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Response to: how did you learn a game engine? Posted 6 days ago in Game Development

Tutorials are a fine way to learn at first. But I’m guessing the issue is that you’re copying the code without understanding it? If that’s the case then I’d recommend finding guides that cover the fundamentals of the programming language itself instead of how to make a particular game in an engine. In that way my advice to opposed to the first response to this post; Learn fundamental things about programming and the engine and then come up with a game based on what you can do. If you decide to use a tutorial to make a game then at least now you have the context to understand what you’re doing, you’ll actually learn more.

Response to: Tell me about your first game! Posted 1 month ago in Game Development

I’ll say City Escape is my first game, but it’s really my first significant game. Technically, it’s this one. When I started with Unity, I’d follow tutorials to the end, then use what I learnt to add to the game and make it my own. That’s all City Escape really is. Not a bad way to learn.

Back then I’d only post to itch.io, where the games got no traction. As a joke I’d set the games’ category to “hentai”, but found that it actually worked in getting people to see the game.

Can someone remake the NG medal sound? Posted November 30th, 2023 in Audio

For the NG games I make, I've made a modernized graphic & animation for medal popups:


But I'm still using the old, compressed sounds to go along with them. I don't have the chops for audio production of any kind, but is anyone else wanting to take a stab at making one? Maybe a recreation, maybe a new flavour?

Response to: Disk Mayhem 2 Devlog Posted November 15th, 2023 in Game Development

We need more dev logs on NG

Response to: Written Gamedev guides Posted November 15th, 2023 in Game Development

I 100% relate, I always wanted to just have good written guides. Having to pause & rewind all the time, not be able to copy code or even read it because of the video quality… I get that videos get more views and most probably prefer it though.

The highest quality written guides I’ve seen are by Cat Like Coding. They’ve mostly focused on Unity in the past, but looks like they’ve just started with Godot tutorials.

Response to: Playlist / Series / Album / Collection Update Posted October 12th, 2023 in NG News

Man, I had a thought after seeing this update done not long after the art portal update. Isn’t it a breath of fresh air when a website releases updates that make it BETTER? Every time youtube, twitter or whatever releases an update it’s a small change for the worse. Mad props to the NG team.

Response to: Looking for suggestions for my gamedev streams Posted August 3rd, 2023 in Game Development

My suggestion is to make something that you can finish in a month or less. That’ll help you narrow down the gameplay type to something simpler. An FPS or fighting game is probably way too big and complex to make in that time.

My reasoning is that once you get busy with school, it’ll be hard to keep making progress. The longer you go without doing so, the harder it is to get started again and the easier it is to give up. I say this from current experience. At the start of the year I had over three months of not being busy, and it led me to over-scope the project I had started. Now I’m working full-time and struggling to finish it.

Since you want to practice and learn, the best thing you can do is finish and release a small game rather than spending a long time on a big one.

Response to: Paying Programmers General Posted July 25th, 2023 in Game Development

I’m gonna say from experience that it’s a tough situation. Non-developers don’t have a realistic idea of how long a project will take. Example: I’ve spent over half a year working on a project without pay that was pitched to me as a 2 week game jam. It’s not fun slaving away at something that you don’t have creative control over, and being given ideas that will take way more of your time than they understand. I don’t have much patience for an “ideas guy,” cause I have plenty of ideas I’d rather be working on.

Response to: Playstation/PS1 Games Suggestions Posted July 9th, 2023 in Video Games

If you dig wip3out, then check out wipEout XL / 2097. It’s the second game, and the one I keep coming back to of the original 3 on PS1. I think it strikes a nice middle ground between them, whereas wip3out does some things better but goes too far in some ways.

Response to: Games Front Page Suggestion Thread Posted July 1st, 2023 in Game Development

I wanted to recommend this game right after it was released, but I forgot where this thread was.

A great one hand mobile game I’d play while eating lunch at work. It’s criminal that it’s only got 1,000 plays

Response to: Which JavaScript engine is worth using? Posted June 29th, 2023 in Game Development

I’ll be the one to vouch for Phaser 3. It’s fast, flexible, and can do a lot. Look through the many examples to get an idea of it’s features. The last major version was released recently, so you won’t have to deal with breaking changes from here on.

Oh, and it has the advantage of having an unofficial, optional and (somewhat) non-intrusive IDE, Phaser Editor. Once you start wanting visual tools for UI or whatever, you’ll be thankful that the option is there unlike most frameworks.

Maybe you’re putting too much stock in the NG score? Personally I find showing my games to friends is more fulfilling than whatever reaction I get from the internet.

As for playtesting specific feedback, I believe you can learn more from watching a biased friend play it IRL than the feedback of someone online.

