This was fun. Great intro music, reminiscent of some very old games I remember. It woulld have been nice to be told I was approaching the end of the game. The movement felt fluid, and the control didn't feel difficult. The jumping boost from the green dots worked SURPRISINGLY WELL! For real, congratulations on making that work well. The fine tuning on that had to keep you up for a few nights alone! I have seen similar things implemented far less effectively! I would have rated 4.5 if the achievements worked. (And will add a star if they start to work.) Honestly, it had the most important characteristic for any game. It was fun. I'm going to replay it just to find the items I missed, because I think even if it is a small, simple game, it's FUN, so I want to do it again. Being genuinely fun is so key to any game. I've seen far more advanced games that missed the mark on that. (At least from my perspective.) Nice work.