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Response to: UGC solutions.... Posted February 13th, 2023 in Programming

Thanks for taking time and reply to my questions. In conclusion, I have to load myself with patience, offlione docs and some money to start.... and find a good therapist for eventually shit media content moderation.

Response to: UGC solutions.... Posted February 12th, 2023 in Programming

At 2/12/23 02:58 AM, Gimmick wrote:
At 2/11/23 07:04 PM, Mich wrote: Consider whether they might violate copyright laws, and consider the consequences of those hunting down copyright violations harassing you about such abuse will affect you.
Yep, moderation and other legal stuff is often overlooked when allowing user-generated content. That can quickly land you in hot water if you don't do the bare minimum, like removing flagrantly illegal content (which would make copyright look like a walk in the park in comparison).

I know..... and this will be a pain in my ass to be honest.. .

Response to: UGC solutions.... Posted February 12th, 2023 in Programming

At 2/11/23 07:04 PM, Mich wrote:
At 2/11/23 04:12 PM, BoredCraft wrote: What are the solutions to host user generated content for a website? I am planing to build a site(personal-limited use) where I can allow users to publish their conent, how newgrounds,twiter, reddit do.
I have a host for the website itself but a host for UGC.... this is bothering me for a while since I dont understand how this could work and what I have to do in order to achieve UGC published and visible in my website
I have no idea of your level of experience with anything that goes into "making a website" so I'll just guess.

In case you don't want to learn how to develop your own, you can tweak an existing content management system (also known as CMS) to your liking, depending on what features you need. Look into stuff like wordpress, drupal, discourse, etc and what features they come with that might help.

Sorry for not mentionate my programing skills. I know php , javascript, html ,css sql( mysql and oracle since they have similar sintax and prefer the classic relational database structure) I use infinityfree(for personal use and testing some shit)... but the real problem is if I make the upload content possible, where I could put that content? The rules of webhosting are clear(not to use that space as a data storage or user content sharing) I know for keeping ugc online CloudFlare and I want to know if could be others to serve as cdn for hosting and sharing media content, free or not so costly.

Google drive its not suitable since they block multiple requests in short time. I used it thinking could be a solution (to share my content) but if I do multiple requests, google smash with 403 and have to wait...

Also last but not least: not on the technical side, but consider how you're going to finance it. Consider how your users will _certainly_ abuse the service you're building and how you'll deal with it. Consider whether they might violate copyright laws, and consider the consequences of those hunting down copyright violations harassing you about such abuse will affect you.

Copyright matter is my last problem for the moment. Now I am focused on technical part and not ethical. But I think this could be resolved only with a link/formular for DMCA request, manual reviewing , consulting the publisher of the reported content and that shit is down.... This is what I think. Maybe yyou can give me more details about content moderation and

UGC solutions.... Posted February 11th, 2023 in Programming

What are the solutions to host user generated content for a website? I am planing to build a site(personal-limited use) where I can allow users to publish their conent, how newgrounds,twiter, reddit do.

I have a host for the website itself but a host for UGC.... this is bothering me for a while since I dont understand how this could work and what I have to do in order to achieve UGC published and visible in my website

Feature suggestion Posted December 19th, 2022 in Where is / How to / Help!

Could be possbile to have some history about how many visitors we had in a day/week/mounth/year for specific submissions? Would be helpfull for anyone to see how much attention can gather our work

Response to: Dump & Other Account Updates Posted November 9th, 2022 in NG News

At 10/10/22 04:55 PM, BrandyBuizel wrote:
At 10/10/22 12:48 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 10/10/22 12:43 PM, GeoKureli wrote:
At 10/10/22 12:39 PM, BoMToons wrote: One thing I've been wondering about lately is explicit thumbnails in the home page "Best New Games & Movies" sidebar. Seems like those should potentially be blurred or something (if on the home page), showing an "A" overlay and can perhaps be hovered over to be revealed.
Second this, I just have A content disabled, but I assume 99% on NG user's dont want to do that, and also do not want to unexpectedly see it on the front page
Here's another question then... If we offered an account-level option to blur adult thumbnails, would you want them only blurred on the front page but not on the hub pages, or would you be ok with them being blurred everywhere? Wonder if we would need it to be granular, like:

1) Don't Blur Adult Thumbnails
2) Blur Adult Thumbnails Everywhere
3) Blur Adult Thumbnails on Front Page Only
yea don't blur, defeats the purpose of a thumbnail

Due the fact the A rated content cannot be saw without account, that means thumbnails now can have explicit parts? Or still need to reduce the suggestion of hotest part?

