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Do you think Newgrounds is a good way to gain a following for games?

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Do you believe that using Newgrounds is still a viable method for building a fanbase, particularly for games? I often come across demos for games that will soon be available on other platforms like Steam. Despite having a loyal user community, Newgrounds' popularity has decreased over time.

At 8/3/23 11:19 AM, Fuhgeddaboudit wrote: Do you believe that using Newgrounds is still a viable method for building a fanbase, particularly for games? I often come across demos for games that will soon be available on other platforms like Steam. Despite having a loyal user community, Newgrounds' popularity has decreased over time.

For fanbase size, I think it would be really hard if you aren't regularly releasing new things, getting top 5 daily in some of those, or joining large collab projects... basically front page exposure. For dedicated fans, yes that's pretty doable here.

You might as well post some news here too, it deosnt have that great of exposure but meybe it ads up with other places like deviantart , discord ,pixiv and stuff

it may be a bad example to some but even though it's not my thing, FNF shows that yeah, it's very much possible

richard milhous nixon looks as if he were a funked lyndon b johnson but not

I think it's the best place to build your foundation of fans. Not a very large amount of fans, really. But a good solid basis of fans who actually give a shit if you keep on doing what u do.

Not the even close to the best place for the most grandiose internet exposure. But best engagement factor, to put it in marketing buzz-word terms.

But always wise to dip your toes into different other ponds, if you're really planning on making it big. This one too!