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Porting a Game to different platforms

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Disclaimer: I am not a Video Game developer. I’m just curious about this topic.

To any game developers: can you please explain the process of porting your games to different platforms / consoles?

Thank you for your time!

Response to Porting a Game to different platforms 2023-02-23 19:17:16

I haven't developed anything for multiple platforms individually; I think as time passes the practice is also slowly becoming less widespread due to the existence of cross-platform frameworks and runtimes.

These days if you develop your game using Godot or Unity, then you can ship it to different platforms since you develop for those runtimes, which then run their OS-specific versions across platforms. E.g. Godot's runtime for Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.; same with Unity.

You can still do the same thing without relying on an engine, if you use languages that compile down to other languages / runtimes for different platforms. For example, Haxe allows you to write programs that can then be used to target Flash, HTML5, or native Windows, Android, etc. programs. You might need to write code specific to such platforms if you want to make use of their features, or you may need to forego it for a roughly equivalent experience across them all.

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