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Response to: Looking for a game in the deep sea... Posted July 10th, 2021 in Where is / How to / Help!

At 7/10/21 07:32 AM, Mikoma wrote: Is this it?
love this game, wasn't good at it though. I hunted this game down after reading your description since it made me really want to play it again lol

Yeah, that's it!

Thank you very much!!!


I'm looking for a game I played here on NG... it's been uploaded in the past two years, so it's a recent one.

It's a game about deep sea diving: if I remember correctly, it's done in pixel art, and it has a vertical top-down progression.

It's about a girl who jumps from her boat and dives deeper and deeper. There are enemies (sharks and pointed-shell bearing shellfishes) that she has to avoid, but she can topple the shellfishes, pick up their shell and throw them as a weapon.

I've searched with every possible word, but I can't find it... does anyone remember its name?

Thank you!

Response to: Has OrangeFluff followed you yet? Posted November 17th, 2020 in General

At 10/25/20 06:24 PM, Positron832 wrote: I think the @followino thing is catching on... Anyone else here got followed by them?

Me, too.

Response to: Munguia, 1976-2020 Posted April 9th, 2020 in NG News

Fuck! I've been following Munguia for a while, and I've enjoyed a lot of his games... this post really hit me hard.

Farewell, Munguia, you'll be missed by this community.

Response to: What dead franchises you want back? Posted August 30th, 2019 in Video Games

Blood. After the flop of Blood 2, and the horribly designed expansion "The Nightmare Levels", Blood has fallen into oblivion. Recently Night Dive Studios has made a remastered version (Blood: Fresh Supply), but it's not a new game, just a remaster of the first game. Sad thing that none of the developers/current rights holders want to do that (not Mnolith nor Atari).

Also Half-Life. I REALLY want that damned Episode 3 out (considering how HL2: Episode 2 ended with a cliffhanger.

At 7/18/19 12:19 AM, Gage wrote: Half-Life
System Shock (Not just a remake)
Deus Ex
Jet Set Radio

I would want Deus Ex to be under a different publisher.

STALKER is, well, you know...

I'd like Stalker to come back, too. But there are good news about it: GSC is working on Stalker 2. It will be released in 2021, they say.

Response to: Irony alert: Pornhub wants Tumblr Posted May 5th, 2019 in General

At 5/4/19 09:05 PM, PriusRepellent wrote: Ironic irony is ironically ironic.

Unironically this.

Response to: Irony alert: Pornhub wants Tumblr Posted May 4th, 2019 in General

At 5/4/19 06:26 PM, Phobotech wrote: That could be bad news for NG.

Unless PornHub is considering a partnered sponsorship with us next.

That could be, you're right, but I couldn't help see an enormous amount of irony in those news.

But as GallowJolt has said, tumblr artists who have migrated here five months ago have had a lot of time to build up followers on NG. Even if PornHub does the trick, maybe those artists will keep uploading their works both on NG and Tumblr.

Irony alert: Pornhub wants Tumblr Posted May 4th, 2019 in General

Just saw this:



The irony in here is so big I fear it's going to crush me.

Response to: Prove Your American! Posted April 2nd, 2019 in General

I've proven I'm American. Even if I'm not.


Response to: Article 13 Updates Posted April 2nd, 2019 in NG News

Loved it. As I said in another thread, the new EU legislation is utterly ridiculous.

I enjoyed this new feature of NG a lot! (took some screenshots, too)

It took a while for me to answer the questions of the validation process in the most American way possible, but in the end I managed to do it!

Response to: Article 13 and Newgrounds Posted April 1st, 2019 in General

I'm taking screenshots of today's Newgrounds because it's fucking hilarious!

Fully supporting this, the recent legislation of the EU is utterly ridiculous.

(Also, I'm writing this blindly, because I'm currently not seeing other posts: I've been protected for my own safety. Lol, don't know shit about what's going on in this thread!).

Response to: Full Art now in Feed! Posted February 12th, 2019 in NG News

Great news!

Regarding the Front Page, I think it should stay as it is. This way people may discover new content more easily, even outside their feeds.

Response to: Best of January 2019! Posted February 7th, 2019 in NG News

Congratulations to the winners!

