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Response to: Can you help improve my character design? Posted October 2nd, 2023 in Art

At 10/2/23 03:31 AM, CrayonJackie wrote:
At 10/2/23 03:17 AM, Ozone wrote: I'll even take a crack at a concept design for you with a lean towards cockroach but I'm doubtful it will come out properly.


As expected wasn't entirely happy with how it came out, but it's a decent enough general idea.
Question for @CrayonJackie :
"Is there any particular reason you're going with "Fire" "Sun Queen" "African themed outfit" "Cockroach" "Queen"? Like is there a story or basis behind this design or did the idea strike you as cool?"
At 10/2/23 03:31 AM, CrayonJackie wrote: To answer your question, there is a story and basis behind her design, as she is a queen to a tribe of Cockroaches that know fire magic, and I wanted to look at certain countries as inspiration for her outfit, and I felt that Africa would give off some interesting and unique designs, even if I’m not the best at conveying it and drawing it well.

Cool! I enjoyed the idea myself even with the reservations of difficulty! I hope the designing process works out for you and you end up keeping the design ideas as well as the story.

But I also wouldn’t mind taking some notes on your opinions on bug designs as I like bug designs as well, but I don’t go fully through with certain insectoid parts that make a bug design so unique, so thanks for bringing that up, I’ll take it to consideration.

It's a tricky situation, there are some decent bug lady artists out there (mostly Japan from what I can see) that are pushing the boundaries in the directions of "appealing" bug women designs. They do rely heavily on Anime Girl but bug in


The eternal debate ends up being this: Do I try sticking to the actual insect design? Or adapt it for a wider appeal for general consumption. Follow your heart honestly and you'll find what you want to actually do

At 10/2/23 03:31 AM, CrayonJackie wrote: As for the fire, I can make her do a fire spell or something as it’s not too hard for me to draw fire.

I'm glad to hear it. The thing skoops said was also important and points more to fundamental lacking towards form/ anatomy and structure. Do take his words to heart as they are important for artistic improvement.

I would look into :Figure Drawing: Design and Invention a Book by Michael Hampton if you have the patience to read or his courses from the class if you have the time to search for them/pay for them.

At 10/2/23 03:31 AM, CrayonJackie wrote: Thanks for your help.

Thank you for your pleasant thread.

Response to: Can you help improve my character design? Posted October 2nd, 2023 in Art

At 10/2/23 02:10 AM, CrayonJackie wrote: Hey fellow artists, I’d like some help on some character design ideas, right here is my character, Michelle, she’s a cockroach that has fire powers. I want to convey her outfit to be themed around the sun as well as being royalty, basically a sun queen with some African accents. I don’t think my design is bad, but it could use a little bit more flair to it, any kind of tips and help would be appreciated


Your character design has no insect elements that would show it's a cockroach. It leans more to an owl in design.

EDIT: WHOOPS There are some hits towards the cockroach design. I just didn't see them of first glace sorry.


Also showing that she has fire powers will help the characterization you are trying to sell.

Remember: We can't see all the amazing things your character can do or know the working of their minds without some kind of story telling so when working on depicting what is essentially "One frame" of their existence you should try to represent them in that state the best you can.


I love bug characters. They are appealing to me, but my sensibilities are severally warped and most people DO NOT find bugs appealing in anyway. People are just warming up to Moths because they're fuzzy and kinda like furries??? HMM??? So everyone draws them as such. But bugs are horrifical monstrosities:


and while Furries have the benefit of making animals that are already kind

of appealing... Even more uhh *cough* interesting...


So am I saying to not make her a cockroach? EEhhh sorta? Kinda? It's a lot harder to make a stylistically appealing bug design that goes beyond just "Lady with bug elements in her clothing". Which Michelle here already has plenty of sun related character motifs filling out her design. If you keep working at the design maybe it will come through, but as it stands appealing bug elements might be a bit to hard for most people to find enjoyable or attempt. I'll even take a crack at a concept design for you with a lean towards cockroach but I'm doubtful it will come out properly.

Question for @CrayonJackie :

"Is there any particular reason you're going with "Fire" "Sun Queen" "African themed outfit" "Cockroach" "Queen"? Like is there a story or basis behind this design or did the idea strike you as cool?"

Deviant Art NSFW18+ Policy Changes [2023] Posted September 10th, 2023 in Art


Normally this would seem like a non issue to those who don't care about fringe weirdo sexual stuff, but I'm curious what YOU FREAKS of the newgrounds art forum think about these upcoming changes and what they can mean for the internet art sphere as a whole.

This seems to be one of those weird issues that on paper looks to only effect porn artists trying to make their living off of fringe NSFW work. I'm in the freedom of expression camp to some extent and seeing this doesn't make me feel happy about losing weirdo shit as the "certain fringe sexual fetish topics" line is way too far reaching.

