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Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted September 14th, 2017 in Game Development

At 9/14/17 04:33 PM, MSGhero wrote:
At 9/9/17 10:37 PM, MSGhero wrote: I'm getting a lot better at coding up prototypes quickly, so I might have to jump in on the next one.
Alternative: my graveyard of prototypes is growing, so I have many to pull from
Speaking of which, Pizza Jam hosted by some people in r/gamedev starts tomorrow and lasts two weeks.

Free pizza!

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted August 2nd, 2017 in Game Development

At 8/1/17 02:57 PM, Rustygames wrote: Typescript is awesome, use that :)

I took a quick glance at it. Looks pretty good, actually!
Not sure how it handles multithreading, file I/O, or generics though.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted July 30th, 2017 in Game Development

At 7/30/17 09:57 AM, Gimmick wrote: something tells me that Unity won't last anywhere near as long as Flash, though. And tbh, only the flash web player is going to be abandoned, much like another language starting with "Ja" and ending with "va" - apparently Adobe still has plans to continue flash for AIR.

Might as well use C#, then. Since I created a framework that makes creating and moving a circle (or sprite from a sprite-sheet) around the screen just as easy as Flash, I don't see why I would want AIR any more. Hell, you can even skip my framework and use SFML directly with only a few lines of code more.

I want C# or even Java for web. Unity does this, sure, but I want something as ubiquitous as Flash.

Instead here we are with JavaScript being the next gamedev language for web. How the hell did we do this to ourselves?

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted July 16th, 2017 in Game Development

At 7/15/17 06:19 PM, MSGhero wrote: Someone give me a small game idea that I can work on so I don't burn myself out on this roguelite. No platformers. No ideas that I will feature-creep the hell out of.

Ludum Dare?

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted June 16th, 2017 in Game Development

At 6/16/17 04:47 PM, MSGhero wrote:
Also, I like to think you put rocks down, were really confused as to where they all ran off to, then went on a scavenger hunt for them.

I can also see myself in your position, standing up and proclaiming loudly, "I found them! I found my rocks!" and then having my girlfriend stare at me oddly.
Game development.

Well the top and left are the borders of the game, so you mean the bottom and right borders?

Just seems unnatural. Too many squares. Square border, square lake..

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted June 16th, 2017 in Game Development

At 6/16/17 12:58 AM, MSGhero wrote: I was wondering where all the rocks were... found them in Zone 0,0.

Edit: oh shit I found a weird bug because of this configuration. Glad I forgot to distribute the rocks across the 64 maps?

I dislike that tree border. Feels limiting.
Also, I like to think you put rocks down, were really confused as to where they all ran off to, then went on a scavenger hunt for them.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted June 12th, 2017 in Game Development

Devolver Digital won E3.
I dunno what that entails, but they sure as hell won it.

Response to: how do i make my own game Posted June 6th, 2017 in Game Development

At 6/6/17 12:43 PM, mizfiz wrote: No one told me about AS2, I just used adobe flash cs3 alot and it has AS2 that's the only thing i know, thanks for letting me know that AS2 out dated

Adobe re-branded that particular program to Adobe Animate. ie, a program for artists and animators. If you really want to get into code, a good starting point is Construct and Game Maker. Just keep in mind those programs are stepping stones and not magic bullets. Witcher wasn't made in Game Maker.

Response to: Will program game for free Posted May 31st, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/31/17 02:11 PM, JavaBeans wrote: I need something to work on.

Judging by your username, I'm gonna guess you do a lot of work in Java.
Your best bet is to use the Collabinator.

If you'd like, you can also help me out with one of my side-projects. Github link is here, and download link is here.

Edit: of course, the second I link to my dev site Google's MySQL database does an upgrade that kills it. Just wait a bit.

Response to: Where do we get codes for flash? Posted May 26th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/26/17 12:39 PM, Gimmick wrote: Sheesh, lighten up. I know that this forum loves to bag on AS2 for being so old but the elitism is now just tiring. I'd like your opinion on languages like COBOL where it's legacy legacy legacy.

I'm commenting less on AS2 and more on the fact that they're trying to use software you can't even get any more from a company that died a long time ago when modern, free tools exist. AS2 isn't the problem; the problem is the lack of understanding of how programming works. I'm all for teaching, but the language OP used suggested they were looking for an easy way out.

