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Router. 2006-08-07 18:18:26

hey i have 2 computers..1 with a router which is connected to the other..
the main computer must be turned on for the other computers internet to work..why is this and is there anyway it can be changed???

p.s i no this isnt real lfash but most geniouses hang around here lol.

Response to Router. 2006-08-07 18:19:46

It is because only that one computer has an internet connection.

Response to Router. 2006-08-07 18:21:55

Do you know if its truly a router or if its a hub?
Also, are you using the main PC as a proxy server for the other pc?
If its a true router and its set up correctly, you shouldnat have to have the one pc running for the other to access the internet. Be sure the wan/internet port on the router has the cable/dsl modem plugged into it and that pc 1 and 2 are both plugged into different lan jacks on the back of the router.
Hope that helps a little at least.

Response to Router. 2006-08-07 18:47:58

Nice sig Chaz :)

Response to Router. 2006-08-07 19:04:30

tech support unavailable. Call the company that made your router. this is considered spam.
