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Project Nortubel demo released

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Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-10 12:15:58


This is a 2D platformer game with some puzzle elements and a focus on "escort mission-esque" element where the Player takes the role of an older sibling and must watch out for their younger one.

The "story" is about a group of 6 lost in some weird places and needing to find a way out.

This game is in development and needs a lot of feedback because i expect a lot wrong with it.

It's my first Godot game and i've been looking up tutorials and info to make things work and it's also the kind of game that exists just because i felt like using characters in something.

This demo is rushed because of IRL situations, so hopefully in the future i can improve things either based on feedback or personal decisions.

And then here's the Github page:


If you liked this game or at least some parts of it, feel free to tell anyone else about it.

If this forum isn't the right place for a thread like this, let me know.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-16 05:37:11

In case self bumps aren't a bad thing, i updated the itch io link by making some visuals in the game a bit better (Even if not my a large margin) and also changed how scaling some scenes (Ladders, water etc) works so i can have an easier time when designing levels.

The itch page itself is different too.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-18 17:56:39

Update 2:


These changes were done thanks to feedback, even if there's more to consider (And the changes aren't perfect).

At least i added a new sound effect for the soccer ball bag.

Also i almost fogot: The camera is zoomed in a bit more, so you overlook the blue switch in the second level oops.

Maybe i should zoom it back, since i'll probably never fix the resolution but now i'll go to sleep.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-20 05:10:46

Update 3: Another rushed release because of IRL stuff and this time it's related to my PC. I hope the stuff's temporary because i want to keep working on the game but we'll have to see.

Let's just say i should have gotten Linux Mint when i had the chance and knew better beforehand.


Something i forgot to mention here is level design changes taking the new zoom into account, so the blue switch in level 2 is visible.

Please give me criticism, feedback and if possible, spread news about my game existing.

Anyway, two people i want to give shout outs to since i still remember their names: LeifBrandr and WhiteSarcophag1.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-21 23:29:52

Why are you posting links to itch instead of uploading the game to NG if you made it in Godot and can export to HTML5?

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Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-22 01:14:34

At 4/21/23 11:29 PM, 3p0ch wrote: Why are you posting links to itch instead of uploading the game to NG if you made it in Godot and can export to HTML5?

Probably because it's a WIP and (re)submitting it multiple times might not be something OP wants to do.

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Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-22 05:05:34

At 4/21/23 11:29 PM, 3p0ch wrote: Why are you posting links to itch instead of uploading the game to NG if you made it in Godot and can export to HTML5?

My game is on GLES3 and Godot's settings at the start of making a new project say it's not recommended for web games as opposed to GLES2.

So for the sake of what the very own program says, i made it a downloadable game.

If i do make a game under GLES2, i'll make it playable on brower.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-22 09:32:36

Unless you're using GLES3-specific things (some specific advanced 3D or particle effects), you could try changing the video rendering. Just open your project and there'll be a thing in the top right saying GLES3 (Godot 3.x) or Forward / Mobile / Compatibility (Godot 4). Change it to GLES2 (Godot 3) or Compatibility (Godot 4) and see if it works.

If you want to be on the super safe side, make a copy of your Godot project directory and just change the video renderer in one of the copies. Then if GLES2 works fine with no noticeable differences, just work on the GLES2 version going forward.

My newsfeed has random GameDev tips & tricks

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-22 11:12:08

At 4/22/23 09:32 AM, 3p0ch wrote: Unless you're using GLES3-specific things (some specific advanced 3D or particle effects), you could try changing the video rendering. Just open your project and there'll be a thing in the top right saying GLES3 (Godot 3.x) or Forward / Mobile / Compatibility (Godot 4). Change it to GLES2 (Godot 3) or Compatibility (Godot 4) and see if it works.

If you want to be on the super safe side, make a copy of your Godot project directory and just change the video renderer in one of the copies. Then if GLES2 works fine with no noticeable differences, just work on the GLES2 version going forward.