Construct and Game Maker are great for beginners. Just keep in mind that these are a stepping stone into the world of game design and development and not a magic bullet. I've seen far too many people fall into the trap of "this point'n click interface is everything I ever need to make a game" and they end up underestimating the value of good, handwritten code and limit themselves for years (potentially a lifetime, I have yet to find out) because of it.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 26th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/26/17 12:04 AM, GeoKureli wrote:
I should go outside

I heard the graphics are unparalleled, and it doesn't even need a GPU!
People complain about the tutorial a lot, though..

Response to: Where do we get codes for flash? Posted May 25th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/25/17 10:58 AM, Alfindavis wrote: Hey can anyone help me where can i find codes for my game on flash 8. I only know animation and not code making. If any one can join me to help PM me.

Stop. Stop. All of this is wrong.

First, Flash 8 is so old that if you had a kitten at the time it was released your cat may very well be dead by now.
Flash 8 is the last version of Flash produced by Macromedia before Adobe took it over and re-branded it to animate, and only supports ActionScript 2.0 which has been officially dead for years.
Second, do you really think game development is about "finding codes"? Do you honestly think games like "The Witcher" and "Assassin's Creed" were developed by some kid in his parent's basement "sharing codes" online? What exactly do you expect programming to look like?

I recommend hiring a programmer and updating your version of Flash. If you'd like to learn, then download FlashDevelop (which is free) and start picking up some ActionScript 3.0 tutorials. There's plenty of places that you can find them by searching around here or on Google.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 22nd, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/22/17 02:07 AM, MSGhero wrote: Can't let these kids and their devlogs show me up. Finally wrote something since I finally have free time again http://msghero.newgrounds.com/news/post/986889

Free time is nice time

Yeah, no kidding. Makes me want to do a write-up on something, but the only things I got currently are the two MC mods and my framework.

I assume that means your PC's fixed? :D?

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 14th, 2017 in Game Development

Alrighty, here's a story for those who were out all weekend and have no idea what in the world just happened (and as of a few hours ago is happening again, but we'll get to that in a sec)

Now I normally wouldn't even be following this story much beyond "yeah, this happened. Again." but there's a few particular bits and moments that very much interested me. So here I am. Also, my days and times may be slightly off. I've been following this story off and on all weekend.

Out story being on a Friday afternoon. I'm in the middle of calling professors across the country to push out new company-approved laptops and reading Reddit between calls. After a quick refresh of my home screen I see a new post with some title like "Ransomware sweeping across the globe" - thinking this was a sensationalist piece with little value (I mean, they mostly are) I skip it and find a new post on r/talesfromtechsupport. Ooh, goody!

Fast-forward a few hours. As I'm heading back from work I once again hop on Reddit and see what's going on. A few more pieces about this malware, so I figure "eh, why not?" and dig into one a bit. Again, looks pretty sensationalist and I wasn't interested in overblown facts in an article telling me everything I already knew. Closed, and found a few new posts on r/gaming and r/talesfromretail.

It wasn't until Saturday morning that I really noticed something was up. After reading Twitter and asking my Google Home what was going on in the world, I got some interesting news. Apparently the ransomware variant I had quickly checked up on and forgotten about had made a big splash. Bigger than usual. I decide to do a little more digging since I thought this particular variant was pretty par-for-the-course stuff.

So, here's the thing; I was right. This strain of malware was very standard and didn't really bear anything unusual. Uses "zero-day" exploit? Check. Infecting a ton of PCs? Check. Standard encryption and warning screen? Check. Asking for a variant amount of money based on factors present on the internal network? Check. AV evasion? Triple-check.

Except for one little thing that really bugged me. This malware contained a kill-switch in the form of a domain. Basically, this malware had a dropper (all of them do) that first checks to see if a domain gives a response. If it does, it shuts down immediately and nothing further happens. If it doesn't, it continues on and starts encrypting files. Again, this wouldn't have bugged me so much except for the fact that everything else was perfect. Everything. It would have been unbreakable and damn-near impossible to stop except for that one VERY BIG flaw.

A researcher by the name of MalwareTech discovered this domain and immediately bought it, not knowing what would happen. This is standard procedure for him in an attempt to track infections. This is the part of the story, I think, that made the whole thing really explode. Also, poor guy has now had to do a lot of diversion on his domain, Twitter, and e-mail accounts and has also been unintentionally doxed by the media. Ouch.

So this all raises a few questions. Clearly, the makers of this malware knew exactly what they were doing and how to do it. Were they being careless or was this simply a test? Either way, we're clear of it for now. It's only a matter of time before a new variant of this rolls around without the kill-switch, though..

