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Response to: How do YOU make a song? Posted November 14th, 2023 in Audio

everyone the response to this has been wonderful!!

youve all given me such a wide range of responses, its a wee bit overwhelming but im thankful for everyone who's shared their process and ideas with me! i'd like to try and respond individually with any questions or comments i have, but please know that i really REALLY appreciate you all taking the time to answer me in this!

Response to: How do YOU make a song? Posted November 5th, 2023 in Audio

At 11/5/23 01:41 AM, ironmmlp wrote: HI, maybe this can help you:
First I make a rithym, it can be a simple rock beat or a lofi beat or anything, you can start with 120 bpm and 4/4, if you don't like it, change bpm or the other thing i don't remember the name.
Then I make a melody, don't think too much it, play some notes until it sounds good for you, I usually choose a guitar or a piano and add some fx.
After that I make the chords, usually I just copy the melody track and move notes to make chords that sound good, with 2 chords you can make a song that sounds good to you, I usually use a bass, pads or leads for the chords.
Then the bassline, make a bassline that sounds similar to the melody, also don't think it too much.
I usually this structure: intro-verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus.
Here are some tips if you want to make it better:
1- Make it SIMPLE, complex music doesn't mean good music or succesful music.
2- Watch videos about composing.
3- Get inspirations, things to use in your songs.
4- Last but not least, MAKE MUSIC YOU LIKE.
I hope that this text helped you.

Thank you so much for this! Perhaps I'm a little too uh..... methodical about this, but a step-by-step breakdown really helps me with my own experiments.. Also, keeping it simple is such good advice haha. Sometimes I think "maybe if I add this it'll sound like something" but that's probably making it harder for me xD

Do you rec any videos or articles about composing? I've tried watching a few but I'm always happy to watch more!

Response to: How do YOU make a song? Posted November 5th, 2023 in Audio

At 11/5/23 12:32 AM, TheJayJay wrote:
Hello! And what an excellent question you have posed to us. It's funny because the advice I will give to someone who wants to make music but doesn't know how to is to just "make something anyway, even if it's eight seconds or if it's not very good", but that appears to not work for you. But never mind, maybe just reading about how other people make music will help you.

So, the thing is, my workflow is wildly inconsistent. I recently did a music project for Inktober where I wrote a song every day for each prompt and the only thing I had to go off of for each day other than the given word was a general vibe that I wanted. So for CHAINS I already knew I wanted it to be a fast song. For WANDER I had already had it in my head that I wanted it to feel a bit sad and I had even written some lyrics down that I wanted to use. However with that particular song I originally had it in my head that it was going to be a very slow, almost smooth-sounding song if that makes any sense? But what it turned out to be in the end was a sad, but somewhat upbeat song as well.

With both of the songs I just mentioned though, the first thing I did was just play around on my keyboard for a bit until something came to me that I thought would sound good. I mean it makes sense in a way, a Piano can either give you your chord progression or your melody (or both!) so why not start with it?

But another thing I noticed that I was doing, particularly for the later prompts, was that I would often start writing the Bass first. I think part of that for me was because I tend to make my bass lines very simple, so starting with Bass and making it slightly more complex then gives me a foundation for everything else. But really that's just me.

Drums are usually the second or third thing I do. I only ever do Drums first if I have a particular rhythm in my head that I want to use, but generally I find starting off with drums a bit hard. I find it's best to do melody and/or bass first and build the drums around them.

As for the other questions...how do I know a song is done? Well, I suppose for me it's "this song should end after this bit" or "Okay, now let's have all the instruments pull back and we'll end it". Stuff like that.

What's my favourite part of making music? That initial burst I get when something just clicks and I'm playing what I've made back and going "Yeah, this sounds awesome!".

Music is my artistic medium of choice mostly because I grew up with music. My father plays guitar and has written many songs with other people, he showed me how to make music at a young age with programs like eJay. I learnt how to play clarinet as a child, then self-taught myself how to play drums as a teen/young adult just because I wanted to. I listen to lot of music in my spare time. etc. I have written down MANY song and album ideas over the years that I would love to work on some day. Right now for me I'm still learning, but even for what I've made so far with my current knowledge I really like what I've done.

My advice would be, based on what you've said, is to listen to the type of music you WANT to make. Music often comes with some sort of story or message. What do you want to say? Is there a story you want to tell? Is there a message you want to convey to a listener? Do you just want to sing or rap about your own feelings or experiences? All of those and more are valid. Once you have that down, you may start forming ideas in your head. You may be able to "Imagine the Apple" as you put it. If you can do that, you will starting forging your own path.

Hope this all helps, and good luck! If you have any further questions feel free to DM me!

Ooooh thank u so much for this breakdown! And thank you for linking your october project... a song every day is something that feels totally unfeasible to me haha! truly not my medium xDD I think growing up playing music and having fun w instruments is a really important aspect to making your own songs. I've always enjoyed drawing and I think the act the just putting something on paper has always been fun, so I feel that I zoomed past the "idk how to make a picture" phase as a kid without trying.... Sounds like it's the same for you with music as a kid!

I am listening to WANDER right now and theres such a comforting... i guess... synergy? Between the piano notes (the way the low notes compliment the high ones without just being chords) that feels like magic to me! Esp the bridge(?) part at 2:19! Like... sometimes when I try to make a song I don't know how to make all the different parts feel like they fit together rather than just being different sounds that are fine being played at the same time.. This is all very technical I think but I hope I'm doing a good job of explaining what I like and what i personally struggle with haha.

I like the idea of switching up where you start from, going from piano to bass... It seems like a different way of forming a song's identity. Turning a message into a series of sounds that help support the message is an incredibly difficult task for me, so I appreciate you breaking down how you might come across the right melody for a feeling you want. Super cool

Thank you again! This really helps me a lot, I love hearing artists talk about their processes!

How do YOU make a song? Posted November 4th, 2023 in Audio

i don't know how to make music... it evades me completely. I have the tools! I've tinkered in so many programmes, jammed with so many instruments, but i've never put the pieces together in a way that feels good. sometimes I feel like those people who say they have aphantasia and can't "imagine an apple" image in their head... I have no idea how to turn the quiet into something that sounds okay! even if i try to make something that sucks, it doesn't even feel like a song to me, just some noise. i'd like to try, though.

Anyway, enough about me, tell me about YOU! What's your workflow? How do you get in the zone to make music? do you start with a drumbeat, do you start with a melody? how do you know when a song is done? what's your favourite part of making music? is music is your artistic medium of choice, tell me about it! maybe i'll understand a little more about the art if i listen to the artists? :) (also this is my first ng forum topic! hello!)

Response to: Games Front Page Suggestion Thread Posted October 29th, 2023 in Game Development

Hello, this game is so charming and full of mystery, I am so very surprised it hasn't caught a lot of attention! If you are reading this, please consider giving it a look through!