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Game Dev looking for a Composer Posted 2 weeks ago in Audio

Greetings comrades.

I, D-ray, am a freelance programmer, artist, animator and writer, primarily focused on making games (I'm also very good looking and intelligent, but I don't think it matters in this context).

As you probably noticed, "composer" is not on the list, as the closest thing to me "producing music" is when I'm in dire need to release a flatulence.

To cut things short, technically I do already have a trusted composer, but he's currently occupied with studies.

So I'm looking for another one who wants to make music for a small project of mine. Keep in mind that I'd prefer someone who doesn't currently make music PROFESSIONALLY, but someone who's just looking for a place to make experiences and, eventually, get better.

Professionals are fine too of course, but if I find someone as good as you, and it's a freelancer instead of a professional, I'll be more prone in choosing him/her.

I don't think I need to tell you, but this game project is for Newgrounds, so you won't earn anything but experience points from this (which is still pretty cool I guess).

So, if you think you've got the time, guts and the requirements to work with the undersigned, hit me up with a private message here on Newgrounds.

You can answer me or post stuff here too if you want to show off, but if we get in touch, I'll share you informations ONLY privately.

Have a good one comrades.


Response to: Glitched Character Limit Posted 1 month ago in Where is / How to / Help!

At 11/13/23 04:39 PM, TomFulp wrote: Oh weird, gmail had sent it to spam. I replied now with a request for some more info to test with!

Hey Tom, do you have an update on the matter? I tried to fix the bio of the project again today but it still gives me the same glitch...

Response to: Glitched Character Limit Posted November 13th, 2023 in Where is / How to / Help!

At 11/13/23 04:39 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 11/13/23 04:32 PM, NeoD-ray wrote: Hey, comrades.

So I've been trying to properly post my latest poop drawing for the last two days, but there's a weird and rather annoying glitch that keeps messing up with the description.

Basically, the publish page keeps spamming me the character limit pop up, saying that "Long description can not exceed 12288 characters".
However, the description still has 1000+ characters to spare when it's done.
The weird thing, is that if there are 2000+ characters to spare instead of 1000+, it lets me save the project: the EVEN weirder thing, is that when I change some text from Normal to Italics (or Bold), it says that "Long description can not exceed 12288 characters" AGAIN even if the character count does not raise.

I tried contacting the support e-mail of Newgrounds and I haven't got an answer yet. Is there someone who knows how to work around this glitch, or maybe there's a cool admin out there who can flag this issue?

Thank you so much and have a good one.
Oh weird, gmail had sent it to spam. I replied now with a request for some more info to test with!

Gmail muh, treating my well written e-mails like spam...

Anyway, thanks for answering Tom, I've sent you the script/author description as reply on Gmail.

Glitched Character Limit Posted November 13th, 2023 in Where is / How to / Help!

Hey, comrades.

So I've been trying to properly post my latest poop drawing for the last two days, but there's a weird and rather annoying glitch that keeps messing up with the description.

Basically, the publish page keeps spamming me the character limit pop up, saying that "Long description can not exceed 12288 characters".

However, the description still has 1000+ characters to spare when it's done.

The weird thing, is that if there are 2000+ characters to spare instead of 1000+, it lets me save the project: the EVEN weirder thing, is that when I change some text from Normal to Italics (or Bold), it says that "Long description can not exceed 12288 characters" AGAIN even if the character count does not raise.

I tried contacting the support e-mail of Newgrounds and I haven't got an answer yet. Is there someone who knows how to work around this glitch, or maybe there's a cool admin out there who can flag this issue?

Thank you so much and have a good one.

Response to: Games Front Page Suggestion Thread Posted June 11th, 2023 in Game Development

At 6/10/23 11:47 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 6/10/23 11:33 AM, NeoD-ray wrote: No, but I've found M and A rated games on the front page, even though I have the filter on for that content.
Does the filter ignore the front page or... ?
Filters are applied to Artist News and "Best New Games & Movies!" on the front page but they aren't applied to the daily winners or featured content at the moment.