Sunday morning rolls around with lots more fanfare but no more real news of this ransomware. It looks dead, and thank MT for it. Sunday afternoon, however, is a very different story. All of a sudden pings start coming up about a new variant that uses the same code and the same dropper minus the killswitch. Welp. Fuck.

So, here's the rundown on how this thing works. Prepare for hell on Monday if you're one of the poor souls without patches.
It uses an exploit developed by the NSA a month or so prior called ETERNALBLUE (this exploit just got a Metasploit module named MS17-010)
ETERNALBLUE is an exploit targeted at SMB1 and is effective on all Windows systems that use it, including Win 10 up to some security patches (again, a month or so ago)
Also, yeah, I was wrong about the exploits earlier not affecting Win 10. Looks like at least one did, but researchers were using machines that were too up-to-date because MS couldn't put out a security bulletin on the bug due to an NSA gag-order.

Once you've got the red warning screen, it's game over and your files are already gone. I hope you either have working backups or a lot of money.

Have a happy Monday!

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 14th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/14/17 05:01 PM, MSGhero wrote: Good thing @egg82 is an exorcist.


Edit: Seriously, though. Your laptop does NOT like running Linux. Good thing diskpart is adequate enough for SSDs.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 13th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/13/17 03:35 AM, MSGhero wrote: Good news is that Dell let me have a copy of OEM Win10, so when this update fails, I can recover from a probably not fucked version.

Blast the entire drive with zeroes and re-install a clean copy. Boot a Linux USB and zero your entire drive out, including GPT (MBR is so last-gen). The whole thing. Then boot a Windows install USB and start again. If you linked your original copy of Win10 to your MS account you shouldn't have issues with licencing on your new copy once you log in again.

Once all that's done, install updates (software and firmware), drivers, & MBAM before anything else. Have a good weekend!

At 5/12/17 11:29 PM, Gimmick wrote: The last time I encountered an OGG file that wasn't being ironic was in 2008. Wasn't the Vorbis project plagued with roadblocks too? Last I heard it was inferior to MP3, and its video codec was inferior to MP4. Seemed like the only thing going for it was that it was open source.

this might help some. You can also use FLAC with OGG, so you've really got your bases covered in terms of "compression like MP3" or "losslessness" - take your pick, really.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 12th, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/12/17 07:22 PM, GeoKureli wrote: Edit: Patents expired, last one will expire at the end of the year. I'm a complete doofus with legal matters, but that means no licensing fee, right?

Means anyone can use the patent without fear of being sued. So, yes, means free MP3 forever now.

1) This is kinda late, since we have OGG/VORBIS now and damned-near every library supports it. But sure, why not I guess?
2) Did anyone read CloudFlare's battle with a patent troll? Oh, this is gonna be good. They really picked the wrong target. CF's gonna try to gut them of every patent they own.

Response to: Optimizing Random Placement Posted May 11th, 2017 in Game Development

QuadTrees will give you fast collision checking and might help if you want a lazy, easy, and effective way out.

A cheap (and mostly-random) way of doing this is by dividing the area into quadrants and using those.

int columns = canvasWidth / circleWidth
int rows = canvasHeight / circleHeight

array quads
for (x in columns) {
  for (int y in rows) {
    quads.add(new Point(x, y))

for (i in 0..9) {
  int index = Math.round(Math.random() * (quads.length - 1))
  Point p = quads[index]

if you want to go all fancy with it:

float budgeDeltaPositive = circleWidth / 2
float budgeDeltaNegative = - (circleWidth / 2)

for (i in 0..9) {
  int index = Math.round(Math.random() * (quads.length - 1))
  Point p = quads[index]
  p.x += Math.random() * (budgeDeltaPositive - budgeDeltaNegative) + budgeDeltaNegative
  p.y += Math.random() * (budgeDeltaPositive - budgeDeltaNegative) + budgeDeltaNegative

admittedly there's better ways of influencing "randomness" into an otherwise-standard pattern, but that's what I came up with off the top of my head.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 5th, 2017 in Game Development

Today is certainly a "TIL" day for me.

I found out two cool things:
1. That you can mute a tab's sound in Chrome by clicking the little speaker icon in the tab with the below option enabled.
2. Exactly how cable induction works, why looping cables (cable management) is bad, and how best to cable-manage while still shielding your data.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 4th, 2017 in Game Development

Well, that's new.