I’ll try to remember to give your game a shot and leave some notes later

Response to: Playlist Update: Phase Two Posted May 22nd, 2023 in NG News

At 5/22/23 10:20 AM, TomFulp wrote: In my previous post on Saturday, I asked musicians if they felt it was time to retire the CD iconography for music thumbnails, instead showing their full square thumbnail art. Response was mixed, however a lot of people liked the idea of treating the thumbnail like a sleeve with a CD or vinyl record poking out the side, to keep music unique while showing the full thumbnail. It also came up that games could look like game cartridges and movies could look like film strips. 

It’s fun to think about these things but it’s especially helpful when the ideas get visualized, which is what @JamesLee did with this game and music thumbnail mockup!

What do you think of that mockup? It’s a shift back towards a more skeuomorphic design, something that was frowned on this past decade but is maybe primed for a come-back. I enjoyed all the feedback I got on Saturday’s post because it’s a reminder you are out there and reading this, so please don’t hesitate to weigh in on this idea now!

The CD iconography mockup is great! For awhile I've thought that it's something that makes too much sense not to do.

The discussion as it relates to games is an intersection of things I'm very interested in: Design and making the NG/web game experience better and more consistent. Specifically making it feel like a retro game collection is very appealing. Nitrome is a great example because those games all had a consistent pixel art style, the games were of a high quality standard and the logo animation often depicted a cartridge being inserted and a console starting up.

I had a similar idea to the cartridge thumbnail thing that @JamesLee mocked up, but I was thinking more in the vein of old game CDs, like Playstation and Dreamcast. Here's a little mockup:


Regular state


Hover state

The hover state has some info about the game, like supported features, akin to the back of a game case. The bottom icons indicate rating, if the game supports medals, scoreboards, cloud save data and gamepads. This mockup is in the style of the current website design, and more work could be done to give it some personality and make it really feel like a physical CD case.

Truthfully, I think the current thumbnail design is best. Mine and @JamesLee's mockup would create a lot of repetition that takes valuable screen space away from the author's unique thumbnail. Something that adds some kind of retro / physical media charm could be cool as a separate feature? Or if creators wanted to take it into their own hands, maybe make a game which acts as a launcher (links to) some games, really putting effort into the presentation to make it feel like a collection of physical games. Like what you can supposedly do with Launchbox.

Response to: List Jam 2, Flash Forward & Other News Posted February 24th, 2023 in NG News

I was tempted to participate in List Jam this year, but I'd better focus on my current project... Maybe next year!

Response to: What JavaScript game engine should I use? Posted November 3rd, 2022 in Game Development

Jumping from Scratch to a Javascript framework is ambitious, I think it would be smart to go with something lighter and more similar to Scratch. To my knowledge there aren't any JavaScript engines out there, just frameworks. On it's own, frameworks have no user interface for level editing or anything, it's just code. Javascript can be rough to work with, but if you're set on it then Kaboom.js seems like a great option.

Don't be afraid to check out engines that require you to use other languages, your experience with Javascript will help you pick up it up.

Response to: toronto meetup,ice cream, &crashing my car Posted June 27th, 2022 in General

Good to know how the rest of the meetup went, since I could only stay for a few hours. Here’s hoping there’s another in Toronto soon

Response to: Comfort Games Posted June 24th, 2022 in Video Games

De Blob

Response to: Newgrounds Font & Site Updates Posted May 13th, 2022 in NG News

OOH! I figured it was Featured Item, which I've been using for years. Big thanks to @filiprb, this is perfect for stuff I've been working on as of today.

At 4/3/22 06:31 PM, 3p0ch wrote:
At 4/3/22 03:04 PM, BobbyBurt wrote:
At 3/5/22 11:31 AM, 3p0ch wrote: Once this reaches the point of being ready to release, I'll probably ask someone from the Art forum to make the configuration gizmo more visually appealing.
I can take a shot at it, though I dunno how I’d format it to be applicable to different project setups. Like how big the graphics would be, or if it’d be adaptable?
Sure, I'm thinking it'll need three pictures that would just go into the configuration gizmo page that other games spawn.

1) If you go to the configuration gizmo page without a gamepad plugged in, right now it just shows a screen saying something like "No gamepad detected, try plugging one in and pressing stuff", which would look a lot nicer if it were something like a picture of plugging in a gamepad USB and pressing buttons along with the text.

2) After that is a screen saying to press Enter or Space without any buttons being pressed or axes being moved, and that would also be nicer to show with a gamepad in hand and no buttons being pressed while another hand presses a keyboard button plus the text instructions.

3) Last would be a picture of a gamepad itself, tilted so you can see both the buttons on the side facing the player and the top and bottom shoulder triggers, ideally sized to fit the circles and rectangles on the screen where it prompts you to press buttons or Escape or at least set up so I could move the circles and rectangles to correspond to the gamepad buttons without them being at weird angles or anything, with prominent instructions including pressing Escape if a button isn't registering (like the D-pad on my system) since that might not be obvious.

