At 10/20/23 11:18 PM, Gimmick wrote:
There doesn't seem to be much contrast between the walls and the ground. It could work no doubt, but there's not enough context to decide whether it fits with the rest of the game or not. Also, what is the bar that's constantly increasing? I assume it's not coded right now, because it doesn't seem to do anything -- what's it for?
I don't have any specific feedback otherwise. You may want to look at games like Hotline Miami or Kill the Kingpin for inspiration, because it seems like they have similar themes, mechanics and ideas.
Thanks for your reply Gimmick!
I agree there isn't a lot of contrast, however I am also using a fairly limited palette which is why the colors look the way they do. I personally believe this palette fits the game very well, but the color choices I made for the walls may not be the best. If you have any further advice on games with similar color palettes, I would be glad to hear about them in addition to the ones you posted!
As for the ever-increasing bar, that is the XP bar, and it is increasing because I needed to test the code for the 9-patch object. I was going to add a level indicator inside the square, as well as an icon of the player.