Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Response to: Full Art now in Feed! Posted February 12th, 2019 in NG News

Ohhhh i didn't even know about the feed, that should be a little more promanent imo.

Response to: Art Multi-Image and Blog Tags! Posted January 20th, 2019 in NG News

I think it would be great if you could extend the ammount of art displayed on a user page. Less clicks for more images would be great :D

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted January 20th, 2019 in Game Development

At 1/20/19 07:16 AM, Laraxking wrote: Hi. Why is our game not working ? https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/722207

You game worked for me on chrome, but maybe try what Aprime suggested! His solution worked for me!

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted January 12th, 2019 in Game Development

Upon further testing letting a bunch of people try the preview link, no one has told me it doesn't work, i assume the issues i have are just me somehow...

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted January 12th, 2019 in Game Development

At 12/24/18 06:52 PM, Aprime wrote: Hey guys,

A lot of these errors you can ignore. The most important ones are the memory leak and the index out of bounds. Or any which sends out an alert.

The way to get rid of the majority of these issues are going to your publish settings - other settings - preload assets and adding all your sound, newgrounds api folders into here. Then under logging, check the box none for all of them apart from exceptions - leave that on Script Only. Finally, if you're happy with your build, go to the publish settings and chose Brotli under Compression format. This takes longer, but it compresses the package more.

i tried this, now it actually starts to download but i'm getting this error that i can't access the database?

it did load after a refresh, but this still worries me.

edit:it did not work after a refresh again


Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted December 26th, 2018 in Game Development

At 12/24/18 06:52 PM, Aprime wrote: Hey guys,

A lot of these errors you can ignore. The most important ones are the memory leak and the index out of bounds. Or any which sends out an alert.

The way to get rid of the majority of these issues are going to your publish settings - other settings - preload assets and adding all your sound, newgrounds api folders into here. Then under logging, check the box none for all of them apart from exceptions - leave that on Script Only. Finally, if you're happy with your build, go to the publish settings and chose Brotli under Compression format. This takes longer, but it compresses the package more.

I will try this and post if it worked for me.

At 12/25/18 01:02 AM, NewgDane wrote:
At 12/19/18 06:58 AM, Uber-Pie wrote: Ok. Im done.
I'm trying several unity versions, old builds(which somehow worked earlier), clean build only with images and music and etc.
I keep getting the error on the screen. I don't know, what to do, but loading webgl builds from unity is totally broken on the newgrounds.
Same build is working on itch.io and other same sites.
Now I am absolutely sure, that the problem not from my side.
Newgrounds are one of the most amazing sites for sharing web games, but right now it is totally unavailable for me and my new projects.
I guess the real question is, "Is Newgrounds aware of this problem, and if so, are they planning on doing something about it?" Because otherwise I won't be posting games here either.

I've emailed newgrounds many times about this problem, i'm not sure if they're aware it's a large scale problem but they are aware that this is happening to some people.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted December 9th, 2018 in Game Development

This is very much the same kind of errors i'm getting. What is the download size of your game?

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted December 9th, 2018 in Game Development

At 12/9/18 03:57 AM, Uber-Pie wrote: Thank you for the tips, BryceSummer. But it doesn't help. :(

It is my personal opinion the issue is file size related. How large is your unity game? Whats the largest singular file?

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted November 24th, 2018 in Game Development

hey peeps do me a favor and tell me if you're getting "shaderassets0.assets is corrupted" kind of errors in the console (ctrl+shift+i usually).

And also "failed to load level0" errors too.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted November 24th, 2018 in Game Development

At 11/24/18 06:41 AM, darkwoodtales wrote: Hi,
I'm getting a following error when I try to preview my game:

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
RuntimeError: index out of bounds

Game link: https://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/1274823/preview

For some reason sometimes it throws error and sometimes not

I messaged them on twitter and it seems they're aware of the issue, i need to check in soon...

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted November 16th, 2018 in Game Development

At 11/16/18 04:53 PM, darkrchaos wrote: Yea that didn't work for me either. I feel like there has to be some way to do this though. I mean I still see people uploading unity games on newgrounds, and I doubt there all just using an old version.

Nah I'm sure a lot of people use older versions I know many still on 5.6

I at least don't expect most people to be on the latest. Not for a full project.

Regardless I've messaged the op and I hope they can do something about it.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted November 16th, 2018 in Game Development

At 11/16/18 03:28 PM, darkrchaos wrote: Based off the little I actually know, I think this has to do with newgrounds. Unity is compressing everything and newgrounds wants the uncompressed version. But I have no idea how to turn these files into the compressed versions that it wants.

Disabling compression didn't work for me at all, I tried literally every setting I can think of and different builds broke in different ways. I've been through like 20 builds so far.

I think there's a fundamental issue with how the site handles these builds thats probably incompatible with newer versions of unity specifically 2018.2 I think.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted November 16th, 2018 in Game Development

I've been trying for days to get a build working on newgrounds, my builds work perfectly fine when run locally but don't work at all when uploaded to newgrounds...




i've gotten just all manner of console errors I have no idea what to do anymore, just feels like i've tried everything and i've never had this issue before.

Is this some issue with newer version of unity? Does newgrounds server need some manner of configuration?

At 11/14/18 11:24 PM, darkrchaos wrote: When I build my unity game for WebGL I get files that are different then the instructions. I get:

- ShooterGame.asm.code.unityweb
- ShooterGame.asm.framework.unityweb
- ShooterGame.asm.memory.unityweb
- ShooterGame.data.unityweb
- ShooterGame.json
- UnityLoader

When I try to run it on newgrounds I get this error.
"An error occured running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was: SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical"
SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical

What am I suppose to do?

I think my error is the same as yours...

My build deffinitely works on other platforms like itch.io so this must be some issue with newgrounds?