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game devoplment journal 1

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game devoplment journal 1 2023-04-26 18:05:12

hello my name is jason best and right now i want to make a game here some of the ideas i have

  1. re gaiden silent hill like horror game
  2. a tomogachi inspire pet raising sim
  3. a 2d puzzel platformers with mutiple endings

i don't know which one im doing right now the choice that tug of waring right now is 1 and 2 right now made a sprite here a look


it a start it for the puzzle game i might make animation for it once i make some sort of beta build i have few idea for it like i said Mutiple ending depending on how long it takes to beat the game. there was idea of game where. a person would talk to you at the beginning with a small hit of the Mutiple ending thing. but i scrap that maybe the other is it going to be 5 to 10 level long with each level will have mutiple path for player to fine now in term of releasing this game at first i wanted to put it on steam but this site feel like a better choice for a game with that munch of length. so ya what about of the other ideas

I'm nick naming this one project re hill, so it has some sort of name. to call it this one only have new idea so there not that munch to talk about the first idea. i have for this game is i want it to be a top down 2d base sprite game with the game playing like resident evil slash the silent hill Francise combat will be in the vain of resident evil Gaiden with the option to fight or run away from battle the other concept i have is the story the story about a man who found himself in a town without any Memorie of how he got there or when the game will have 6 area as you explore a the ghost like town you can fine weapon along with notes that tell about the history of the ghost town itself and about himself the story was something i originally have for a horror book but i never have anytime to write down but i did have one idea for a chapter of the main character fining a rundown animation studio where he soon come a across a cartoon cat like monster but this now this being a game i can the concept farther now unlike the last game this one is for sell on pc since the game engine im working with game maker can right now only do pc due to me having the software for free so it would have pc release first all i know is i will release on steam with a cheap price due to me maybe scaling the game down or i don't see this game being 40 or 50 $ at lunch especially when this might be a 10 hr or 12 hr game so ya the one thing i want to do for marking it that game is give 4 people a demo for player to play on there youtube or twitch channel with each person demo being a different portion of the game then after they play and upload on YouTube or archive these playthrought i will release the demo in a full with players select what part demo they want to play. now the one thing i completing on doing is how to send them the free demo the idea i have i would send it as a in universe character that. with the file being attach to the email the hold the demo along with concept art but that idea is to farch for those who don't know what a arg is

now the tomadochi one this one i wanted to make because it simple to make it require less coding i need to animate spite along with creating 5 pet that would evolve now here one thing i will release this on steam but for free the base game will come 2 egg that player can pick from the start, they will raise it play with by doing mini game for player. to play and raise your pet happiness meter. you can of course feed your pet and clean after it. along with scolding it if it do something bad now the most hard thing to come up with is to fine away to program it so player who haven't play it say a hr or 2 would not worry about it pooping all over the place or die . while the player off screen if anyone have idea for that please comment down now there will dlc but would be cheap costing 1.00 this dlc would be new pet that are either there for player to have more option or would be theme like how the Tamagotchi have a new theme virtual pet like Tamagotchi Ocean, angle, gardan themes some with their own background and maybe it own mini games now you munch be asking will there be online play so they can play breed or any of the other tomagotchi products did over the year well im new a game development so it may or may not have that functionality if so i think that would be fun i also thing mod support where people can mod in their own background or make there own pet would be great for those who don't like the creation i made one last thing at one point the idea was originally going to be a digimon virtual pet like game but reminding myself that digimon is little bit more complect then Tamagotchi i decided to change it with the idea i have now now i im maybe down on making something like that in the future dang on of the idea i have is making it online battling like Digimon battle spirit where depending on the stats the monster would be stronger or weak then some other player and might have a low or mid chance of wining

those are the idea and the explanation i hope i can go somewhere with it feel free to give me advice on game Devlopment. and if you like my idea feel free to comment down

