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Response to: Games Front Page Suggestion Thread Posted May 5th, 2023 in Game Development

Enjoyed this puzzler/ mini-flyer a lot but it's sadly underplayed so far.

Response to: Featured Games Problem Posted May 5th, 2023 in Where is / How to / Help!

Edit: Thanks, I'll just use that then! I was thinking of a specific game...


I'm not 100% sure about this so, someone please correct if wrong, but there seems to be a very early cut off point where if (non-adult) games get above 3.5 stars, they permanently go into Featured but if they get less, they never do.

This means that pretty crap games get featured if they get enough initial votes (maybe the dev has a following) but more slow-burner games will get overlooked, no matter how much the rating increases.

How about a more dynamic system, where games can drop from Featured if they go below 3.5 at any time, and enter Featured if they go above?

First of all- I'd like to thank Tom Fulp, everyone involved in making the game and, most importantly of all- YOU the Newgrounds player, without whom this achievement would simply not have been possible

I'd never have dreamed Bunny Hill Horror: Bunny Boiler would have become such an overnight sensation, being a weird adventure-choosing VN that has previously inspired comments like "this is nonsense" and "what the fuck am I playing?" but now we've had over 20 people earn our first medal in the last two minutes, its success simply cannot be denied. Although, strangely, the number of views has barely gone up.

Wait a minute.

Okay, I'm going to put the champagne on ice because it looks like the medals have glitched. A quick check shows that this is happening to other games too.

Anyone know what's causing this?



Response to: Why are there so many games in Under Judgement now? Posted March 13th, 2021 in General

At 3/13/21 07:47 AM, theonion770 wrote:
At 3/10/21 06:39 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: Y'all aren't voting enough. ;)

If everybody who reads this goes and votes through all UJ submissions now they'll pass in no time!
I just saw the headline of this thread & wondered the same thing. I've had a game under judgement for a few days now, and normally it would have passed by now (I think).

But then it's ironic that I'm wondering this but also don't review many games myself, so this is something I must change!!! I'll get reviewing some games right now!

Yeah, I wondered if they changed the number of ratings needed- but I think there are just far more games at the moment. I just rated 50, and didn't even get to yours. Maybe I'll do some more later.

Response to: Why are there so many games in Under Judgement now? Posted March 13th, 2021 in General

Ok, I have just played and rated 50-odd games to see if my level 7 game dev powers can help at all. Everything from some decent multi-directional shooters to cartoony jerk-off instructions, to ZabuJard's Lola Bunny games. If anyone's interested, the standouts were probably:

Gastric Voyage: Regurgitated,

Monster Ambassador, and

Toy Rogue.

Winning Love by Daylight might also be good too if the dev can fix the 'enter name' screen.

Response to: Why are there so many games in Under Judgement now? Posted March 10th, 2021 in General

At 3/10/21 06:01 PM, SquizofrenicCat wrote: People got hung up watching all the porn again.
I'd suggest someone going in there with a whip, but that might make it more severe.

Maybe if they had handcuffs too so people had to stay still and focus that might help? Or... same problem, right?

Yeah, that's the whole post. Sorry if there's already an answer somewhere or other...

Response to: Halloween Spooktacular with Prizes! Posted October 25th, 2020 in NG News

We've just got our entry out today!

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted October 26th, 2019 in Writing

At 6/11/18 02:06 PM, KrunchyFriedGames wrote: Whether it's a story based RPG, an interactive fiction game, or anything that revolves around the story and dialogue, please post it here and I'll be happy to play it.

I wrote one with a friend, Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) and am looking for inspiration for the follow up. Feel free to check this one out too!

Update: We've got a new one now if anyone wants to check it out- The Bunny Hill Horror (NSFW Version). And, of course, I still want to play yours so please post some more!

I love playing amateur/ indie games on Newgrounds, especially in the Under Judgement section and, as one wannabe dev to another, I always try to give constructive reviews.


Often, though, I find the same issues coming up frequently where I’m thinking “this is spoiling your game, and it’s so easy to do something about it!”


These are mainly from a creative point of view (as my friend does the coding for our games), but let me know what you think of these, and if you have any additions to the list:

Having no sound effects

I’ve played a few games with music but no sound effects, and it really feels like something’s missing. Having a noise when you jump, or attack an enemy makes the player feel more in control and immersed in the game.

Continual Loop Gameplay

Let’s say you die in a game and the game just starts over, because there’s no pause button, no main menu, and you’re not even required to press a button to restart. This happens in a lot of amateur games, and I often find I’m writing a review in the box below, during which time my character is repeatedly falling to his death or getting pounded by the same enemy over and over again with accompanying screeching instadeath sound effect. This rarely puts the reviewer in a generous mood.

Out of Place Fonts

I do a lot of graphics design work and, I’ll admit, fonts are one of the things I will immediately prejudge games on. If I see a menu in a common MS Word font (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri), I assume the game will be low effort, and this is usually right.

You don’t see as many wildly inappropriate fonts in games as you used to (e.g. Comic Sans , Papyrus) but it takes so little effort to scroll through MS Word fonts until you find one that fits the theme, and isn’t that commonly used. For the next step up, it doesn’t take half an hour to browse a free font site and download one you like the look of.

Spelling Mistakes

I’ve included this because I play a lot of text-based games and work on choose-your-own-adventures. If you don’t speak English and you’re making a platform game then, fair enough, something like ‘you hav complete levell 1’ won’t spoil my enjoyment, but if you’re doing a Visual Novel, then it really will grate on the player’s nerves.

