorter.

When you are happy with the placement and form of the text draw the balloon around it, with a nice space between the text and the outer line of the balloon. Not to much, not to little.

There are so many things to consider making speech balloons, that I've not even touched on.

A simple rule I always seems to get back to is, keep it simple. A clear readable font. Natural reading order placement. Keep fancy stuff as an exception when it can be used to drive home a point.

As an demonstration I put in the balloons in the panel as I would do it.

Of course I'm not saying that I'm better at this than Dave Gibbons. I'm not.

It is just a slightly different take, with a somewhat different feeling to the panel and a different pacing of the text (at least that is what I was going for).

Maybe it can give some ideas on things to think about when doing speech balloons.


At 9/25/23 09:40 AM, GameHeroStudios wrote:
Jade's newly finished reference!

[DRAWING GameHeroStudios' OC Jade]


Response to: Give me your critique on this duo Posted 1 month ago in Art

At 12/4/23 01:15 PM, CrosEl wrote: As the title says, the color theming is "Lightning" and the
girl is supposed to be like a Zebra, and I know my art isn't EPIC.
(Especially since I did this with my finger)
I'm asking about the color choices and costume design:

For those who want context: this is a redo of art from 4 years ago, when me and some guy were gonna do a superhero comic.
We lost contact with each other, but the idea is still alive....
(One last thing; the dude is supposed to have boots and a utility belt, and the girl has hooves and a tail too.. These aren't the best pictures, but at least tell me what colors would be the best at least..I'll find or redraw another picture later..)

This is my quick interpretation of your image. The Zebra part information I didn't have an idea on what to do with.


Response to: Animation for 2D Posted 1 month ago in Art

At 12/4/23 10:26 PM, AphidLad wrote: Is there a software for cheap/free out there anyone can recommend? I don't have much I can spend but I'd like something decent enough.

free programs

OpenToonz, [or Tahoma2D (version of opentoonz meant to be more user friendly)]