Oh damn... thanks Tom.


Response to: Games Front Page Suggestion Thread Posted June 10th, 2023 in Game Development

No, but I've found M and A rated games on the front page, even though I have the filter on for that content.

Does the filter ignore the front page or... ?

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 7th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/6/23 06:06 PM, Grimmsketch wrote: Can I rant about how fun it is to kill people and do random bullshit

Maybe in a different collab of mine, but not this one. And... you're late anyway. So...

...go urinate off... and kill people at this point.

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 6th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/6/23 07:41 AM, Fantas1 wrote: Sniper from tf2 moment

Yeah, we share many things in common me and Mr.Mundee. Especially the love of urinating in jars.

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 6th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/6/23 06:24 AM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: Idk if you're doing a character or something but you could just say you're not doing it with me. I'm sorry I'm busy and have stuff to do. Just edit the post with your opinions and don't include me because I don't like people talking shit about me without even knowing me.

Tough question. Probably 60% character, and 40% true me. Probably around that percentage mathematically speaking. I don't know, people never really bothered it.

But hey, not everyone can take D-ray's hustle, I can understand that. So, carry on and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

@ColinsCreations, you are in now comrade, you Fortuna kisser! I don't I need to give you my impression on you as I already kinda know you, but just don't expect that I'll 100% choose you ok?

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 6th, 2023 in Collaboration


Thank you all for applying to my super cool interview! From this post onward, any new entries will be considered charity ads! AGAGAGHAHAHAGAGAGA!! I'm SOO B A D !!!

Anyway, now here's the FULL LIST of the possible "candidates" or however that's written in this stupid language:

  • @TommyTheTaxEvader, I don't like you. No really, I don't. But there's a lot of people who I don't like out there that can still entertain me with something, one way or another.
  • @THE-BOT-FLY, you are creepy, and I like it! I haven't yet met someone who draws in such weird and f*cked up style, so it could be interesting hearing the reasons you have and the ideals you hold. Or maybe you're just f*cked up, that's a chance too.
  • @CrockettDK, knowing Wendoe ain't gonna give you a bonus, you know that? But you were faster than most people, and I respect that. I don't respect the weeb water though, get a REAL men (or whatever animal you are) drink, like an iced-tea or something.
  • @Flikki, were you like in bio-suspension or something? Anyway, you gave me a "mid" impression, but if you are chosen, you'll be the first female starring in my interviews. I mean, as long as Wendoe isn't a female? Bruh, that little thing is weird... and I like it!
  • @JJBolton635, I f*cking hate you, straight. But I liked your boldness, serious! Sooo... huh... maybe? Maybe? Pray whatever fake god you believe in, and I may choose you!
  • @Skoops, feces, an aesthetically pleasing woman entering the diner just to talk to me? I'll never get a break from this curse. Anyway, you seem to hold interesting trivia, believe it or not. So... who knows?
  • @captainsmilez, I was joking, you didn't really need to give your body for science. But since you got the last seat, if I were you, I'll start smooching with the blindfolded harlot and give my super cool interviewer D-ray a good time.

And there you have it!

Now the only thing you need to do is wait a day or two, but I think I have a clear mind on who's gonna get ditched and who's not this time, maybe it will take less.

And, to the ones who didn't make the cut, here's a picture of a cute doggy:


See ya peons!

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 6th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/5/23 06:37 PM, ColinsCreations wrote: Sorry that I've not spoken to you for the longest time, a lot has been going on. Hopefully this can be an opportunity to reconnect. My family has this uncanny trait of starting where it all left off even after a long period of time, so hopefully we can still chat if you give the chance. Just a humble glass of capriccio wine will do if you do accept me as the applicant.

Aww Colin! I was waiting for you, you mutt!

Sorry comrade but I can't put you in; you LITERALLY came a second late before closing the list.

You can... you know... "stop @captainsmilez from breathing" and I'll put YOU instead of him.

Otherwise, you'll have to wait for another opportunity, which I don't know when it will happen.

