At 8/15/23 03:00 AM, xetto wrote:i got put in the "professional amateurs" group, which makes sense, because i had 38 fans earlier, but now i have 39. does this mean that in the next round, i'll be judged in the "above average joes" group, or will i stay where i am?
You'll stay where you are. Otherwise, the group totals would get very uneven after a while. Also, constantly keeping track of all 200+ competitors' fan totals is a little more administrative work than I signed up for. :)
"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog
Had fun with this one! good ole 5/4... dont know why im saying that ive never written in 5/4 before... but i have now! Hope yall like it!
I did NOT expect to make it in. Ah well, I’m not getting past KO Round, ggs
you guys like my tunes?
What’s a Knock-out Round?
The next stage of this 3-stage competition! Half of the original competitors from each group were accepted into the Knock-out Round, rounded up according to group membership and then rounded up again if there were ties. The new group membership totals may be unequal as a result of ties, rounding, and disqualifications.
i faced some timing issues with vacation, so i had to rush this out in 3 days. nevertheless, those were a brutal 3 days, and I hope you all enjoy
I thought I wouldn't be able to make something but I did it anyways.. 😂 I'm not that happy with the outcome, I just forced myself into making one 😂
I'm not sure if I will pass this round but here it is..
Hope you guys like it 🙂
I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:
At 8/16/23 02:17 PM, Interloping wrote: I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:
Hahahaha i feel you there! Some things I suggest that have helped me as ive had this exact issue-
Hope this helps with that in the future!
this took about 4-5 hours to make. I had a ton of fun making this track, and i think i even learned a few things during production :o
At 8/16/23 06:13 PM, Fox4567 wrote:At 8/16/23 02:17 PM, Interloping wrote: I made sure my submission wasnt too quiet this time (Looking at you, logic) o:Hahahaha i feel you there! Some things I suggest that have helped me as ive had this exact issue-
Hope this helps with that in the future!
Thank you for the input, I'm really new to FL studio so any mixing tips I can get, I'll gladly take. I'm glad to see this community is willing to help out the new guys like myself 😀
At 8/16/23 06:36 PM, Interloping wrote: Thank you for the input, I'm really new to FL studio so any mixing tips I can get, I'll gladly take. I'm glad to see this community is willing to help out the new guys like myself 😀
Oh, i thought you said you used logic 😭
yeah, my tips generally apply to logic pro mixing but I hope they still help !!
Here is my submission for the next round
A song about a boy who falls in love with the sun.
Later on in life he becomes an astronaut and flies a rocket straight into it, killing himself immediately.
Enjoy :)
At 8/16/23 06:49 PM, NotThePoppyArizona wrote: Alright then. Here is the next submission
Actually, you're expected to make a brand new track from scratch for this round of the competition. You couldn't have started working on it before August 13, as per the rules. Thanks!
Also, @Fox4567 Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)
"Time's fun when you're having flies." ~Kermit the Frog
gave it my all
At 8/16/23 09:18 PM, TaintedLogic wrote:Actually, you're expected to make a brand new track from scratch for this round of the competition. You couldn't have started working on it before August 13, as per the rules. Thanks!At 8/16/23 06:49 PM, NotThePoppyArizona wrote: Alright then. Here is the next submission
Also, @Fox4567 Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)
Oh thats really funny! Im sorry, ive just been ON logic pro for the past like 2 days working on MY submission and i thought i may be able to help him!! 😭😭😭
Haha I think @Interloping was referring to me when he said "looking at you, logic," not the DAW. I commented on the loudness of his mix in my review this past round. :)
At 8/13/23 12:05 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: For absolute clarity, the following users are moving on to the Knock-out Round. Congratulations and good luck, everyone!
