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Response to: Wiesi, 1977-2023 Posted November 21st, 2023 in NG News

Dang... Ultimate Crab Battle was one of my favorites. I never told him how much it meant to me.

I always thought Ultimate Crab Battle would be a really funny basis for a collab, with the artists each contributing a transformation. I'd love to do something like that, but I'm busy.

Web game portals in other languages Posted February 28th, 2023 in Video Games

For a school project, I need to compare three different websites in the same "industry" from different languages. I'd like to do web gaming (including Newgrounds) but all the ones I know are in English. Are there any portals still active in other languages? Particularly Spanish.

Response to: Treasure Hunt 2023! Posted February 4th, 2023 in NG News

At 2/3/23 11:59 PM, Anonymous-Frog wrote:
At 2/3/23 06:25 PM, goldenPiGames wrote: Games: I'm submitting two by the same author, because I just like them so much. I know they're in a style that Newgrounds typically doesn't prefer (for some reason), but they're probably the most remarkably well designed and satisfying platformers I've ever played.

Audio: I like these tracks.

By the way, could we have a list on another page so that posters don't need to Ctrl+F through 6 or so forum pages to check if theirs has already been posted?
Who said Newgrounds hated platformers?

It's not really hatred, more just disinterest. As for "who said", that would be everyone, considering they have under 2,500 plays, below 4 stars, and no awards. And it's not platformers, it's anything with a simple style and minimal visual flair, and deliberate but challenging gameplay, as opposed to most of the things on the frontpage being roguelikes of varying kinds.

Response to: Treasure Hunt 2023! Posted February 3rd, 2023 in NG News

Games: I'm submitting two by the same author, because I just like them so much. I know they're in a style that Newgrounds typically doesn't prefer (for some reason), but they're probably the most remarkably well designed and satisfying platformers I've ever played.

Audio: I like these tracks.

By the way, could we have a list on another page so that posters don't need to Ctrl+F through 6 or so forum pages to check if theirs has already been posted?

Learning to draw for beginners Posted April 29th, 2022 in Art

I am a programmer looking to subclass into artist to fuel my game-related creative endeavors. How does one go about learning to draw, especially to draw people in semi-realistic-anime-cartoonish style? What tutorials does one start with?

Response to: SiIvaGunner is doing a Newgrounds-themed event Posted April 22nd, 2022 in Audio

At 4/22/22 06:43 AM, Troisnyx wrote:
At 4/21/22 06:49 PM, goldenPiGames wrote: YouTube post: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxpJNpopWQgrTcZHdPCDqFfdOsr6fURq28

If you don't know, SiIvaGunner is a YouTube channel that uploads "high quality rips" of video game music, which are actually remixes, parodies, or matchups. On April 30th, they're doing an event themed specifically around Newgrounds. Any audio people interested in getting involved?
The vast majority of VGM covers that do get uploaded here now are ones that can be licensed on Newgrounds itself, or those for which only just written permission (and not, say, a mechanical or master licence) is all we need to post a cover. So long as Silva works with that info and has the necessary permissions, we should be golden.

What's he planning to upload anyway? OSTs of popular games on here would seem like the logical thing.

To clarify, I don't think SiIvagunner is uploading anything to Newgrounds, they're uploading to YouTube rips based on Newgrounds. And Siivagunner isn't one person, they're a team of people who accept submissions.

YouTube post: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxpJNpopWQgrTcZHdPCDqFfdOsr6fURq28

If you don't know, SiIvaGunner is a YouTube channel that uploads "high quality rips" of video game music, which are actually remixes, parodies, or matchups. On April 30th, they're doing an event themed specifically around Newgrounds. Any audio people interested in getting involved?

Response to: Custom Profile Picture Shapes! Posted April 9th, 2022 in NG News

Hello yes hi, how can I contribute my face to making this oppressively long frontpage banner even longer?

Response to: [URGENT] YIIKMAS 2021 PROGRAMMER SEARCH Posted December 9th, 2021 in Collaboration

At 12/4/21 10:40 PM, OneDude20 wrote:
At 12/4/21 09:30 PM, goldenPiGames wrote: Consider me a possibility.
fuckin bet

have you found anyone yet? i'm still available

Nightmare monsters Posted December 9th, 2021 in General

Tell me about your nightmares. I don't mean anxiety dreams or all that, I mean the real monsters that caught you night after night.

Response to: [URGENT] YIIKMAS 2021 PROGRAMMER SEARCH Posted December 4th, 2021 in Collaboration

Consider me a possibility.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 28th, 2021 in Audio

After much agonizing decision paralysis, I am pleased to at last present the winners of this contest! I'll try to share why I chose them but I am not a professional music critic. I choose by my ear.

5th Place: "Afternoon Daydream"/"Midnight Sleepwalk" by @Tebyricat

Two nice tracks for a lobby with something just slightly off.