Response to: Tag Update and Salad Fingers 11! Posted February 1st, 2019 in NG News

At 2/1/19 07:22 AM, TheBoogyFlicker wrote:
At 2/1/19 04:29 AM, Nirag wrote: Truly a month full of surprises.
First, the new Starbarians episode, which I've been waiting for years.
Then, a new Salad Fingers episode, which I've been waiting for years too.
January's been a great month for animation!
You forgot Madness Combat 11.

Thanks, I totally forgot this!

Response to: Tag Update and Salad Fingers 11! Posted February 1st, 2019 in NG News

Truly a month full of surprises.

First, the new Starbarians episode, which I've been waiting for years.

Then, a new Salad Fingers episode, which I've been waiting for years too.

January's been a great month for animation!

Response to: Gimme games to play Posted January 27th, 2019 in Video Games

At 1/5/19 11:25 PM, tablemilk wrote: I'm looking for some different games to play, so throw your favorites in and some good suggestions. Personally I really like FPS games and my hot hot ones right now are PUBG FEAR 2 Insurgency Sandstorm and I just purchased Post Scriptum but I'm willing to try anything interesting so just throw some titles at me!

Give Doom (2016) a try, it's worth it.

Response to: Windows 7 Has One Year Left! Posted January 20th, 2019 in General

My main problem is that it takes a lot of time to be ready for action, when I turn it on. I enter the password to login, the desktop appears, but then the laptop works like hell on I don't know what. I had a previous laptop with Windows 7, and it didn't behave like this.

Response to: Windows 7 Has One Year Left! Posted January 20th, 2019 in General

At 1/20/19 12:30 PM, SnootAnon wrote: If they didn't fuck with the user interface so much, add a ton of dumb features nobody asked for and force updates on your computer in the middle of what I was doing, I'd be okay with Win 10. Unfortunately, shit like this makes me yearn for the days of Win 7 and XP and 2000. At least Ubuntu still exists if Win 10 starts to become a trainwreck.

Do you mean there's not the possibility to download & install upgrade when you want? It just downloads and installs no matter what you're doing? I'm asking because I've never noticed this, I don't use my laptop very often, so when I turn it on the first thing I do is to check for updates. I've never seen its natural behaviour on the matter.

At 1/20/19 02:22 PM, Painbringer wrote: Have you gone through the privacy settings and turned off every switch?

Also, you can go to the Performance Options and select the "Adjust for best performance" button.

No, I never tried those. I'll try asap, thank you for the advice!

Response to: Windows 7 Has One Year Left! Posted January 20th, 2019 in General

At 1/20/19 05:56 AM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
At 1/20/19 04:55 AM, Nirag wrote: I have a laptop with Window 10, and it's incredibly fuckin slow (hope it's just an issue of the laptop and now of the OS), but this aside, I really can't get used to Windows 10 graphics layout.
What's the name of the add-on you said you've used?
I’m using Classic Shell, but I looked up the link and it’s no longer in development.

Classic Start appears to be its heir, as it uses the same source code.

Thank you very much, I'll try it!

Response to: Windows 7 Has One Year Left! Posted January 20th, 2019 in General

At 1/14/19 06:35 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote: That’s annoying, because I can’t get used to Windows 10. For about a year I’ve used an add-on that reconfigures the windows bar into the window 7 format, because the A to Z list is unwieldy.

Nothing can top Windows 7.

I'm using Windows 7, and I consider it the best OS I've ever used. It even towers above Windows XP (which I considered the best one before 7 came out). Vista was shit.

I'm sad that Window 7 will stop getting updates, but I think I'll just move to 10 when it happens... I don't like windows 10's graphic layout, but if there's a way to customize it, it will make the process a bit less painful. I have a laptop with Window 10, and it's incredibly fuckin slow (hope it's just an issue of the laptop and now of the OS), but this aside, I really can't get used to Windows 10 graphics layout.

What's the name of the add-on you said you've used?