Confusing Graphics

Even with some commercial games, there can be times when you’re thinking “So, does this thing kill me?”, “Is this a platform or a background element?”, “I’ve just collected an unidentifiable blob- has anything happened?”. If the dev’s crap at drawing like me, then it’s best to aim for clarity above all else- maybe use bold colours for the foreground and pastels for the background, easily identifiable shapes for power ups, and baddies/ obstacles that look nasty (e.g. spikes are always lethal, but a clump of rocks leaves you guessing).  

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted December 21st, 2018 in Writing

No more writing-based games? There must be more...

Come on people- I'm bored!

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted November 2nd, 2018 in Writing

At 11/1/18 10:51 AM, RainyG wrote:
My first game here : https://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/1268001

This proud disciple of the Wood Mother has commented :)

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted October 13th, 2018 in Writing

At 10/8/18 04:40 PM, Xuvero wrote: Oh, nice thread!

Mine is an interactive fiction story. It's poetry based, and it was a pain to write, but I've grown quite fond of it.
P.S.: There are more in the making.

My barding might not be up to much, but I've commented anyway :)

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted September 20th, 2018 in Writing

At 9/19/18 09:35 PM, Robotao wrote: Mine is a horror text adventure.

That's pretty cool- commented on the game. Saw your most recent post on your page and wanted to wish you good luck with the ongoing game development. Myself and my coder both work full time, so I know how hard it is to get stuff done with the little time you've got. Hope to see more :)

Response to: Monthly Voting- V Simple Suggestion Posted July 28th, 2018 in Where is / How to / Help!

At 7/28/18 06:14 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 7/27/18 01:39 PM, KrunchyFriedGames wrote:

If I recall correctly, the panel consists of the past month's most active users in terms of voting on content.

Ah that makes sense. Thanks...

Hi All,

Now, I don't know exactly what P-Bot's mysterious motivations are for picking me on the voting panel from time to time for the best monthly games, nor do I know what's required to be on this illustrious panel: maybe he picks up on you giving thoughtful feedback to numerous games/ animations in a month, or maybe you just have to write "This Sucks" once in a while to be included. Either way, I enjoy critiquing new games and helping other devs, and I consider being on the voting panel to be a high honour- even if it's totally random.

One suggestion though...

Since some of us have full-times jobs, or school, or shady weekday ventures, or whatever: how about always ensuring that the voting period includes a weekend? That way, we can put a few hours aside and chill with a couple of beers while we see what the month has to offer?

Come on P-Bot, take the pressure off!

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted June 29th, 2018 in Writing

At 6/29/18 06:47 AM, stabilowl wrote: Those are some pretty good stuff there! Keep it up!

Yep, the more the better!

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted June 17th, 2018 in Writing

At 6/16/18 06:21 PM, ZebraHumor wrote: Mine is more like a very specific joke book.

lol, wow this is specific and pretty quirky. I'll admit to spending this game in a state of bafflement, and wondering just why I was a zebra going to a communist party rally with a blonde girl who was reading the dictionary in my bathroom. But then again... why not? Those glow in the dark zebra humour t-shirts look pretty cool...

Response to: Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted June 16th, 2018 in Writing

At 6/14/18 08:04 PM, kfgjif969 wrote:
At 6/11/18 02:06 PM, KrunchyFriedGames wrote: Whether it's a story based RPG, an interactive fiction game, or anything that revolves around the story and dialogue, please post it here and I'll be happy to play it.

I wrote one with a friend, Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) and am looking for inspiration for the follow up. Feel free to check this one out too!
All mine are interactive fiction, you can check em out here :)

Thanks! I enjoyed playing your most recent game, and the combat scenes made me laugh. I've left more comments on the game. Look forward to trying more :)

Let's See Your Lit-Based Games Posted June 11th, 2018 in Writing

Whether it's a story based RPG, an interactive fiction game, or anything that revolves around the story and dialogue, please post it here and I'll be happy to play it.

I wrote one with a friend, Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My) and am looking for inspiration for the follow up. Feel free to check this one out too!

Response to: WASD to move, shift to run. Others? Posted May 29th, 2018 in Game Development

I remember the old days when QAOP was considered a good movement combination.

If possible, letting the user define their own keys and offering controller support would definitely increase your game's appeal.

Response to: i will read stuff so yeah. Posted May 7th, 2018 in Writing

At 4/28/18 03:21 PM, SleeperBeeper wrote: I just read stuff, you can send me something and I'll read it. K bye.

I only just found these forums, so if you still want to read stuff, I'd be grateful for your thoughts on our fantasy choose-your-own-adventure game. Cheers!

Critique for Critique Posted May 6th, 2018 in Game Development

So... I put out my first game last year- the comments have been very positive, but it didn't get too much attention or feedback and, since I'm starting on a new one, I'm hoping to improve. Since a lot of people here might be in the same boat, I thought I'd start this thread.

Simply comment on my game (doesn't have to be an essay, just your thoughts), post the game you want commenting on below, and I'll return the favour. I'll even follow you if your game really grabs me. Also, please say if you're willing to comment on other people's games, and if you have any genre preferences.

I'll comment on anything- even if it's a genre I'm not a fan of, there'll be something to mention. My own game's a choose-your-own-adventure graphic novel called Witches and Bandits and Swords (Oh My!). If that doesn't sound like your thing, but you're still willing to swap critiques with other people then please post below anyway. Right, let's do this...

Response to: Video Games Ideas??? Posted December 24th, 2017 in Game Development

Well, try to think of games you like to play. Then think of ways you can improve on any elements. Even if your game can't compete with high-budget titles, then just come up with something that a) you'd want to play yourself and b) is uniquely yours.

Response to: Best of November 2017! Posted December 10th, 2017 in NG News

Ah, my top game vote came second. Enjoyed playing almost all the games- the platformers didn't do as well I thought- and clearly the other voters didn't appreciate Pencilvania as much as I did!

Alas, my game didn't even qualify but there's always next time...