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Turn Based Combat Game

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Turn Based Combat Game 2013-04-15 22:42:33

Greetings Newgrounds users and programmers,

I haven't posted on these forums in maybe over three years. That being said, I haven't been active in my flash projects lately either. I'm really rusty at my programming.

If there are any websites that you can point me to that will refresh or reteach some basic flash to me I'd be very grateful.

Now, to the subject of my post: Turn Based Combat

I'm making a turn based combat game. Sort of Pokemon-Final-Fantasy-Goldensun-esque.
I currently want to make a basic engine of how the game mechanics will work (without animation).
The things I mainly would like to cover in this thread is:
>Making the dynamic text (health) change when it is acted upon -- Such as, pressing an attack button will reduce a players health a certain amount. As well as increasing it -- For example, casting a heal.
>Creating characteristics that will save automatically for each character upon leveling or equipping an item. Characteristics such as: Health max, Mana Regen, Attack Power...etc
>Making a "spell" use some "mana" as a cost to cast it.

There are a few other things, that if any of you know how to do or have tips on how to do I would appreciate how to do.
>Making a skill tree (would I make an array for it?) I would like individual levels for the skills on it as well.
>There will be more in the posts that follow...
If you have tips or tricks for me please let me know.



Response to Turn Based Combat Game 2013-04-15 23:06:23

At 4/15/13 10:42 PM, jackkyboy wrote: If there are any websites that you can point me to that will refresh or reteach some basic flash to me I'd be very grateful.


>Making the dynamic text (health) change when it is acted upon -- Such as, pressing an attack button will reduce a players health a certain amount. As well as increasing it -- For example, casting a heal.

Have a variable that keeps track of the health, and update the text of a textfield when that value changes.

>Making a "spell" use some "mana" as a cost to cast it.

Use a variable.

Before starting with an RPG, you should get familiar with the language. Things like "saving stats" are just variables within a class. Mana is just a number that you change. Try to abstract what you're doing into what the computer would understand: AS3 doesn't know what mana is, but it knows what a number is.

Response to Turn Based Combat Game 2013-04-16 13:54:58

I would suggest as a MSGhero said, to look up some guides/tutorials to refresh your memory on variables.
But basically all of that is just variable tracking, from health to a skill tree, and then just changing variables when buttons are pressed/activated. just display the variables on screen that you want the player to see/track themselves.

Response to Turn Based Combat Game 2013-04-16 23:26:32

I would have to say, mock up all your equations on paper, how they work and effect each other. for example,
player A attacks player B, sooooooo.........
Player B hit points - ((Player A Attack + any buffs) - (Player Defense B + any buffs))

Not saying use this, just saying it as an example. Then like everyone else said keep track of them with variables. Good luck.

Response to Turn Based Combat Game 2023-03-13 22:32:18

you should do a mario and luigi type thing that they either jump over it and hit the enemy or use some sort of weapon to hit the enemy when there attacking

Response to Turn Based Combat Game 2023-03-18 02:19:54

I would recommend RPG Maker you can get it on steam and change the assets to meet your pixel needs. Great for RPG's and it doesn't require much on the code side. Most of the program comes with prebuilt RPG codes for battling and other basic foundation stuff that takes longer to do in regular programs like gamemaker studio2, or other programs.