You could just still use Tumbler/Deviant art/ ect without the porn for example. But because it's DeviantArt this makes it kinda weird considering what sort of stuff gets uploaded there. (Lest NG throw stones we get that stuff here too: Example)

A question that comes up as well is: "How are they going to sort through the mountain of diapers?"

A possible answer is using an AI algorithm to detect crinkly feet and people getting punched in the gut until they cum and vomit.

Newgrounds has been trying to take their NSFW bridal off for quite some time moving away from porn ads and the like so it seems if there's another mass migration again, this place might be even smeller than it is already.

I for one want to see this site collapse under the fat expanded asscheeks of a huge futanari wolf goddess, but others might not agree.

Thoughts opinions?

Response to: NG Money Gang Posted September 1st, 2023 in NG News

At 8/29/23 01:43 PM, TomFulp wrote: I’m gonna roll the dice with this idea and maybe it will work or maybe it won’t, never hurts to try!

Back when NG had cash to spare, we regularly sponsored games and animation. That hasn’t been possible for the past decade and even if we ever had a surplus of Supporter revenue, I’d like to put that towards increasing the monthly prizes and ultimately attempting a new rev-share system.

Truly an artist's patron economy. Still holding hope for the "NG but it just has Patreon" option where people can just support who they like naturally with monthly donations on Newgrounds so they don't have to leave the site to other places (Probably just going to bring in tons of hungry porn artists, but at least some of that money would go to NG right?) rather than having artists fish their projects for NG money.

"But porn side of the site will hurt bank transactions!" And yet subscribestar and other places still work somehow? I don't know who they do their banking through but it must be something whacky and with the effort of NG stomping out illegal porn on the site you'd think the porn thing still wouldn't be an issue but I guess it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sponsorships would still be great though, both for the artists getting sponsored and for NG getting extra eyeballs.

So here’s my idea: There are probably some people in NG land who have a lot of disposable income and would love to throw it at their favorite artists, while helping NG in the process. I want to create an NG Money Gang, basically a list of people I reach out to when sponsorship opportunities arise. If enough people in the NGMG commit funds, I’ll give them the greenlight to send over the funds and the sponsorship will be secured.

Supporting creative endeavors seems like a decent idea on paper if the benefit is one of philanthropic nature. In this case of Newgrounds supporting a salad fingers episode and the project's support being Tom's final say of where the money goes feels better than the the idea of a group of rich people on Newgrounds being denoted as "The ones with actual money" creating a new caste of users that people pleasers cozy up to in hopes of hand outs for projects.

This isn't to say that people shouldn't spend their money where they want, but saying that people's intents are purely charity based 100% of the time is dubious at best. Some people want to be known as "Mr.MoneybagsNG" but there are those who also want to be "Mr.ExecutiveProducer" as well and giving them a platform to influence people with NG can lead to some bad situations if they don't stay on the straight and narrow with that influence so giving these people visibility just seems like asking for trouble.

The heart of this idea seems to be good, but in practice may need some tinkering for clarity and for how it's presented. I personally wouldn't want to see the front page post showing that "Financially Responsible Gang" funded Yandere Simulator 2: the stripped panties of legend. I'd prefer knowing that it was the Newgrounds community, the "wang tang gang" and Newgrounds who gave the big thumbs up to the funding of a Newgrounds approved project.

Having a process that people could put their projects up for sponsorship wouldn't hurt either (Something streamlined beyond bombarding Tom with dms) so the asking of funds would happen more behind the scenes rather than in public at the feet of a select few ;)


And why wouldn't those with money already be supporting things anyway? Really makes one wonder.

Response to: Top entries from 08/31/2023! Posted September 1st, 2023 in P-bot's Postings

Lol, Horizon hugger x2, congrats to the wieners.

Response to: Top entries from 08/29/2023! Posted August 30th, 2023 in P-bot's Postings

Congrats to everyone on newgrounds you guys rock!


Response to: Top entries from 08/21/2023! Posted August 22nd, 2023 in P-bot's Postings

Congrats to all the wieners. Number 5 has nothing going on in it waha ha haha hoooo!

Compared to this:

Which got scoped up to a front page thanks to the epic "Animation Front Page Suggestion" forum

To what is essentially a gif with music over it:

( A very pretty gif, but SPIT SPIT SPIT SPIT SPIT)


Response to: Top entries from 08/03/2023! Posted August 4th, 2023 in P-bot's Postings

Lol daily 5th beat out everything, except maybe the skibidy bibidy. Marge titties on daily 2nd Lol @p-bot you suck.

Edit: the snow man was good too.