4th Place: "Jigsaw Puzzle" by @Viraxor

Two tracks with a chiptune style and similar mood, and yet distinct from each other. Perfect for a retro platformer with some kind of shifting theme.

3rd Place: Untitled by @JinZ

Exciting yet not aggressive, I could see these in a stealth game of some sort.

2nd Place: "The Hunt" by @vermeen

To me they feel like a dream with a hint of something unsettling around the corner, and a dream that's rapidly becoming an exciting nightmare before your eyes. It may be inspiring me to bring back a dream-based game idea I had some time ago.

1st Place: "PRINTIN' COLOURS" by @PartyBalloof

Four satisfyingly long and moving tracks of coolness. I don't know what more to say.

Thank you for everyone who participated! This is my first time hosting anything like this, and I can lay I learned a lot, like how I should check for conflicts with other music competitions next time. Yes, it's possible there will be a next time.

I'm literally about to leave for grad school right after I post this so I'll get in touch with you to get you your prizes tonight and tomorrow.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 27th, 2021 in Audio

The judging has begun.

If you would like to listen to each other's submissions, you may do so using this listening tool: https://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/1751243/preview/filetype/2 which is also what I'm using to listen and judge.

Now here is the final list of submissions, with formatting issues and project IDs fixed if necessary:

"High Ground!!" by SkullPioneer

Red: 1077841
Blue: 1077842

"Jigsaw Puzzle" by Viraxor

Red: 1078208
Blue: 1078209
Start: 00:00.038
End: 03:29.497

Untitled by JinZ

Red: 1079573
Blue: 1079574
Start: 00:00.55
End: 01:52.55

"PRINTIN' COLOURS" by PartyBalloof
Red: 1079752
Blue: 1079753
Green: 1079754
Yellow: 1079756
Start: 54.857
End: 274.286

"me when i eat a..." by MoundsofMayhem

Red: 1080019
Blue: 1080021
Green: 1080020

"The Hunt" by vermeen

Red: 1080125
Blue: 1080126
Start:  0.00
End: 36.42090

"Afternoon Daydream"/"Midnight Sleepwalk" by Tebyricat

Red: 1080252
Blue: 1080253
Start: 0:00
End: 1:52

"The Alchemist's Manor" by SilverPoyozo

Red: 1080263
Blue: 1080262

"Early Signs of Desolation" by HalfDemureOfficial

Blue : 1080531
Red : 1080532
Start : 00:00
End : 01:53

If I somehow screwed up and missed your submission for whatever reason, please tell me now.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 25th, 2021 in Audio


Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 24th, 2021 in Audio

At 9/23/21 10:32 PM, PartyBalloof wrote: ADDITIONAL INFO:

Huzzah! My submission! Instead of being productive and/or finishing my current album, I decided to spend a few days to make... four tracks. Originally I was going for 2 but then my creativity fired up and demanded two more variations... so now I have four.

Also like the impatient eejit I am, I just went ahead and made the songs without fully taking a moment to learn what a twoside audio really is. Though I do have an excuse: I got alotta work I need to do.
So yeah have my submission. Hopefully what I made counts as a twosided audio?

I mean each side is divided into four sections (excluding intro and outro), and the chord progression mostly stays the same... but I may or may not have taken liberties in terms of drum beats so they may not sound all that great if you switch between them too quickly. I theorize fading from one track to another may work a lot better though I wasn't able to test it simply because I just can't get my MP3s off my phone.

Also first time using my new headphones for creating/mixing. Hopefully it's mastered better than my previous tracks...
and also my desktop audio setup is not ready, so I'm basically trusting FL Studio Mobile 3 to not mess up the exports.


I always gotta include a post script when making a submission. This one will talk about why each of the four sides are in different files. That's because my phone could handle at most 1.5 sides of instruments before it starts to lag a fair bit. It just doesn't like muted tracks I guess.

Gotta include the pps as well. I normally don't care about track names, but this time since I'm linking the download to the source file (for those who want to alter/mod more to their liking) are probably going to look through it (hopefully) I decided to spend a bit more time renaming all the tracks to appropriate names... I list everything under CC Attribution, go crazy.
also dang Newgrounds doesn't support filedumps of FLSM files

Another one? Yes. Though the song can loop with the intro and outro, it's more of a fade out and then intro so... last minute loop-friendly end section here I come.

Okay last one I swear. If you take the time to stare at the song album art (the individual ones) you'll notice 3/4 of them says PAINTIN'... I'm just a forgetful airhead. Also you probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't told you... ah well.