Dont knew that.... But still, same version of firefox for many years and now it has some moments of atracting bugs.... At least we have anti-bugs solutions

In fact, let me tell you a thing. In Storage tab (firefox specific tab) i selected any of the storage and cache and I deleted them all. And closed the browser. I think either cache storege or local storage had something ticked, ny unknown mechansim, which blocked that script. Closed the firefox relog in my account and like digital magic, script loaded and ready to go . Maybe I should go to any thing of the browser I use next time,before alert. But could be usefull for other people which can be such situation.

In short deleteting those elements, fix


At 11/9/22 10:25 AM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: It may help if you posted just the console output image so it's actually readable, but if I had to guess, there's a plugin or something that's blocking the js.ngfiles.com domain, specifically on your userpage subdomain. Nothing on our end would be singling out a single user page like that.


Strange thning that a plugin can do content security policy and only for my user page

Does not work flushing cacheiu_798362_9493379.pngiu_798363_9493379.png

I asked a friend to coonect with his account. He has all feature prperly working. I connected with my phone to, my account , everything works. I think I have reset factor the firefox. I really dont know how only my account have this .

To be clear, anyone can right click and inspect element.

Do not ask me "Why I had that opened. What hack do you trying?"in sarcastic way,classify me as a hacker.

I do not tried to made anything malicous, only to see what happen there

I do not sure if this is the suitable forum to complain about issues/bugs/glitch/code shit of newgrounds but I encounter a really shit problem

For my profile page those scripts are not loadediu_797156_9493379.png

But for other profiles to visit, such as

All loaded.

THe problems I have from this:

  • Profil editing button return to my profile page(cannot acces editing options)
  • Medals are not visible, broken place for them
  • Backgraound imkage , profile image border are gone


Only thing I have done before this, was changing my profile image and by mistake I clicked on something outside of html elements of loading profile image and this happens.

I am using firefox and its not an old version a cause because until now everything works. In chrome I have everything in place and scripts loaded, but cannot change images of my profile.

The real concern is why Firefox block those scripts? Anyone with technical knowledge can tell me a way to fix this mess?

Response to: Dump & Other Account Updates Posted October 11th, 2022 in NG News

We’ve re-enabled the registration gates on A-rated content, which had been disabled previously due to the high volume of new accounts and associated anti-spam API calls; hence the reshuffling of where we do spam checks. The incoming volume of new accounts is also why Dump storage needs to be throttled moving forward.

I want to understand the reason for this, if its not too much to ask. Due the fact you said spam checking became to expensive and mnay new accounts are created, you disabled the login gateway. And now the login are back... this decision will not affect the price again? Additionally, the sign which warning us this is NSFW content is not enough?

Is this really necessary to promt user to log in? Im very confused about all the platforms that have NSFW content hosted blocked by the log in procedure

Response to: Custom Profile Picture Shapes! Posted April 8th, 2022 in NG News

about user page update, instead ofiu_599316_9493379.png, you couldn`t let the image icon, but blured and the name of artwork? In this way, anyone who acces the user page outside of newgrounds for specific artis and see this, make him/her confused about the location of specific artwork. Why is this necesary? For 25 years, peoples dont complained about sensitive artwork to be exposed in user page

Response to: Freshly Flanimated Posted January 22nd, 2022 in Animation

Im not sure how to ask this, but ill try

Only one big question i have:

THose jount are compatible for animating characters which turning around from side to another, without much drawing every positions?

Im struggle hard with frame by frame animation for turning around characters and i wish to use this for turning with les hand drawing

Response to: "Fun" bugs you've found in Flash? Posted January 12th, 2022 in Animation


layer parrenting tremble. You rotate one layer, and all the chained structured tremble until reach the final keyframe

Sometimes when select the line of the shape, simply dissapier until select anything else

Sometimes Transform tool leave a trace of its line on stage until rtelease the mouse click

Play time lagg.

SOME SHITY PROBLMES with code, if you know AS3

The timers are worst implemented due the fact they count seconds according to max fps and in some very huge projects, that flash file lagg hard. And 1 second can be 4 seconds or more. I occured this one recently.

Response to: Marriage Posted January 12th, 2022 in General

NOO GOD, NO ... NO... NO.....



If you get married with someone and you see his/her truly face, you will regret that decison.

Stay single and you will have more freedom then you will have when you get married.