After your suggestion, i exported to HTML and uploaded to both NG (Under judgement) and Itch (The Windows download is still there).

I also had to remove/change the quit buttons because they'd be usefull in browser and break the game.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-04-28 08:43:05

Update as of 28 of April.

* Fixed an issue where the Player could automatically jump if leaving the ladder and fall to a close enough floor (Something to do with jump buffering). 

* When the Companion is off-screen, a pointer shows up indicating their direction (It’s a bit awkward but i tried my best).

* Fixed some parts in level 1 so the portals are less accessible.

* Health bars now stay in a stable part of the “UI” even if they’re still nodes under their characters (Used CanvasLayer ones).

* Fixed subtle rotated angles of some levels.

* Added new sounds (Player/Comp landing on floor, pushable, water splash, teleportal effect).

* Finally added localization settings in the menu, so you can switch between English and Portuguese.

* “What’s with the extra button?” i just added a thing for the future: Not just because of code and structure, but also art as things to later worry about.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-05-07 15:05:02

Did another update but i already wrote details here:


Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-05-27 06:56:08

Had some things keeping me busy like other projects and even annoying IRL stuff. but i updated the game:

* Made the yellow book scene more flexible to create various books with different info.

* Added 3 “tutorial” levels before the preexisting 6 levels, where mechanics/concepts are introduced at a better pace and included respective hint books.

* Made a first attempt at a cutscene: This is very special because there’s a lot of potential even if the writing, art, timing etc could’ve been better.

* Added a “studio presents” animation before the main menu.

* When entering certain worlds, a stylized name of said world will pop up in the screen (If you look into the Github repo, you can spoil yourself with the other worlds’ names but their actual contexts needs work… unless you find some long thing i wrote that isn’t really kept that secretly).

What else:

* I might do the Save/Load system later even though all i want to keep in mind is the current level that a save happens and maybe the life count (Something i already had issues with in the past).

* The “intro” cutscene before the first level also needs actual images, so maybe an update can be focused on new art.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-06-14 17:53:42

* Added a “Please read” button and text with info related to this game’s problems.

* Added a template for an art gallery but nothing works because there’s no art (And it might be better to make this unlockable and make sure the art is good).

* Every level now uses the same “level template” script (At some point i deleted the “main level script” but because that was an AutoLoad i brought it back just in case).

* Takes 10 coins for a new life.

* I can now add level props, even if i wish the behind-the-scenes system was a bit better (And they're only used in the first level and some could look better since this is an early version of the method).

* Tried adding actual art to the first cutscene (It looks bad, i should try to redo it and use actual construction/gesture art methods).

* Player/Companion collisions don’t change anymore during swim states. This means i need to redo sprites because the visuals are misleading but at least level design can be more flexible and weird collision issues are gone.

I think the Save/Load stuff could be done much later, since i even turned off the buttons.

If anyone has any interest on how to fix the Save/Load issue, pay attention to how the game is structured (Since i obviously put it on Github) because certain threads and screenshots might be outdated.

Let me say: Being my first game, i like to think that Nortubel still has chances to be better and that my next game could consider certain things like image resolution and Save/Load options as first priorities.

Like if my journey as a game dev leads me to make more games and they end up better, Nortubel could be seen as a “rough start” that was still worth it.

I sometimes wonder if i could allow a remake (That would still have the original as a playable project just to not be entirely forgotten/replaced) just to be better presented.

I still have some ideas on how the game's story goes could.

The presentation should be better since i could use actual moving sprites, like the illusion of a camera moving to show a landscape or even effects like moving vehicles or something.

At best, the current art could be seen as “programmer art”.

Worst case scenario, i might need friends of mine to help me fix the art.

Another reason why this update took a bit longer is because i’ve been busy with other stuff like Doom mapping.

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-06-27 09:41:53

* Added a Password system in case i never get a proper Save/Load system (Pay attention to the pop ups when you get to the green door).