I'll need you to give the audio portal IDs, not the project IDs. And I probably wouldn't worry if the looping is off by less than a thousandth of a second, as i think that's the kind of difference that only an audiophile would only notice if they were specifically listening for it.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 23rd, 2021 in Audio

At 9/23/21 06:51 AM, HalfDemureOfficial wrote: I have multiple questions.
Im really interested in these thing and wanted to join. But i have a lot of questions on my mind.
1.) Is the track must be 8bit or chiptune? Or I can make any game music genre i want?
2.) I will post the track as a loop right?
3.) Can i add some ambience on my track or no.
4.) Can i make melody variations or no?

  1. any genre
  2. sure, if that's easier. or if it has intro and outro, specify the part that loops
  3. not sure what you mean by ambience but it probably doesn't matter
  4. melody variations are fine as long as it still kinda fits together
Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 22nd, 2021 in Audio

At 9/21/21 08:28 PM, Anonymous-Frog wrote: Am I allowed to use an existing song I made as one of the sides, given that I change the description, tags, and what so to comply with the rest of the rules.


sure, but to be fair, if you do, i'm gonna say you'll have to make two new sides for the competition. so the existing song would be one of at three sides.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 21st, 2021 in Audio

hello, this is is your friendly neighborhood independent contest organizer/sponsor reminding you all that only five days remain until the deadline for this fine event. to remind you people is assuredly the only reason i am posting this, and not to bump this thread up the audio forum or for any other dark, nefarious purposes i am secretly harboring.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 17th, 2021 in Audio

At 9/17/21 01:46 PM, AlbeGian wrote: What's the preferrable length for the songs in this contest? Or at least, could you tell me what is inside the acceptable limits for said length? Thanks

uhhh... between 0:30 seconds and 5:00. preferably closer to 1:30 or 2:00 or such. but don't worry about it too much. just like my favorite english teachers said, the substance is more important that the length

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 17th, 2021 in Audio

At 9/16/21 07:46 PM, DemisurgeX wrote: Why not A-Side, B-Side?

i have very many very valid and good reasons for that

  • A and B imply that one is the base version and the other is a variation, which is not necessarily the case here
  • red and blue sound cooler than letters of the alphabet
  • the only valid reason i had was the first one
  • i chose it like this mostly just because i wanted to
Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 15th, 2021 in Audio

At 9/15/21 09:42 PM, SkullPioneer wrote: Here is my submission (hopefully I did it right.......the end and start time part)

Red: 1077841
Blue: 1077842

Start: 00:00
End: 01:13:195

That's a valid submission, and the first one so far!

Some things about the times (for future submitters, don't you worry skull): I would prefer the separation between seconds and milliseconds to be a decimal point, but it's not a big deal. And you don't need to include the start and end times if the piece loops back-to-front without an intro/outro. The reason is that I'll be copy-pasting that block into a custom listening tool (that I can make and test now that there's a submission) when it's time for judging, and it's not a big deal for me to replace a few things, but it would be faster to have a consistent format, especially if I get a lot of submissions.

Response to: Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 11th, 2021 in Audio

Due to my failure to properly check for conflicts with other contests, the Twoside Audio Jam is hereby extended one week, to September 25.

Twoside Audio Jam Posted September 7th, 2021 in Audio

Make a song with multiple sides that share a melody/progression but differ in instrumentation and stuff, so you can switch between them and it sounds cool. Planning and executing, above and below water, peace and combat, anything that's interesting.

I just think that this kind of thing is cool and it would be cool for there to be more of it available online.

A few examples of this kind of thing in existing games:


  • Each "side" of the song must be uploaded as a separate submission to the Audio Portal.
  • Every side must be tagged #twoside-jam
  • You can have between 2 and 4 sides. 2 is the default, but you can have up to 4 if your creativity guides you so.
  • Red and Blue sides are required.
  • The Red side must be tagged #twoside-jam-red
  • The Blue side must be tagged #twoside-jam-blue
  • If you have a third side, tag it #twoside-jam-green
  • If you have a fourth side, tag it #twoside-jam-yellow
  • Each side must link to the other side(s) in the description.
  • You must allow external API use.
  • The license must at least allow free use for web games.
  • Each song must have the same tempo and length and be aligned. For example, 12.34s in Blue matches with 12.34s in Red. Use the tool I made at https://github.com/goldenPiGames/TwosideJam to test.
  • The song must be able to loop.
  • If it has an intro and outro that doesn't loop, that's fine, but you must include the start and end times of the loop in the description and submission, preferably to the thousandths.
  • You may submit only one song.
  • You may collaborate, but the one song per person rule still applies.
  • You may not upload or update your track after the deadline.

Thread Submission

Make your official submission in this thread.

Because I will be using a custom track switcher, your submission must include the following block of text, which I will copy-paste into my super-special judging tool:

Red: (portal ID #)

Blue: (portal ID #)

Green: (portal ID #)

Yellow: (portal ID #)

Start: (time in seconds)

End: (time in seconds)

Only include the Green and Yellow if your submission includes them, and only include the Start and End times if your song has an intro/outro. The portal ID # is found at the end of the URL.