But hey, if you want to collab with the one and only D - R A Y on something else, I'm up for it!

Plus, Geo would probably be happy about it.

At 3/5/23 08:24 PM, WeirdAsIzzie wrote: Hello, saw this and decided to give it a shot.

I'll choose my artist persona
I like to drink Oak-brand flavoured milk

This is my drawing version of myself

At 3/5/23 10:32 PM, BastardFromBrooklyn wrote:
Might be harder to convert this pixel-art.

She likes to drink Coke Zero.

Sorry guys, the list is as full as the average Deviantart female now. BEAT IT.

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 6th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/5/23 02:47 PM, captainsmilez wrote:
At 3/5/23 02:43 PM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 3/5/23 03:45 AM, JJBolton635 wrote: Something extremely long and boring that not even Newgrounds recognizes it as text.
This ain't a job interview, and even then, I'm not working in a zoo.
But sure, I'll take you in the list, mainly because I needed some paper to wipe my hairy butt tonight. I already ripped off all that manga's pages I found in the trash.

At 3/5/23 10:51 AM, Skoops wrote: ghhhh... Hey. Door was open. Heard you were giving out drinks? If you're not gonna tell me where the good shit is, I'll find it myself. Wait, you're MIXING things? Looook at youuuu. Nah kid, f-ughgh... fuhgheddaboudit. Get your big sis a bottle of Kaoliang, ah? 'Attaboy.

Goddamn, you ask a lot of questions. Why you keep asking about my dad? You think I got daddy issues or something? This fuckin guy...
Well at least you are sober in clothing, so I think that checks out. Also, I have no idea who your dad is and I could care less. As long as you talk about art I'm down with whatever rambling you are on about.

At 3/5/23 10:59 AM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: Use this design:
but have him wear the weed chain seen here:
And he will drink Sierra Mist
If I see you smoke weed in my diner, I'll make you an anal aerosol with what has left of your blunt. But if you don't do that, you are ok I guess.

At 3/5/23 02:11 PM, captainsmilez wrote:
An interview that isn't a job interview where I have to brown-nose and exaggerate every mediocre skill I have?

Count me in!
I can't count you in without a picture.
And if I were you, I would give my body to science... and also hurry up posting a picture because I would be the last one of the list of the incredibly cool and handsome D-ray.

So, hurry before someone else steals the last seat.
Or don't. Look, do whatever you please I have to take a dump now and tomorrow I have to wake up really early for my job n' stuff.
ah crap sorry for not inserting my selfsona up my forum reply- heres a follow up-

Better late than never comrade.

At 3/5/23 02:56 PM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: Won’t smoke weed

You bet you won't.

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 5th, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/5/23 03:45 AM, JJBolton635 wrote: Something extremely long and boring that not even Newgrounds recognizes it as text.

This ain't a job interview, and even then, I'm not working in a zoo.

But sure, I'll take you in the list, mainly because I needed some paper to wipe my hairy butt tonight. I already ripped off all that manga's pages I found in the trash.

At 3/5/23 10:51 AM, Skoops wrote: ghhhh... Hey. Door was open. Heard you were giving out drinks? If you're not gonna tell me where the good shit is, I'll find it myself. Wait, you're MIXING things? Looook at youuuu. Nah kid, f-ughgh... fuhgheddaboudit. Get your big sis a bottle of Kaoliang, ah? 'Attaboy.

Goddamn, you ask a lot of questions. Why you keep asking about my dad? You think I got daddy issues or something? This fuckin guy...

Well at least you are sober in clothing, so I think that checks out. Also, I have no idea who your dad is and I could care less. As long as you talk about art I'm down with whatever rambling you are on about.

At 3/5/23 10:59 AM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: Use this design:
but have him wear the weed chain seen here:
And he will drink Sierra Mist

If I see you smoke weed in my diner, I'll make you an anal aerosol with what has left of your blunt. But if you don't do that, you are ok I guess.

