Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Response to: July Gam Jam (Egg) Winners! Posted August 31st, 2021 in NG News

Wow what a funny coincidence. We didn't participate in this particular Game Jam, but 5 years ago my College did a Game Jam with the same exact Theme.

We uploaded what we made in 48 hours to NG!

Plan C!

Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted November 23rd, 2016 in Game Development

At 11/23/16 01:52 AM, LunaWolfStudios wrote: Hello!

I'm attempting to get the Newgrounds.io working with my Unity WebGL game. Whenever I try to post a score I get a null thrown. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Does the game need to be published to test leaderboards and medals?

I've attached a screenshot below it seems a call is being made, but throws an exception.

Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

My Newgrounds Core wasn't attached to the correct game object and so the StartCoroutine(_executeCallList(single_call)); was causing a crash as you need an object to execute a co-routine.

Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted November 23rd, 2016 in Game Development


I'm attempting to get the Newgrounds.io working with my Unity WebGL game. Whenever I try to post a score I get a null thrown. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Does the game need to be published to test leaderboards and medals?

I've attached a screenshot below it seems a call is being made, but throws an exception.

Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!

Newgrounds.io Help & Support

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted May 31st, 2016 in Game Development

At 5/29/16 02:03 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: If you're interested check out http://www.newgrounds.io

So I've begun implementing this and its pretty straight forward! Only thing is you may want to make the core not destroy on load. Also, using a tag to find the core would be easier and more dependable then having players drag the core object into the core variable.

I am a little confused as to the 'medal ids' and 'score ids' in the NG portal they are strings, but you are asking for integers. I assume if I have 3 medals they are id's 1, 2 and 3? Or are they 0, 1, and 2?

Thanks so much with this! It's really nice work.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted May 31st, 2016 in Game Development

Wow this is awesome! I will take a look thank you! And this support Unity WebGL on NG?

At 5/29/16 02:03 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: If you're interested check out http://www.newgrounds.io
Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted May 28th, 2016 in Game Development

I've managed to get a step further, but now I'm receiving this error (Attached image) when I send something SubmitScore/UnlockMedal it seems WebGL and the Newgrounds API for Unity are just not playing nicely. Here's the most related thing I could find: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/webgl-error.317662/

At 5/28/16 12:01 AM, LunaWolfStudios wrote: I'm attempting to get https://github.com/AdamRVierra/NewgroundsAPIUnity Newgrounds API working in my Unity 3d Web GL project. I haven't published my game yet, but I was testing it in the preview and I can't tell if my high scores/medals are working. Would they become unlocked in preview mode? Or do I need to publish the game before they start working?

Unity3d WebGL Support

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted May 28th, 2016 in Game Development

I'm attempting to get https://github.com/AdamRVierra/NewgroundsAPIUnity Newgrounds API working in my Unity 3d Web GL project. I haven't published my game yet, but I was testing it in the preview and I can't tell if my high scores/medals are working. Would they become unlocked in preview mode? Or do I need to publish the game before they start working?

Currently my game has 2 builds, a Unity3D and a WebGL. Seeing as though WebGL is completely busted and unusable I was wondering how you can remove the WebGL build, but keep the working build. I do not want to unpublish and create an entirely new project.

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted June 2nd, 2015 in Game Development

WebGL is not meant to actually be used right now. It creates massive flaws that completely break gameplay. Also if you're trying to use it on chrome it refuses to read arrow key inputs for some reason.