For example:

Red: 3141592

Blue: 3236067

Start: 12.345

End: 69.420


The jam starts now.

The last day to submit is Saturday September 25th, 2021, at 11:59 Eastern Daylight Time. That's 8:59 for you Californians and like really really late at night for you Europeans. Judging will last until I have personally listened to every submission. How long that will take will of course depend on how many submissions are made.


This contest is sponsored by yours truly. After winners are announced, I will get in contact to send the prize directly by PayPal as soon as possible.

Prizes for placement are as follows:

  1. $75
  2. $50
  3. $30
  4. $25
  5. $20
Response to: Audio Jams: do they exist and can I start one Posted September 6th, 2021 in Audio

At 9/5/21 01:25 AM, Troisnyx wrote:
At 9/4/21 05:48 PM, goldenPiGames wrote: I'm interested in hosting an audio jam. Like a game jam but for audio. Is that a thing? How would I make one happen here?
A composition challenge like 21 Days of VGM (or its successor, 7 Days of VGM) would certainly be welcome here.

In Feb / Mar / Apr this year, I tested the concept for a jam, compo challenge type thing called the Lenten Challenge, where I needed to do a new piece of music based on a single word prompt each day for 40 days (Sundays were exempt). Seeing as it's possible, I've recorded my progress on Newgrounds and elsewhere, and I've received requests from a good few VGM composer friends to publicise this challenge, I feel ready to host my own.

As for how you'd make one happen, in order to get more people seeing and vetting it, you could do to join the NG Audio Pub, the contest / event server. Before you put anything down,

The reason I recommended NG Audio Pub was so that you might get more pairs of eyeballs on your challenge.

Then, closer to the time, write a newspost about it and *spare no detail* about the dates, the rules, etc. Put that newspost on the front page. At the jam start date, put up an audio forum thread, and things should hopefully fall into place there.

Thank you for the advice! I've started writing down a ruleset. I'm planning on single round, ~2 weeks. I do still have a few questions, though.

When are the starts of NGUAC and NGADM season I should avoid?

How many entrants could I expect, if I were to advertise it on the NG Audio Pub and wherever else possible? Would it be enough that I would need a panel of assistant judges?

What do you mean by "Put that newspost on the front page"?

How are prizes usually done? Are they done through Newgrounds somehow or through the organizer? If I'm thinking of sponsoring it myself.

I'm interested in hosting an audio jam. Like a game jam but for audio. Is that a thing? How would I make one happen here?

NotDoppler intro song? Posted May 11th, 2021 in General

I'm sure most of us here are familiar with the NotDoppler intro. Some time ago, I heard the full version of the song it's taken from, but I haven't been able to find it again since.

The song was also used in a geography game where you try to pinpoint the location of a city on the world map, and several people were talking about the song, and knew what it was called. But I don't remember what that game is called, either.

Anyone know the game and/or the song?

Response to: Happy Pixel Day! Posted January 23rd, 2021 in NG News

Response to: Drawing Tablet 38 and Pixel Day Jan 23rd! Posted January 23rd, 2021 in NG News

At 1/23/21 06:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 1/22/21 11:42 PM, goldenPiGames wrote:
At 1/22/21 10:00 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 1/22/21 08:35 PM, HatiValcoran wrote: Wouldn't this disqualify any pieces I try to submit to participate? After all, they won't show in the gallery.
They will show up in tag results so they will still get seen and be under considerarion.
If my game will probably be sorta presentable but not really finished and I still want to submit it to the contest even though I have basically no chance of winning (but I might finish and post for real later), can I make it not show up in the gallery but still show up in tag results in a similar manner?
You could link us to a public preview of your game, if you avoid publishing it completely. On the top of the preview page for your game, there is a dropdown that lets you set who can view the preview page.

Well, uh... here it is, what I could do, anyway. I'm almost proud of it. Not what I was hoping it would be when I started on it a month ago, but better than I thought it might be two days ago. Anywhere in particular I should post this link? https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/project/1583534

Response to: Drawing Tablet 38 and Pixel Day Jan 23rd! Posted January 22nd, 2021 in NG News

At 1/22/21 10:00 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 1/22/21 08:35 PM, HatiValcoran wrote: Wouldn't this disqualify any pieces I try to submit to participate? After all, they won't show in the gallery.
They will show up in tag results so they will still get seen and be under considerarion.

If my game will probably be sorta presentable but not really finished and I still want to submit it to the contest even though I have basically no chance of winning (but I might finish and post for real later), can I make it not show up in the gallery but still show up in tag results in a similar manner?

Response to: CRAWLING IN MY FORESKIN.. Posted November 17th, 2020 in General

At 10/26/20 04:54 AM, Haggard wrote:
Sometimes I pull so hard, I rip the skiiiiin.

My daddy taught me a few things too, like how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth.