Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted October 15th, 2018 in Game Development

Hey all i'm trying to do send my highscore to the leaderboard... i have a script that has the highscore int variable (in C#) can you tell me the simple steps to achieve this? i have downloaded the newgrounds.io files which are shwon here http://prntscr.com/l6ags6 what do i have to do to send the high score to the leaderboards? ive created a scoreboard etc

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted March 28th, 2018 in Game Development

At 5/12/15 12:04 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: Having problems with your Unity3D WebGL game? Please start here. If you've read through the wiki, searched Google, etc. and still haven't resolved your issue, feel free to ask a question here.

i have made a post here about my recent game build :/ please help! https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1430847

Unity webgl error! Posted March 28th, 2018 in Game Development

Hey guys so im having this error now when i didnt before... ive done nothing new except just make a new build, now all of a sudden im getting these errors :/

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
uncaught exception: abort(136) at jsStackTrace (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:27460)
stackTrace (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:27631)
abort (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:4:33855)
FXo (blob:28:1)
r4k (blob:5:1)
h8h (blob:8:1)
HOo (blob:28:1)
invoke_iiiii (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:332470)
a_n (blob:23:1)
v9n (blob:23:1)
oba (blob:15:1)
Vbc (blob:11:1)
CTb (blob:13:1)
mTb (blob:13:1)
foc (blob:11:1)
eoc (blob:11:1)
z_b (blob:13:1)
YVb (blob:13:1)
MVb (blob:13:1)
BQo (blob:28:1)
browserIterationFunc (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:213848)
runIter (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:195909)
Browser_mainLoop_runner (WebGL.asm.framework.unityweb:2:215385)

If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.

PLEASE someone help as i have no idea what to do :(

Response to: Unity API implementation help Posted November 22nd, 2017 in Game Development

SORRY! only just seen this.... thanks for your help, ill have a look to see if i can do it :D

Response to: Unity API implementation help Posted August 5th, 2017 in Game Development

also i have this screenshot of how i post the score http://prntscr.com/g4tr7c

Response to: Unity API implementation help Posted August 5th, 2017 in Game Development

At 8/5/17 04:06 PM, Aprime wrote:
At 8/5/17 11:29 AM, JmPrsh153 wrote: i think im missing something...

is there any video tutorials or something to give me a step by step as the documentation doesnt really help me much :(
What's the code you're using?
Have you read this? https://bitbucket.org/newgrounds/newgrounds.io-for-unity-c/

im using unity c# and ive downloaded that source etc so it looks like it enables me to login if ive followed that right... is that all its there for though? how would i use the leaderboards? im guessing using the way i was before except now i have officially logged in?

Response to: Unity API implementation help Posted August 5th, 2017 in Game Development

At 8/5/17 10:42 AM, Aprime wrote: What have you added to implement the scoreboard and medals?

Also, have you tried uploading the project as WEBGL onto Newgrounds?

I have imported the API into the project... i used the test scene and basically did it so you press the button to connect etc and then get scores... then posted score as a test... then i basically took those functions and tdid them in order in a script so it did it automatically... made a build and then uploaded it to newgrounds... pressed play like i did in the editor and it should in the background do those functions like post score etc but i refresh the page after and my score or medals havent been updated :/

i think im missing something...

is there any video tutorials or something to give me a step by step as the documentation doesnt really help me much :(

Unity API implementation help Posted August 5th, 2017 in Game Development

Hey guys so i have my game up and running fine...

I'm trying to implement the scoreboard and medals... i have it so it connects at the beginning of the game and it loads the scores etc... then it will post to newgrounds for the score and medals aquired etc

My games scoreboards and medals arent working and im not sure why as i believe i have everything set up. I have th ID and encryption done too so thats linked and have tested it