At 3/5/23 02:11 PM, captainsmilez wrote:
An interview that isn't a job interview where I have to brown-nose and exaggerate every mediocre skill I have?

Count me in!

I can't count you in without a picture.

And if I were you, I would give my body to science... and also hurry up posting a picture because I would be the last one of the list of the incredibly cool and handsome D-ray.

So, hurry before someone else steals the last seat.

Or don't. Look, do whatever you please I have to take a dump now and tomorrow I have to wake up really early for my job n' stuff.

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 3rd, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/2/23 08:19 PM, Vampfairyx wrote: Sign me up for that, the queen will have that interview in no time, with my persona, ayesha redcorn.

P.S. grape soda will do

I highly doubt what you posted is yours.

But even then, you have no drawings on your profile. On what am I gonna interview you?

So I'll politely ask your "majesty" to read better next time.

At 3/3/23 06:50 AM, Flikki wrote: "Hello, my name is Athena. I'm a uh, drawn character created by Flikki, and if chosen will speak for them in the interview. My drink of choice is hot chocolate- NOT hot cocoa, hot chocolate. Barring that, a glass of milk is fine too."

"I've gone through a lot of artistic choices through the years, so I'm not often drawn consistently. Hope that isn't a problem.

Hope to speak to you soon!"

Who lives hoping, dies moping.

Well ok the original version doesn't say "moping" but "sh***ing", but it doesn't rhyme in English.

Anyway, you are in the list. I'm interested in hearing what the person that DRAWN you to life has to say! Or at least I'll try.

At 3/2/23 06:21 AM, THE-BOT-FLY wrote: ah damn, always forgetting things here and there, but since you suggest me one of your finniest drinks i''ll gladly accept your offer. just don't mind anything that floats on my glass like bugs, loose piece of organs and loose teeth after every sip


Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 2nd, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/2/23 03:30 AM, THE-BOT-FLY wrote:
At 3/1/23 03:16 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 2/28/23 10:05 PM, THE-BOT-FLY wrote: this looks fun, i'll take a crack at it
At 2/28/23 06:07 PM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: I’m interested
Cool, but you need to post your character here first.
ah i see, will this do?

It will be kind of tricky due to your "realistic" style, but if you can work it out well and it's a character that speaks for YOU (or it's you), sure!

However, you forgot the drink you want. If don't want anything in particular, I'll give you my specialty: "D-ray's Own Kidney Distillation".

If you don't want anything, I'll give you nothing. But I highly suggest you the "D-ray's Own Kidney Distillation", it's a GREAT drink trust me.

At 3/2/23 03:58 AM, CrockettDK wrote: I saw that you interviewed Wen before. I wanna take a crack at it.

this is an older drawing but gets the point across.
I forgot the drink. Ramuné, original flavor.

Ah yes! Me and Wendoe are very friends!

Anyway, that's cool, I'll just tell Scatole you want some "weeb water".

Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 2nd, 2023 in Collaboration

At 3/1/23 03:08 PM, Vidyabatter wrote: Could I use a character that is not original, but a parody?

The opposite of "yes".


Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted March 1st, 2023 in Collaboration

At 2/28/23 10:05 PM, THE-BOT-FLY wrote: this looks fun, i'll take a crack at it
At 2/28/23 06:07 PM, TommyTheTaxEvader wrote: I’m interested

Cool, but you need to post your character here first.

I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 3) Posted February 28th, 2023 in Collaboration

"You thought you'd get away, didn't you?!"

...said Basile Giroux, before murdering the "poor" Justine Florbelle.

And today, so do I plebeians!

It's been a long time, but after having finished TWO big projects of mine recently (yes because I DO something in life rather than being you), I wanted to take a break and do another interview with another one of you goofs!

Last time, Wendoe (former "anima" of @WVDB) kept me company with his silly rambling and particular attitude telling stories about his artist self. Not only that, but he's my friend now! I still need to clearly understand what that means, but he's one, which is something I guess.

So... do you think YOU have what it takes to be chosen for my interview this time?