Here I was, just trying to get rid of the annoying thing that pops up, disables scrolling, and tells me to stop using an ad-blocker.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 2nd, 2017 in Game Development

At 5/2/17 11:06 PM, Diki wrote: Out of curiosity: what are you doing with your home network that makes using a switch more beneficial than just a router?

VLANs, and the fact that there's a bunch of hardwired devices (12 or 13)

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted May 2nd, 2017 in Game Development

I spent the last two days setting this up.
First I got the internet up. Then I got our IP TVs up. Then I added WiFi. Then I locked everything down. Then I found out one of the TVs uses WPS and had to account for that. Then I found out DVR wasn't working and had to fix that.

Now, finally, I need to replace my unmanaged 4-port switch with a managed one and turn on VLANs. Then swap our original ISP-provided router (now delegated to just being an AP) with a new dual-band AP. At the end of 12 months we'll return it and save a small amount of money on our bill.

Now to sit down and finally watch some goddamned YouTube.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 30th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/30/17 02:54 PM, GeoKureli wrote:
At 4/30/17 02:21 PM, egg82 wrote: Masking is hard. It's still on my to-do :(
I don't know enough about this website to make an account to see what your thing is

Whoops, I forgot to configure the site to allow anonymous users. Things I should have checked..

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 30th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/30/17 07:15 AM, Gimmick wrote: I use a mask: easy! Just override the getter and setter for width and height and it's all peachy. Nope. Turns out that despite the scrollpane showing the correct WxH as defined by the getter, the actual bounds include the invisible portion of the source. So if the scrollpane is 100x100 but the source image is 1000x1000, the actual size of the scrollpane's parent? 1000x1000. Despite only 100x100 being visible.

Masking is hard. It's still on my to-do :(
The sprite being 1000x1000 sorta makes sense, actually. There just needs to be a way of sizing the component's HitBox.

I like how both MSGHero and myself have decided the best way of going about this discussion is by advertising our code. Nice!

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 28th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/28/17 12:58 AM, MSGhero wrote:
At 4/28/17 12:53 AM, GeoKureli wrote: lot of people on the forum making porn games, all the sudden.
@TheEnkian never mind about copy paste Unity demos, I found our new target audience

Why not -both- Zoidberg?

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 26th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/25/17 12:48 AM, MSGhero wrote: Prolly an internal dirty flag that isn't being set properly. Maybe it's possible to set a less drastic parameter than position to get the flag to change without lag.

^ This. I was tempted to do the same with my framework, but honestly the time spent on that feature doesn't match up to the benefit, especially when it's going to be used for games, which like a lot of updates.

Also, fuck. That is seriously really depressing, and I feel a little naked now.

Edit: Oh, shi-
This last 20 minutes was an emotional roller-coaster. Went from depressed to excited to sad :(

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 21st, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/19/17 06:22 PM, GeoKureli wrote: an actual function I put into the codebase at work about 3 years ago

I'm glad to say that function would absolutely NOT work in my game framework. Also, there's zero reason that function would need to exist in it.

I'm curious about its use-case in AS3, anyway.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 17th, 2017 in Game Development

I made a thing.
Decided to mirror (not host) my GitHub repos on there so it's easier for me to go through everything; add tasks, wikis, etc etc.

Might even be a decent place to point people for issues as well.

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 17th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/16/17 08:40 PM, MSGhero wrote: A bad windows update was forced on me, and I installed it before the fixed version came out. There were a bunch of fixes that people did, but none worked for me. One issue was an Xbox store event or something stupid. The update in question cannot be uninstalled like the other ones.


My issue is a random one where the fix is "idk." I'm just waiting until I don't need all the huge ass programs on my computer before I just factory reset. Hopefully that works...

Just make sure you grab that licence key. Also doesn't hurt to have your Win10 attached to your MS account and the key backed up there.

Side-note: this update took me about a week of straight 10-14-hour days (spread out in about a month) to complete. And it's free. Unlike some OTHER plugins that do the exact same thing (but not quite as well, except they have a fancy GUI) and cost money >.>

Response to: The Flash 'Reg' Lounge Posted April 16th, 2017 in Game Development

At 4/16/17 08:57 AM, MSGhero wrote: If that was released recently, then my computer did try to install it. It takes 54 minutes to get to 99 percent, I get an error, then it takes 54 minutes to roll back the changes. With automatic updates, I can't avoid this the first time, but I have a tool to hide updates that I rush to use when I get my computer back.

Jesus. What in the hell did you do to that poor OS?
What's the error, anyway? I assume you checked the logs after and did some Googling.