Response to: Top entries from 07/31/2023! Posted August 1st, 2023 in P-bot's Postings

Alright So this week's picks are kinda all over the place, Chips MeowDance shouldn't have beat out Worry Cat or Top and RabRab. Planet of the babes was gonna stand at the top no matter what due to it's quality and it having the Oneyplay fan backing. And Top and Rabrab shouldn't have been place in 5th behind Brewstew's storytime animator content @p-bot should be scrapped and used an expensive coffee table.


Basically an animation pilot by itself and at a running time +7 minutes deserves to be higher on the list. I personally put it here as this stuff is a bit more uncommon that all the "youtuber" animated content people already make for youtube. (See todays #7 and 8 for more ytanimated conetnet)


Planet of the babes slaps. Sure there's a lot of "clickbait booba" or whatever but considering the quality of the jokes and decent animation it still deserves to be higher up.


Worry cat is a music video made entirely by Literalhat for their "ratinthemachine" Project. Which is surprising decent work for being pushed out in 8 days .Artistically it beats out Planet in the babes, but another "We live in a Society and pay rent dude" message being repeated over and over again is just the constant choir of the animator writer these days.


Chips go woah is a great illustrator and it's interesting to see him do some animation. But should this have been placed above an 8 minute long full cartoon, and a 3 minute long music video? No. But that's just how it b fr fr no cap p-bot out of pocket for this one smh


As soon as you hear NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC "HIdden Agenda - Kevin Macleod" you know it's jover. Youtuber voiceover Storytime "animation" stuff kind of places this really low for me, but it should not have been higher than Top and RabRab - Player Three.

Response to: What would he say? Posted June 28th, 2023 in Art


Response to: WIP Animation Thread - RobC3 Posted June 12th, 2023 in Animation

You're the reason to visit the animation forum now TBH. Really nice movements!

Response to: Need help for my comic Posted April 17th, 2023 in Art

At 4/17/23 09:49 AM, Flikki wrote: Honk honk. I'm glad my years in clown school didn't go to waste.

Well done fleshing out the protagonist and sort of showing the limits of the collaborative nature of this threads idea. I was going to ask why the MC was lonely and how talking to ghosts might have impacted that, but you went for the head and did all the work putting this together.


I think you're upset because you based Shozu off of yourself, and when I said he should be 'whiny and unpleasant etc.' you took it to heart when I purely was just trying to make the character a little more three-dimensional.

The danger of making a self insert laid bare here as well. It's a rough road for writers to distance themselves from the character or accept their choice. Hope this fella gets it eventually.

Response to: Need help for my comic Posted April 16th, 2023 in Art

Where is he? Where is this setting?

Response to: Would There Ever Be A 51st State? Posted April 6th, 2023 in Animation

At 4/6/23 05:36 AM, RyanOnNewGrounds wrote: There Should

Go back to fucking Gen-


Response to: Weston Quest Posted March 21st, 2023 in Art

Funny thought: take a fish and make it talk. Break the ice before slippin into the cold waters below.

Response to: What's your favorite art software ? Posted March 17th, 2023 in Art

Ms paint.

At 3/8/23 12:39 PM, Flikki wrote: On a side note, I know you should take what everyone says on the internet with a heavy handful of salt, but someone said my art was 'mid'. My opinion on the word nonwithstanding (I prefer the term mediocre or middling), I think they're right. I've been thinking it for a while, but my art is kind of mediocre isn't it? I feel like I'm not creative like I used to be, that everything kinda blends into each other, and I hardly developed skillwise over the last couple years. I feel my art is robotic in a way, by the numbers.

Fuck that person.

Anyways herba derba "art is subjective to taste and preference" herba derba. Regardless of all that I do think you push forward subject matter that is niche. Certain choices you make aren't going to have broader appeal and that's ok (I enjoy most of those choices you make in this regard so understand my bias)

Maybe I deserve it for all the criticisms I've given to others.

True :y very true. But you also seem to be a critic of yourself as well. Always introspective about whether you're doing ok with your art.

The most important thing is that you're representing what you like in art the best you can. I'm sure you have a lot of inspirations you look up too and if you're not seeing what is present in their work that is missing in yours that where you should look for improvement! Take my advice with however much salt makes it palatable, but the truth is that when you're looking for more general appeal you should look at what the successful people doing what you like are doing and find out how you can do that with your art. It's a quick and easy way to find a path to follow and most times possible to recreate in most circumstances.