Response to: Made a video of me attempting to VA Posted January 17th, 2019 in Voice Acting

At 1/15/19 01:36 PM, AustinTheKat wrote: Really nervous about posting this, but I guess if I really wanna VA, I gotta put myself out there. (Despite what my anxiety says.) I honestly don't really know what I'm doing, and my equipment isn't the best. Also too poor to get anything high-quality. (One day though.) I just work with what I got and hope it'll work out. The video is here, so consider maybe checking it out I guess.

Hey, you're really talented!

Keep up the great work!!

Response to: Netflix The Punisher Season 2 Posted January 5th, 2019 in General

Imho, Punisher S01 is the best Marvel serie so far. I really hope they do keep the vibe in the second season, and not spoil it.

Response to: My game was stolen Posted January 4th, 2019 in Game Development

Oh look, there are my games over there, too:



I remember that "It came from outside" was uploaded on another site just a few days it got frontpaged... My best guess is that these sites take a stroll on NG and take everything they can get their hands on without asking.

I don't think this can be called "stealing" in the meaning of the first comment of this thread, though. They've been just uploaded without permission.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted January 2nd, 2019 in Game Development

Hi everybody!

I've stumbled upon this thread while lurking the game dev forum, and I'm interested because I'm having some issues with Unity, too.

Every time I made a WebGL build, different errors would show up in the browser's console. I'm not an expert of Unity, so I had to lurk around for a bit in various forums. In my ignorance, I've discovered that Unity implemented the possibility to build in WebGL using WebAssembly since this summer. Before then, WebGL builds were made in "asm.js". So, the WebAssembly option in Unity is quite recent. Other users have said that they started to have these kind of issues only with the latest Unity versions. My best guess is that, as of now, WebAssembly might be a part of the problem. I've tried to set the Linker Target to "asm.js", and some errors disappeared. But there's more.

After a little brain-storming with @RainbowCemetery, he advised me to turn off the "Data caching" option in the Build Settings. I've tried to do it, and now my game seems to work fine. I need to make some more tests before declaring my issues "solved", but in the meantime I wanted to drop here the few things I've learned, in hope that they could help other users with similar issues.

I don't remember all the errors that popped up in the browser's console, but here are some of them:

1) Could not create PersistentEngine - make sure PersistentEngine, prefab is present in a Resources folder. (Note: PersistentEngine was already in a "Resources" folder).

2) CompileError: wasm validation error: at offset 4568687: function body length too big

After I did the aforementioned actions, these errors seems to have gone for good. I'll let you guys know if I discover something else.

Response to: Steam Winter Sale 2018 Posted December 24th, 2018 in Video Games

At 12/20/18 10:48 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote: Well, it's that time of year again y'all. It's the 2018 Steam Winter Sale! As well as all of the specials that are on, you can participate in Steam's Extremely Cozy Cottage Of Surprises too!

Have you found any good deals so far? What games are you going to buy? So far I'll be getting Undertale, Emily Is Away Too and Spooky Ghosts Dot Com. I haven't decided on what else I'm getting yet. I have to wait until Christmas until I can buy the games I want, so I'm really looking forward to that.

Happy holidays everyone!

Good deals: I've found Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice and The Witness. On Itch.io I've found Brutal Legend for 3$.

Response to: Update: Commissions, Tags, Projects Posted December 16th, 2018 in NG News

Amazing news!
It's galvanizing to see Newgrounds working at full engine!

Response to: Welcome Artists & Best of November! Posted December 11th, 2018 in NG News

At 12/10/18 07:13 PM, Mel-Agaroth-Xilliam wrote: The only Fallacy I see here is is that my opinion triggered you into using an overly beaten to death quasi Strawman (see I get to use cool terms too, how neat is that huh ?)

Nice that you can use the cool terms, too. Next step will be understanding what they mean, right?
A strawman is (cit. Wikipedia), "giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent". You literally said that "it's only a matter of time before we become tumblr 2.0", so I'm not twisting your words in a convenient way.

You obviously never seen what the bowels of Tumblr had it in, already we have had more furry content submitted within the last few weeks Than we EVER had Before the Exodus of Tumblr . linked directly to artists that are new or admit to being refugees from tumblr

No, I've never been in the deep bowels of Tumblr. If you don't like furry content, just skip it, it doesn't look so difficult to do. I get it, you hate furry and diaper, but should that kind of content be excluded because a few people don't like it?

we're not talking about a one off flash game that has long since been deleted , we're talking about being flooded (literally) by THOUSANDS of Artists, and a good 98 % of them will automatically get scouted once here, because they have some form of connection here .