Each picture would be 1024 wide x 600 high or scaleable to those proportions. I went and downloaded Unity again (my old laptop bit the dust) and need to remind myself how to use it to make that implementation, so no hurry. I would also need to recruit someone to make a GameMaker Studio implementation since I've never used it and it's pretty popular here.

I took a stab at it, here's what I came up with as a rough version of the first two 'gamepad detection' screens:



The actual binding screen is even more rough, because it's more complicated and I wanted more clairification on the direction of it. My idea is to have the current input outlined orange, and set inputs filled orange.


Give me some feedback on these designs, as I still want to refine them.

I think it would be a good idea to have a bit of animation on the first two screens, to indicate that the program is active and running. Something as simple as the orange elements flashing would do it.

I have some considerations about the implementation for devs using this tool, but I'll save them. I can't even figure out how to get it working in Phaser because I'm still pretty bad at JS...

Response to: Blog Update: Content Ratings! Posted April 22nd, 2022 in NG News

There's this one NSFW platformer that I see shilled in on the frontpage blog like once a month with the same message, so I'm happy that kinda thing will be filtered out. My blogs have been updated with ratings.

At 4/17/22 12:20 PM, 3p0ch wrote: Ugh, I can't even get Unity to handle my Switch controller correctly with either its default Input Manager (which doesn't return floats for axis movement) or the Input System (which doesn't work with my Switch gamepad at all). So doing like I did in Godot and writing code to take the engine's native machinery to handle gamepad input and remapping it using the configuration data generated by the configuration gizmo doesn't look like an option.

I'm writing code that will just make a static Gamepad class that devs can use to read the gamepad configuration data once, read the current gamepad state once per frame, and call methods like Gamepad.isButtonJustPressed("ButtonRight") etc. where the code will be conditionally compiled and only active in an HTML5 build since it will read the gamepad state through JavaScript. But that will be more of a pain in the butt for devs to implement than having code that reconfigures a native input mechanism because the only way to test and debug would be to make an HTML5 build and upload it instead of testing in the Unity editor, and it will mean writing more code to both handle input natively with Input Manager or Input System as well as implementing the Gamepad class so it will be more prone to errors if devs aren't tidy.

I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this, but since Input Manager and Input System aren't working with my gamepad I don't really see one.

I don’t miss closed source, restrictive engines

Response to: Custom Profile Picture Shapes! Posted April 8th, 2022 in NG News

I'd change my icon shape to one of the hip new ones, but it's not called 'Super Monkey Square'

Response to: Thumbnail Crew Posted April 7th, 2022 in Clubs & Crews

At 4/7/22 06:10 PM, TomFulp wrote: Thanks! Would be cool to see Simon post his art here.

Holy shit that was fast

Response to: Thumbnail Crew Posted April 7th, 2022 in Clubs & Crews

Quick upscale job for the thumbnail to the underexposed platformer Ripple Dot Zero. You may be familiar with the artist of this game, Simon Stålenhag, whose work is incredible.

Sadly the thumbnail will need some cropping to fix 16:9.

Response to: User Page Gallery Updates! Posted April 6th, 2022 in NG News

I noticed that change this morning and thought it was a previous update that I had missed. Good stuff. It still bugs me that the default sorting option on these pages is by year, because it highlights how rarely I upload…

You guys are really nostalgic for Facebook pfp huh.

Rounded square icons is where it’s at though. I’d rock it if my pfp wasn’t chosen with the circle in mind

Response to: Custom Profile Picture Shapes! Posted April 5th, 2022 in NG News

Wasn’t a fan of the weird shapes at first, but after seeing people use them it’s warming up to me. That and the boarders make the icons feel unique and convey identity. Sure it sacrafices uniformity, but if you want that then go to Facebook. Personal expression is what NG is about.

At 3/5/22 11:31 AM, 3p0ch wrote: Allright, here's an implementation in pure JavaScript.

That’s cool! I’ll play around with it when I have some time. I’m into Phaser now, so I’m interested in the JS implementation.

Once this reaches the point of being ready to release, I'll probably ask someone from the Art forum to make the configuration gizmo more visually appealing.

I can take a shot at it, though I dunno how I’d format it to be applicable to different project setups. Like how big the graphics would be, or if it’d be adaptable?

Response to: Dankmen: Cancelled Posted April 2nd, 2022 in NG News

no, NOOO!!! I sunk my savings into dankman... we were going to the moon...

How will I tell my wife that we won't be able to afford a house since I invested in pictures of tank man weed??

Response to: Dankmen NFTs Posted April 1st, 2022 in NG News

To all the haters, HFSP. This is real and it’s the future. Going all the way to the moon