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Edits to post #26482750 by BobbyBurt


Hey, I'm trying to get wrap my head around NG.io for my unity projects. I've got it set up and I'm able to unlock medals and submit scores! I want to get the most I can out of this API, so I have two questions:

Is there a way to see & test the scoreboard in action in the preview section of my NG game project? It should display a menu under the game frame on a published project, but I'm not seeing it of the medals on my preview page.

Also, how do you check if a medal has already been unlocked? I imagine it has to do with Medal.getList, but I'm not sure how to access the data (I'm shockingly unfamiliar with how lists work...)

Hey, I'm trying to get wrap my head around NG.io for my unity projects. I've got it set up and I'm able to unlock medals and submit scores! I want to get the most I can out of this API. That said, I have a quick question:

How do you check if a medal has already been unlocked? I imagine it has to do with Medal.getList, but I'm not sure how to access the data (I'm shockingly unfamiliar with how lists work...)