I uploaded my own remix of "Fresh" By kawaisprite, and I have been banned for "posting stolen or otherwise unsuitable content". I was very confused because when uploading the audio I made sure to select that it was a "remix/cover" of an existing song, and even linked the original by kawaisprite.
If you would like to hear the audio for yourself, here is my upload on youtube:
I understand why the bot may have banned me, but I did not just record the original song and put stuff over the top, the entire instrumental, and vocals, were done all myself, with instruments from my music software (LMMS) with only the sound effects like the "ah yeahs" and a very short part of the vocals being sampled to give it the feel of the original, around the 0:23 second mark. I could understand maybe the bot picked up that the instrumental was very similar, but I did not just rip kawaisprites music and put vocals over the top, it was all remade myself, a screenshot is attached below to show that I did indeed make this using various different tracks and notes, and that it was not just a quick midi upload and resoundfont or a complete theft of work.
(apologies if it looks messy or strange, I am not really great at professional layouts, I have a way that works for me, so I just stick with that, hopefully this is valid evidence)
This was my first ever upload to newgrounds, and I didn't intend to be uploading anymore covers or remixes, instead just my own stuff, so this really caught me off guard. I would normally have just let the ban play out, but there is no specified date on the ban, and as I'm new, I'm unsure if this is normal or I am permanently banned.
If I am rightfully banned, then I do apologise, as this is my first time ever uploading something to newgrounds, so it was quite the shock. I have indeed read the rules, I may have just misunderstood something. I wont ask for an unban if I did indeed break the rules and do something serious, but I do apologise for doing so if that is the case, and I will make sure to take note of this next time.