Response to: Burned by he lack of art fundaments Posted January 9th, 2022 in Art

At 1/7/22 07:03 AM, dapao13 wrote:
At 1/5/22 03:57 AM, BoredCraft wrote: Greetings art lovers, i need some help. Is somenone who can get me some links for free manga, body proportions , 3d perspective? Anything i get when i search for those are with costs and i want them to be free.
What guide you followed to begin the you followed? Can you give me it to follow it too?
I am terrible at drawing and i want to start from solid point , but the internet help those which have money.
Hmmm... I think there ar planty materials at the PiratBay... If you willing to take risks... Or you can try the russian part of the internet... There are a lots of websites with PDF books on any subject... from fundamentails to higly speciefic stuff... "Librusec" for example is one of the oldest and most trustfull book pirate site.... I don't know if you can find english versions of materials you need there, but you can try... Also there is Rutracker (russian version of PiratBay) but almoust everything there in russian...
The best way is to check a russian art forums (you can find it everywhere on facebook, or russian version of facebook - vkontakte... 4chan, reddit, etc.)... There are some browser extensions like Xtranslate or Lingualeo that can help you on your quest.

Thanks for the info. Yea, about Piratbay, i already get a shot from one file, i dont know what i was downloading then.... but, ill check librusec.

Response to: Burned by he lack of art fundaments Posted January 5th, 2022 in Art

Thank you man for showing these ones.

This night i will drink some coffe, onbly o be able to exercise these.

Response to: Burned by he lack of art fundaments Posted January 5th, 2022 in Art

more motivation, more ideas in my dirty mind, more......

holy shit this light me up.

Nice warming up man

Response to: Burned by he lack of art fundaments Posted January 5th, 2022 in Art

At 1/5/22 09:00 AM, Skoops wrote: Didn't I send you links a few months ago that covered all that and more?
Drawabox is free and comprehensive. Do it this time.

That channel wasnt mine.

You responded me here, with one URL


Since this url i read time to time, i want another resources to read.

Its not better to document from many resources not only one?

Now i have enought resources , thanks.

Response to: Flash Forward Jam 2022! Posted January 5th, 2022 in NG News

I wish to be avaible AS 3 too since newgrounds have NG player

Burned by he lack of art fundaments Posted January 5th, 2022 in Art

Greetings art lovers, i need some help. Is somenone who can get me some links for free manga, body proportions , 3d perspective? Anything i get when i search for those are with costs and i want them to be free.

What guide you followed to begin the you followed? Can you give me it to follow it too?

I am terrible at drawing and i want to start from solid point , but the internet help those which have money.

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted December 28th, 2021 in Art

Allright. In that case, take your time to make it wonderfull

Response to: SECRET SANTA REVEAL Posted December 27th, 2021 in Art

At 12/24/21 09:54 PM, Xinxinix wrote: APOLOGIES FOR THE WAIT






Hey yo. I dont receive the notification about secret santa. Not even in discord i get secretcsanta role

Response to: fucking lack of results for java sound array Posted November 15th, 2021 in Programming

yes.... YEAS.....


Thank you lord of knoledge.

THis is the result of what i search for.

And yes, i want to draw the graph of tthe sound file and per frame some aritmetic operations

Recently, editing and visualizing sounds with "naked eye" attract me for no reason

Response to: fucking lack of results for java sound array Posted November 12th, 2021 in Programming

mmmh... not really

i need an extractor of samples from sound to retrnn an array of floats/doubles {0.1,0.4,0.5,0.2,0.62,...}

Loading a sound file and get from it the samples array

And on this one , i want to apply mathematical operation and draw a graph with it.

I found a function on the holy helper place , StackOverflow

public byte[] readAudioFileData(final String filePath) {

    byte[] data = null;

    try {

      final ByteArrayOutputStream baout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      final File file = new File(filePath);

      final AudioInputStream audioInputStream = AudioSystem


      byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

      int c;

      while ((c = audioInputStream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) {

        baout.write(buffer, 0, c);




      data = baout.toByteArray();

    } catch (Exception e) {



    return data;


but, returns bytes which have values between -128, +128, and knowing the fact amplitude of samples re values between 0 and 1(or 6, if i amplyfing it) and its not fully what i need. It return an array, but i search for each sample to be in range of 0-6 or 0-1. And the searching doesnt get me a good ResultSet

Response to: Secret Santa 2021! Posted November 10th, 2021 in Art


In this list i will add my character too.

P.S. Both are the same character. One form with casual clothes, and the other form in armor.

Time to see the "Xmax" magic in this Secret Santa method.

Response to: fucking lack of results for java sound array Posted November 10th, 2021 in Programming

If you are curious why i need raw ormat of sounds:

I wnat to manipulate numbers to modify that sound with some additions, divizions or other algebra operations

But i cant do this without the base matter

I searched for geting the array of samples from sound file with java, no usefull result

I searched for audiospetrum in java (with hope i can see how to extract digital format of sound), NO RESULT

I searched on youtube how to get array of samples from sound file , NO FUCKING RESULT

I knew a library java beads to manipulate sounds, not even there i found a method to get arrays of samples.

Please, but please, is any ways to exctract samples array of sound file with java?

I am so angry due the fact i cant found a simple answer of how i can get digital representation of fucking sound file with java.