@MetaHumanBoi @WakerLink @Venomite @RocketStart @DustyOfficial @Manvineo @EldritchAutopsy @ArtCowles @ALGOfficial @entropicvoxels @retrize @Vanhelyx @Aterr @JobrekthoMusic @Staintocton @Xehao @TheUnnamedPlayer @DarkGod666 @Ramn0 @GrowlbittzOfficial @ChrisisD @TheSpacePunk @Fox4567 @TheNewAge @OrangeKeyboard @Arevin @SomeGuyMusic @Mockany @TsukiStuffs @IvySnyder @rat9352 @Kiiri @TheGoldenProof @PaddyDavis @PRGX @icantpronouncethis @GlowBoyMusic @AvapXia @Ivki @gamerjaym @xxxZigZagxxx @Qvarcos @Kassich @iSrg33 @CompXsco @recme @FuzionTech @drdrwal @Dim-J @VIVID91 @BAOWZ-Tobass @CommanderFrost @MiniMusicPieces @314leafcutterant @Artackni @LexyFire @Cavernsparten @OkaThanSongs @tarutrit @Interloping @Kimasura @cyaneko @N0B4nn @Geekum @FUZZYFREAK @BarbierDoesMusic @Deathincan @amishpimp @CheesyChan @TheGrassGuy @Zeddius @wheremakingthishapen @DJSupaMonkey @bow1255 @MusicSashik @Ellietonin @1Hanzo @ELDIOS2333 @TentoTheC @AndrewCr @SoFtBOILeD @mushi11 @Tsunami990 @X2scepten @Geewd @Qwerzer @bottledf0x @djadj50 @Sirbru @CelestialChaos @music69012 @Nisker121 @MarkRuff21 @HellbentCreations @LHPixel8 @Rici-Ellipsis @DIXLOX @emersonkid @DonDonPan @DeforkliftRoachNef @dekiruGD @SaturneKx @NotThePoppyArizona @BigBlueBazooka @Jekoer @JuanPlaza @Omson @Walpang @FourTHat3 @Ackee39 @Introverse @Mauxus @RyuiY @Embyeee @ax1tl @cotnp @Cresince @JustTop @MRLinkins49 @cadecomposer @traftay @chatteyy @debashir @JoeStasi @Monumia @NativeNiles @Rilo15 @TheTrester @Enysmo @GDRyuHayabusa1988 @MsFluent @OneBigParadox @SlyFrost @Crysstal712 @Ukatz @blankfacedj @BottomKek @Dag0 @DWAAAN @Farmobus @Lassiel @SPIRALi @xkatttt @GeminiGemini @JA4Y @QWAZDYN @SirSandman0 @3manonMusic @TimeTravelleR54 @Aweror @D4W1LL13 @JarJarZoinks @Paint2Acetone @Ultimatepalmtree3 @xetto @Dawphin @DenPelm @ColBreakz @TeffyD @Veryfakeguest @paradiddlesjosh + @pixelseph @ZaneLittle @Mischa-head @Casper @Cattyx @CloudNinja @MaxRena @Bassclefff @GalaxyTones @Qshunt @Everratic @Inunoshiri @LordAndiso @LeruoME @MassiveMarioLuigi700 @KayozKun @Morpherence @Ritz190 @IVELISCHPFULI @TenodiBoris @Precipitation24 @RealGares @FJOB @PsiStarOfficial @ClitBait @SUNSCREECH @X-ManOfficial @X3LL3N @CDJeremy @TheVodouQueen @iWTBAT @Aster @FarFromSundown @Synncloud @underscore8298 @AkioDaku @DJSpyroof @littlbox @Nerostratos @Rougetoad49 @CommanderJersey @Hairmilked @TuneDown @Yoshiii343 Here's my entry. Good luck to everyone! I still have a lot of time to polish it but this is basically it XD
At 8/13/23 12:05 PM, TaintedLogic wrote: For absolute clarity, the following users were not accepted into the Knock-out Round. Better luck next time, everyone!
@death2go @Svenzo @Desmae @Pheanir @MangleDarkGames @WildTheory @SoulSecure @Casporb @gdfoxy0021 @Eptheus @Jotrocken @Viraxor @Mikaiah @Biakuu @DelitescentAria @Flamadour @RetroCarrot @ScottJacob @RedMurder7 @CaliberKat @LerzyThings @MorphingThruTime @Basiator @Quippic8 @MusicianNrd @GDjkhp @Aistis @BigTWONeli @Positron832 @GlaceonDash @LtFS @50Steaks @FLAVOUR-STAR @FOUNDDEADINLA @Chris-marcell @Veenomn @arbelamram @DistortedVortex @Asserter @Skymine123official @EarlyAccess @lokimiah1 @SanswichNG @Iog-in @flashmakeit @CALDM2001 @carbonlad @JAM-POWER @YingYong215 @Snoot-Doot @MyrtleMist @toad-shroom @PixxlMan @VoltranixMusic @Jokyles @insertNameHere0 @RevenantMusic @BroHighVlady @Dzeevn @GrenRachMusic @DJKolbasa @florianscreek @nk87 @SkullyHop @AstralJam @SpecialGuacs @dogsinmrimachines @orelbeatzrealone @I0-00I @7a9s7 @jeffbeard @WolFoxBeats @KEZOR @EDRZ @theDominus @MusicBySpektral @deepfriedfiend @Colin8tor @VanillaSnope @DARKMAJIK @NightPredator @WoogLord @GMDTurbo @Exdrumi @Quinnfinity9 @C-Lehman @Octusic @JustSomeBread @OANSHY @DJ-Minix @1Tap @EasyProjekt @GwennyLOL @NewGameExplorers @MacaroniAndGames @Peshay @Jok3004 @HumanCenterpiece @AdmiralEnsin @LpixXxel @Scrubyboat @Goose721 @Magicnumber69420 @McSpeedster2000 @AlphezGD @ForTheLeft @KarlYeah23 @SkyDeezs @xanxoepico @BonfireRMX @DJWITHERHEADgd @Partialism @verjamon @VictorLincolnPine @Aardvark04 @BlighterProductions @d514 @JanetKWallace @NnolokK @xxUltimaWeapon @BrandonTurner @Dadlur @jebuscrust9 @Michamadman @Nerospace @shikoshib @vater-roboter @ZRKA @ButterBees @Dennydo1 @SlimeyDev @KaijuMusic @NolamiAmada @CielOuvert @YgemKaaYT @Bansheebutt @DaxCamdaxian @FirechompGD @HG-HL @SpaceTrekMusic @DJDUBMUSIC @AshuraTheHedgehog242 @BALDORF @TRIACE-Unity @AnnieHer @AthosBR64 @BOSEBY @geonb @AVKid4 @cookie-group @ThePhoenix25 @KrachKrachh @Mesage @Clbuuu @EverythingYouWish @Stargame @8bitJackie @EVLanche @SpeedoRH @Lucasberry @Vertlain @SroSocial @Synfang @TebyTheCat @vidu3k333 @DiosselMusic @FahadLami-NG @g2961 @CorruptModule @ChordsInMotion @Theepicosity @ImSoAlive @EdKempeper @Kysertron @JPiXeLAnimations @Midbooze @TrandafirTeodora @StarDustJarr @gatekid3 @Noobliss120 @Psilenth @SodaMindReader @JizzyJazz @MettaSeven @CIEIRMusic @X-500 @cyan11 @BusanBlack @Winkwing @BBaNK @xxcatgore @Aalasteir @ZeroDigitZ @Mabelma @NikoN1nja @BeepBoxClock + @Anonymous-Frog @SkittleWaffle @ShortCakeCafe @GabeMalk @elweyquecomenta @Diamondmanpixel76