Since I'm pretty sure you have other "important" stuff to do, like jerking off to that cactus lady in the front page, or kicking puppies (equally indicative of a smooth brained specimen) I'll be quick to explain how it works.

The process is the same of last time, but with some minor update here and there:

  1. You can either choose your alter-ego (artist persona, YOU basically) or an original character that speaks for you (better if it canonically knows you or something similar)
  2. Tell me what would you like to drink (Scatole, thanks to Chefpod, has an ENORMOUS set of inter-dimensional ingredients to make drinks now, so anything is allowed)
  3. Post your alter-ego, or original character that speaks for you, here (to break the ice mostly, but I need to practice in case I'll puke when I'll see you in person)
  4. Wait until I decide with who I'd like to make my interview with (self explanatory, is not like you have anything important to do right?)
  5. If you are chosen, we will decide a place to chat (available on DiscordSteamTwitter and Reddit)
  6. Once the interview is done, you have to draw your character in .PNG format as if you were in the same room as I am


I'll give you a doodle of the scene in which your character

will be sitting, and you will then draw him/her sat at my table in

.PNG format (so I can add him/her to the scene I draw).

Anarchy is bad, and so taking a shower more than once a week, so here are the rules:

  • No NSFW (can you draw something that doesn't flash breasts on people's faces, peon?)
  • Proper clothing (I had to cancel an interview last time because of this, so dress up like you are going to the funeral of your only brain cell)
  • Interview and drawing times can't go over 1 month (I do 80% of the work, you don't need more than a month to do your 20%; so if you have a job or anything that might heavily interfere with the time, DON'T SIGN UP PLEASE)
  • Personal answers at your own risk (everything you'll say will be copy pasted and showed to the public raw, like Scatole's spaghetti lmao... I mean, be careful if you don't want to get cancelled or some inept thing like that)
  • Swearing is allowed, but it will be censored (professionals have standards)
  • Identify in your character (be sincere and as humble as possible, like the undersigned)
  • Roleplaying actions are allowed (everything's cool, but if I hear one "owo" I'll kick your posterior out of my diner)

Once everything is done, the scene drawn will be posted on my profile, with the

entire script (adapted) in the description of it. Also, you will be obliviously credited for your work.

And that's it, thanks for considering to join in and... I mean, I really have to say it?

I care more about the boogers I have in my nose than being "socially polite".

Actually, I better stop pulling them out now that I think of them, last time I started bleeding again


oh... right, uhh... see ya.

Any question, doubt or concern can be posted down here in the comments! I'll answer to everything!

Response to: Missing GM2 API functions documentation. Posted February 10th, 2023 in Game Development

At 2/9/23 07:50 PM, Gimmick wrote: It's not the same API so you'll be best served by looking through the source code; I believe the "refer to newgrounds.io" is more for reference about what each function does. Since they don't use the exact same name, you'll have to use the closest matching equivalent. (That said, most of them are self-explanatory..)

For example, ng_unlockmedal => Medal.unlock; seems obvious enough but you may not necessarily know what "ng_loadReferral" is until you check the equivalent, Loader.loadReferral:

Ah alright! Thank you!

Hey comrades!

I'm making a poop game in Game Maker Studio 2 for Newgrounders to play, and I wanted to add medals to it.

So, I looked up for the API on Negrounds.io and installed everything.

The functions all correctly appear in my project, and they probably work too, but they lack documentation on WHAT they do.

I downloaded them from here, and the text file in it refers to an information page that is this one.

However, said information page doesn't seem to contain ANY information on the Game Maker Studio 2 functions, like "ng_connect" and "ng_unlockmedal".

Am I dumb and can't see it, or is it actually missing?

Thanks bois.

Response to: Say a lie about an NG user! Posted February 6th, 2023 in General

@WVDB Hates the shit out of me and would never gift me a Super Scribblenauts DS cartridge if he had one.

Response to: No Fap November 2022 Posted November 2nd, 2022 in General

At 11/1/22 07:26 PM, WVDB wrote: What are you talking about, pretty sure it's Non-Stop Nut November.