* Resized some props though for some reason i had some trouble with the green metal fence.

* Added “prefabs”, which applies to certain objects that are like a middle ground between “prop” and “level object”.

* Prefab: A food van that the Player can open and “drive” where the vehicle just moves really fast (This might be something used once and not a common level feature).

* New: Floor switch scene that requires the vase to be on top of and the barrier that opens up if said switch is pressed.

* New: Rotating water wheel with wooden platforms attached.

* New: “Peeking” platform that shows up at times, requiring you to time jumps.

* New: Green walls that show up/disappear depending on which green switches are activated. Even had to make sure the characters don’t get stuck if the walls spawn on their location.

* New: Bell that acts as a stomping hazard (And the first time i implement an instakill “DeathHitbox” scene).

* New: Fish enemy that moves up/down and shoots projectiles (Unlike the Gecko, the damage comes from the projectiles and not the fish itself which you can also kill).

* Rearranged NPC organization in case i add more characters and add some interactions.

* Main characters can be NPC’s when not playable.

* Fixed an issue where if the Player kills an enemy too soon while on the pain animation, the game could crash (Something to do with the Area2D enter signal and the source of the interaction disappearing too soon).

As for things in the game files but not used in current levels:

* Prefabs: A giant straw split into 3 parts where if any character gets in, the sprites change to reveal its inside.

* Prefab: A large piano key with a customizable pitch scale, so you can have characters walk on it and play some music.

* Added new props, each representing a different world from that of Nortubel. If you recall the “world title animation” scene with stylized fonts for each world, you may get the idea of what worlds i want to include.

On the next update, i (HOPEFULLY) should focus on actual visual stuff such as:

* Character sprites

* Backgrounds

* Tiles

* Actual use of some props

* The first cutscene

* Maybe the gecko too

* And i guess some HUD icons for keys and the ball

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-07-07 20:16:16

At 4/22/23 11:12 AM, EyeBallTank wrote:
At 4/22/23 09:32 AM, 3p0ch wrote: Unless you're using GLES3-specific things (some specific advanced 3D or particle effects), you could try changing the video rendering. Just open your project and there'll be a thing in the top right saying GLES3 (Godot 3.x) or Forward / Mobile / Compatibility (Godot 4). Change it to GLES2 (Godot 3) or Compatibility (Godot 4) and see if it works.

If you want to be on the super safe side, make a copy of your Godot project directory and just change the video renderer in one of the copies. Then if GLES2 works fine with no noticeable differences, just work on the GLES2 version going forward.
After your suggestion, i exported to HTML and uploaded to both NG (Under judgement) and Itch (The Windows download is still there).
I also had to remove/change the quit buttons because they'd be usefull in browser and break the game.

Heads up, I'm pretty sure you can also set up a project without publishing it and share it with beta testers through a preview link. In case you want to delete and re-publish the finished game later.

BBS Signature

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-08-29 11:47:48

Did a new update, most info is here:


Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-09-09 12:46:10

* Visually changed the main menu a bit and customized buttons

* Scene transition effect has a different green shade

* Tutorial/hint books now have images and you gotta press S to see them (So they won’t be as intrusive). You also press R to turn off the image and text.

* 4 icons for the keys and soccer ball, so you know when you have them or not

And the update before:

* Portals now have a shorter delay

* Tutorial/hint book texts are now at bottom of screen

* Level design changes, some to make it easier or avoid softlocks

* Tile changes, even if they don't seem enough

* Gave Bonka a different shade of yellow that's hopefully less annoying

* Vase can kill both main characters and because of this, I did some collision/code stuff behind the scenes to make it work

* Got rid of WASD movement because it didn't suit the gameplay

* Intro cutscene is a bit longer due to reports of it being too fast

Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-10-19 06:56:55

Added a new cutscene and 3 levels for a new world:


Response to Project Nortubel demo released 2023-11-28 14:43:35

The game now has 18 levels and 6 cutscenes in total.
