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At 4/6/22 07:09 PM, Sequenced wrote:
At 4/5/22 08:25 AM, amidos2006 wrote: We secured a small funding for the graduation project, we still figuring out how much is that but in range between $400 and $500
I can give it a shot

Please send an email to the defined one in the post as I am not the lead of the project. Thanks a lot :)

We secured a small funding for the graduation project, we still figuring out how much is that but in range between $400 and $500

At 4/4/22 04:41 PM, Seth wrote: I may or may not be up for this.
Considering the tight schedule, I need to know: what's your deadline?

The tight schedule is the end of May.

My sister is looking for a musician to help design multiple music tracks for a short animated movie called “Toot Toot”. The movie is talking about the idea of the diversity of perception of time and the feeling that we are always running out of time. The animation plot is “the protagonist is trying to catch the train and fails miserably. Fueled with anger and frustration, the protagonist meets a magical Catfish that offers the “perfect” solution, The ring. Simply use the ring to go back in time to any moment you want, simple, right?...Well, if only it was that easy.”

For the music composition, I am looking for having a short music loop inspired by “TooT TooT” song's main melody which you can hear it repeating in the music video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIVho4LSKtM) in the first 30 seconds. The idea is we need the music reorchestrated and edited in a way to evoke different emotions in different parts of the movie.

This is a paid job with a tight time schedule as it is a graduation project with a deadline by end of the semester. If you are interested please submit your music reel/samples to my email hodaahkhalifa@gmail.com.

Here are some sample pictures from the movie:





Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted November 26th, 2019 in Game Development

Thanks a lot :) that actually worked, I just changed to the new api and used the new token and it worked :) Stupid me :)

Thanks again :)

At 11/26/19 12:56 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote:
At 11/26/19 12:22 PM, amidos2006 wrote: I am trying to postScore using the JavaScript/HTML API but it doesn't do anything. I get all the scoreBoards and it went correctly when I try to postScore nothing happens with no errors but nothing is being posted. and the callback is returning that weird error. "error: {code: 0, message: "Unexpected Server Response"}"
9 times out of 10, if you can load scores but not post them, it's a problem with your encryption key. Make sure you have that configured properly and the key was copy/pasted properly. Also make sure you are using the newgrounds.io API on your api tools page. It still defaults to the old Flash API there.

Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted November 26th, 2019 in Game Development

I am trying to postScore using the JavaScript/HTML API but it doesn't do anything. I get all the scoreBoards and it went correctly when I try to postScore nothing happens with no errors but nothing is being posted. and the callback is returning that weird error. "error: {code: 0, message: "Unexpected Server Response"}"

Response to: Top entries from 11/22/2017! Posted November 23rd, 2017 in P-bot's Postings

Nice "the sky house" is in the top 5 :) YaaaaY :)

Response to: Top entries from 10/19/2012! Posted October 20th, 2012 in P-bot's Postings

Nice Snazzle is 4th Daily Pick :)

Response to: Contest: Wacom Nude Portrait Contes Posted March 3rd, 2009 in Art

When I thought about your new Game Super Meat Boy I felt i wanna draw that picture
Hope you like my drawing evenif i didnt win :)

Contest: Wacom Nude Portrait Contes

Response to: Contest: Wacom Nude Portrait Contes Posted March 2nd, 2009 in Art

Although I hate opening this page as lots of naked pictures make this pge as a gay porn page
but i wanted to compete so i didnt draw the penis for the reason before
Hope I win

Contest: Wacom Nude Portrait Contes