Wendoe doesn't have a pp.


Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted January 25th, 2022 in Art

At 1/24/22 07:05 PM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 1/24/22 04:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 1/23/22 05:48 PM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 1/20/22 02:44 PM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 1/20/22 11:47 AM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 12/28/21 10:10 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:51 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
Holy shit is that Tom Fulp as a Fallout NPC?
That's smiling Alexander Degtyarev from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat™ you uncivilized plebeian.
I love ya man
Sorry, but I'm already engaged.
Why are all the depressed ukrainian alcoholics taken or dead :(
Not depressed, just a little sad.
Not Ukrainian, just a very handsome Italian.
Not alcohol addicted, just someone who likes Tabasco a little too much.

Go to the 100 Rads Bar. You'll find ALL the depressed Ukrainian alcoholics that you want there.
Sadly, the 100 rads bar has closed down as of late due to threats of Russian military aggression.



Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted January 24th, 2022 in Art

At 1/23/22 05:48 PM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 1/20/22 02:44 PM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 1/20/22 11:47 AM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 12/28/21 10:10 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:51 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
Holy shit is that Tom Fulp as a Fallout NPC?
That's smiling Alexander Degtyarev from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat™ you uncivilized plebeian.
I love ya man
Sorry, but I'm already engaged.
Why are all the depressed ukrainian alcoholics taken or dead :(

Not depressed, just a little sad.

Not Ukrainian, just a very handsome Italian.

Not alcohol addicted, just someone who likes Tabasco a little too much.

Go to the 100 Rads Bar. You'll find ALL the depressed Ukrainian alcoholics that you want there.

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted January 20th, 2022 in Art

At 1/20/22 11:47 AM, TescoGreenBeans wrote:
At 12/28/21 10:10 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:51 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
Holy shit is that Tom Fulp as a Fallout NPC?
That's smiling Alexander Degtyarev from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat™ you uncivilized plebeian.
I love ya man

Sorry, but I'm already engaged.

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted December 28th, 2021 in Art

At 12/28/21 10:16 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 10:10 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:51 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
Holy shit is that Tom Fulp as a Fallout NPC?
That's smiling Alexander Degtyarev from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat™ you uncivilized plebeian.
They look kinda similiar if you ask me

Yoooo, I'm not sleeping tonight.

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted December 28th, 2021 in Art

At 12/28/21 09:51 AM, WendigoVDB wrote:
At 12/28/21 09:45 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
Holy shit is that Tom Fulp as a Fallout NPC?


That's smiling Alexander Degtyarev from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat™ you uncivilized plebeian.

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted December 28th, 2021 in Art


Response to: Secret Santa 2021! Posted November 6th, 2021 in Art

My pleasure.


Response to: I want YOU, for my INTERVIEW (act 2) Posted July 24th, 2021 in Collaboration

At 7/24/21 08:41 AM, ColinsCreations wrote:
At 7/24/21 03:44 AM, NeoD-ray wrote:
At 7/23/21 08:03 PM, ColinsCreations wrote: I don't 100% understand this, but I'll try to get the hang of it as we go along (if I get selected).
"My name is Colin Livana, artist on the rise, man of faith, still in development hell when it comes to responsibility. I still haven't shown ALL I can do, but I'm pretty good with colors (if I do say so myself). If I haven't peeked your interest, well. . .that just shows I still have quite a ways to go, but I understand I can't impress everyone. If I am selected, however, I'll try to deliver a good impression (not everything is guaranteed after all, but I can guarantee quality when putting my nose to the grindstone), and create a work that'll leave you floored, I even already have an idea I'd like to try."
To leave a good impression on me you just have to draw in a non-anime style.
And don't talk about luck. I hate luck. I hate Fortuna. Raktineous all the way.
I understand, I've been told to expand my horizons to other styles, I'm willing to do that, and I'm happy I got selected, thank you very much. What time should I expect a message?

Maybe 15 hours or less. I'm very undecided this time.