Best wishes on your art journey

sorry for not keeping in touch but still loving your work regardless of uncaring appraises (if that people didn't give a solution to this problem beyond "get good" they should stop giving mid critique )

Response to: Tell me what to animate Posted February 14th, 2023 in Animation

Yourself animating Wait at the end of the month?! That was January! BOO

Edit: OP delievered. What a cool guy

Response to: Is 2D dead or is it dying Posted February 14th, 2023 in Animation

3d is becoming easier to get into so the amount of 3d work being produced is growing. 2d is still just as hard as learning 3d which means it's easier for someone to make a decision now between animating in 2d or 3d. With cel shade textures and all sorts of short cuts 3d seems more appealing now then before for a lot of people but in the end it doesn't matter.

what matters if someone's enjoying making it, and if people stop making 2d art because it's not "Popular" then why were they making 2d art for to begin with? They should just move to what they consider to be more popular and do that if they just wanted attention.

Response to: Constructive criticism Posted January 31st, 2023 in Art

Making Goku appear less slanted in the picture . Beyond that, the stylization thing will be something you develop as you feel out what kind of art you like and keep drawing! Pixel readability is important too, but it's something you will have to consider when drawing pixel art.

Response to: Constructive criticism Posted January 30th, 2023 in Art

At 1/29/23 06:09 PM, Maksncheese wrote: Gimme some criticism on my art and what I can improve on, especially my pixel art, here are some examples but if you wanna see more just go to my profile


Ear pussy spotted

You are bending the stylization you're using a bit to far beyond the point of it being appealing (the Goku is slanted to the left. The pixel art is kinda hard to read (identifying certain landmarks to tell it's a face).

The fix would be to do anatomy studies in conjunction to style studies to understand how/why things work and then go at them again with the phantom arcade flash fnf Akira Toriyama you're aiming for.

For what it is these aren't terrible but could be better.

Response to: How long does it take to master the 12 principles? Posted December 22nd, 2022 in Animation

5 seconds. 4 if you use youtube tutorials.

Response to: dumb project Posted October 17th, 2022 in Animation

An animation Ice cream parlor? If not bounce back to General so you can get people to help you with your project.

Response to: This site is the only pillar safe for animation Posted October 14th, 2022 in Animation

Working in the industry? What a funny! It can be done! I for one think the restrictiveness outweighs the security of a job, but some people are okey being cogs and being creative for an uncaring money machine! Working in the confines of the box makes for cool things sometimes!

Anywho youtube can also be a safe place for animation as well. Unless you're talking about posting Naughty stuff but even then youtube still allows that until you get too spicy. Which in that case the creator can do their whoring here instead of on Kid friendly Youtube and do it on Kid and adult friendly Newgrounds!iu_774743_5077139.png

Kid friendly all the way!

Content here isn't as free as it was in days past. Newgrounds is still pretty cool though and has a working process for getting stuff seen by people. But it's another wheelhouse of how you handle yourself on the platform and who you know.

But it doesn't matter.

None of this matters if you're not making stuff. Ain't worth nothing if you got nothin you dig?

Response to: SKETCH COLLAB 2022 Posted September 26th, 2022 in Collaboration

The link to the discord is offline at the moment while we sort through a lot of applicants!

If the link isn't working this is why. If you're still interested in joining the Sketch Collab this year please be patient and let us know here in this forum and we'll get back to you when the new invite link is created!

Thank you! Stoked to see the submissions this year!

Response to: SKETCH COLLAB 2022 Posted September 26th, 2022 in Collaboration

At 9/26/22 01:00 PM, ShiroGaia wrote: If there's not a cap limit. Def would wanna partake again this year

With how many members we're getting right now there is a good chance there will be a cut off point this year. I'm working on getting as many members in as possible before that time.

Response to: SKETCH COLLAB 2022 Posted September 26th, 2022 in Collaboration

At 9/26/22 12:20 PM, GGMagenta wrote: have to be on a specific or a minimum framerate

The final video will be exported at 24 Fps so a Framerate around 12 or 24 fps is preferred.

Response to: Favorite Animated Web Series Posted September 26th, 2022 in Animation

I dunno, maybe Four swords misadventures by Hadoken dude

But definitely not that object animation show. No way jose! Do I look like a baby? I'm a grown man! I watch manly cartoons like My Little Pony:" Friendship is magic and Kleo the misfit Unicorn!


Response to: Biggest struggle with animating? Posted August 13th, 2022 in Animation

Finding time to animate.

When living with my parents I had time to sit and do anything with that time, but now working a full time job while balancing being healthy and social to an extent while also trying to find time to improve other skills in illustration and design at the same time feels like an impossibility. To this day it seems all my goals are just to open up more free time to get stuff done.

Response to: First animation! Critiques are appreciated Posted August 11th, 2022 in Animation

At 8/11/22 03:18 PM, AzizQ wrote:
i was trying to do the ball bouncing across the screen exercise, but I noticed that the ball got smaller and bounced too hard, so I got a lil’ creative. Any thoughts?

The strech you gave the ball is cool. It's not really a bouncing ball test anymore but it's a fun Ball bouncing with spring things assist so it's cool.

Are you doing animation practices for anything in particular or just for fun?