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Game Developer in need of Project Members!

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Hello there, my name is Basil, and I'm developing an RPG Maker Project. Currently there isn't much to show due to the size of the team being very small, just myself and my concept artist. I'm looking for sprite artists, general artists, composers and sound effects specialists, and anyone else willing to provide insight into the process of story writing, RPG Maker Development, marketing/exposure or anything else. I'm not currently looking at Voice Actors at this time as I have made the mistake of attempting to get them way before I was ready and leaving far too many people on read out of lack of script, something I am very sorry for still. I'll add in some art from the game here, as well as a demo title screen and a brief synopsis of the game itself.iu_758649_6647896.webp

Star X Knight: A Full-Hilt Stroy, is a game set in the remnants of a world turned to ruins by a cataclysm known as The Black War. This left the entire Planet of Nightmare scorched and uninhabitable, save for a few islands floating high in the skies above. On one of these islands, is where our story takes place. Following the journey of Starmiion Lunacore, a young adult with the unique ability to copy and learn the powers of anyone they fight, the player will help them make friends, face enemies, and find out the truth of where they come from and what really happened to their missing mother. All the while, they must find and collect a series of gemstones shaped like stars that grant incredible powers to anyone with a spirt strong enough to master them. iu_758650_6647896.webp

This is Starmiion, Our young, bright eyed protag! Through a series of sudden events that resulted in them coming into possession of one of the eight Chaos Stars, they are suddenly thrusted into a journey where they have to find the other remaining Chaos Stars, to stop Chaos and their forces, and hopefully find out what happened to their Mother along the way. Even though they're reluctant to be the hero in someone else's prophecy, they play along on the promise of exploring, and being close to their friends!

If you're interested in helping out, send me a message! I look forward to getting to meet some new people and working alone with you to help make my game come to life!

I can be reached on Discord at almost all hours: !Basil 「Starmion」#2047

Response to Game Developer in need of Project Members! 2022-09-23 22:16:50

I can be reached on discord at almost all hours: !Basil 「Starmion」#2047

I can be reached on Discord at almost all hours: !Basil 「Starmion」#2047

Response to Game Developer in need of Project Members! 2023-08-04 23:53:53

Hello, this project seems pretty cool. I am new to newgrounds and I would love to get into a project. My help would most likely be in the writing/story. With that being said I have never officially posted any writings, however, I am really good at coming up with ideas that have a lot of depth and interest. And I will restate that I am in no fact a professional I'm more of an amatuer. If you would be willing to collaborate I would love to share some ideas with you and flush out a story.

Response to Game Developer in need of Project Members! 2023-08-25 00:54:14

Hey, I'm TST and if you have an idea of what kind of music or soundtrack you need, I could try to help with that! The Story sounds interesting so I'm up for it.

Response to Game Developer in need of Project Members! 2023-08-30 17:16:25

This sounds good. I could help with voice acting.

Response to Game Developer in need of Project Members! 2023-08-31 06:36:27

Sounds cool. I'd be willing to do some art and writing work.