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Response to: Project ideas for a portfolio on GitHub Posted September 20th, 2021 in Programming

At 8/6/21 03:58 PM, D4n789 wrote: Hi, this is my first time posting in these forums. I'm a CS student (I'm on last year of college), and I'll need a good portfolio on Github to aply on interviews and make a good impretion. However I'm not sure what kind of projects should I create, I know C/C++ and I want to learn C# and Java. I'm not an extremelly skilled developer, I consider myself something between a begginer/intermediate when It comes to skills, but with time I can create a decent enough desktop application. If you guys have some advice and ideas feel free to post them please, I'll be very greatful. Have a good day.

If you like programming in C you should check out RayLib. It’s a library which allows you to make some really awesome OpenGL games with pure code. Or if you’re a masochist you can just jump straight to GLFW3 or Vulkan. RayLib is very easy to learn and there’s bindings available for almost every language out there.

If you truly want to impress people. Start learning x86/x64 assembly language and post your project to GitHub :D If you master assembly it can help you to write more effecient C code.

Response to: What do you think will unite the country again? Posted September 20th, 2021 in Politics

At 9/18/21 08:39 PM, Wegra wrote: I think the last time I ever saw the country truly united was when they killed Osama bin Laden (Which holy shit it's been 10 years now) I still remember some of the people just celebrating a wonderful occasion and I havent seen something like that since then.

I guess maybe until COVID 19 officially has been declared over?

European here so my opinion doesn’t matter but nations are dividing everywhere, not just in the US. Far-right ideas are gaining support across Europe and more and more people are buying these bullshit conspiracy theories. I personally believe that countries like Russia are at least partially involved in spreading misinformation and propaganda. That would make sense considering that the EU and the US are their biggest rivals. Yet, this as well is just a conspiracy theory so who knows?

Response to: ADHD meds and urge to smoke Posted July 26th, 2020 in General

At 7/15/20 01:29 PM, DamnedByFate wrote: Weed is my meds.

Pot is good as an anti-depressant but pretty useless as a subsitute for ADHD meds.

Response to: ADHD meds and urge to smoke Posted July 26th, 2020 in General

At 7/15/20 04:05 PM, CuntMagnet wrote: Stop taking that shit, lest you get brain damage

Any proof to back this claim?

Response to: ADHD meds and urge to smoke Posted July 26th, 2020 in General

At 7/15/20 03:08 PM, Ech0Chamber wrote:
At 7/15/20 08:46 AM, ValiantFIN wrote: I've been prescribed with Concerta (basically Ritalin but extended release) and everytime I take them I get a strong urge to smoke cigarettes even though I've never been a smoker. Any of you experience this weird side effect from meds?
Same meds here, and never had that urge before. I just know I tend to get anxious for a short period of time afterward. Literal anxiety over nothing, but my guess is I get it from being unable to focus on something properly.

I also get that feeling sometimes and it makes me want to smoke even more since it calms me down a little. Sorry for the late reply :D

Response to: Increase virtual memory in Flash 8 Posted July 26th, 2020 in General

At 7/23/20 09:08 AM, Warpathalpha wrote:
At 7/23/20 04:51 AM, EggDef wrote: Download more RAM
you do realize ram is hardware???


Response to: Has Anyone Been Here When They Were Young? Posted July 15th, 2020 in General

Found this website back in 2005 when I was 8 years old. Played games such as Combat Instinct, Dad 'n' Me and Bloody Rage :D

ADHD meds and urge to smoke Posted July 15th, 2020 in General

I've been prescribed with Concerta (basically Ritalin but extended release) and everytime I take them I get a strong urge to smoke cigarettes even though I've never been a smoker. Any of you experience this weird side effect from meds?

Response to: Petition to Change Newgrounds name Posted July 14th, 2020 in General

That's an awful name.

Response to: Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque Posted July 13th, 2020 in Game Development

A very interesting and daring concept! And I thought making a game on The Troubles in Northern Ireland would be too extreme :D

Response to: Help Im making a flash game Posted July 13th, 2020 in Game Development

At 7/9/20 11:05 PM, VelociChicken wrote: I'm wondering if anyone can help Plz reply back.

What kind of game are you making?