Club-a-seal was just a SINGLE example of what I was saying. Or should I list every single flash game/animation/art in the history of NG that has been controversial?
Also, you talk about those LITERALLY THOUSANDS of new artists as if that's a bad thing. You're assuming that those thousands all post furry diaper fetishes and other things like these? I've taken a look to the art portal this morning, and in the first four pages of the portal I've seen very little furry content. That's why I called it a "slippery slope": you're seeing a catastrophic event where there isn't one.

It's not about being pure , it's about not having undesirable content.

Again: "undesirable content" is just your opinion. You're just whining because you see content you don't like. Nothing new under sun, people have been doing this since the beginning. If you don't like it, vote accordingly. But other people have the same right as you of seeing content they like on this site.

Response to: Welcome Artists & Best of November! Posted December 8th, 2018 in NG News

At 12/7/18 05:15 PM, Mel-Agaroth-Xilliam wrote:
secondly it's only a matter of time before we become tumblr 2.0, I don't know about you but I for one don't wish to see that happening, we should not have to rely on a function of the site but rather lay down actual rules that forbid such content .

there was a reason these people had their content barred from tumblr , because it was not fit for human consumption !.

That's a slippery slope fallacy... I don't think NG will become the next tumblr. Personally, I'm glad that NG is gaining the visibility it deserves! Instead of looking at it from a catastrophic point of view, consider that the newfound (no pun intended) fame of NG will attract more people, not only artists, but also animators and maybe someone interested in developing games.
As for the reason you stated, I agree with DoctorStrongbad: poor business decision. To cleanse their site from pornbots (which users warned the staff about for a long time, but were left unlistened) and regain their place in the AppStore, they purged everything even remotely pornographic. Furthermore, I think that a lot of people considered some NG contents "not fit for human consumption" since the beginning of the site itself (Club-a-seal was met with a lot of controversy, if I remember well), so it's not that someone here gets to decide what's fit for the human eye or not.

Response to: Welcome, 2nd Wave of New Artists! Posted December 7th, 2018 in NG News

I remember that some time ago, there was a discussion in the Forums where a boy came out of the closet in front of everyone. I remember there were words of support, someone that was a bit skeptic about the thing (the boy claimed to be of a very young age), but I don't remember homophobia manifestations. I really hope nothing like this happens to you, NG is a very inclusive community.

Don't worry: in every review there is a "flag" button, which can be used to report reviews that are considered "abusive" (i.e. spam, insults, etc.) for deletion, so it's very unlikely that a review section becomes a mess of stupid childish/trollish comments.

At 12/7/18 03:35 AM, Ruehl21 wrote:
At 12/6/18 11:08 PM, StarpunkD wrote: Soooo, everything looks cool and promising, but I see that the first problem that actually made me forego Newgrounds for a couple of years before is still here: the blatant homophobia of the audience here. Like... I know my art style quite well to say it doesn't look awful to be voted 1 or 2, but any time I upload anything GAY here, the pics get downvoted. And don't even start talking artistic merits here.

If you really wish to give home to many artists from Tumblr, this is one thing you've got to think how to solve.
I think the idea was more to welcome Tumblr refugees to their home, not make a home for us. They have no responsibility to make us a home. They don't even have to welcome us. We're the ones coming into other peoples' homes where the ladies are enjoyed more than the men, and thus views and ratings are likely to reflect that.

I don't think it's worth worrying over, as it's only problematic if the comment section is crapped on immaturely, and even then, trolls and children are to be left alone. You should do you regardless of what others think/rate, and so should anyone else who joins. It's simpler that way. I do hope things get better for you, but I'd rather the site doesn't get changed too much to do it.
Response to: Welcome, 2nd Wave of New Artists! Posted December 4th, 2018 in NG News

Welcome to you all!
It's great to see such a great influx of artists!
I hope you'll enjoy your time here on NG!