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Response to: is it ok to remake club penguin? Posted 4 days ago in Game Development

At 12/25/23 04:00 AM, Mxjawbreaker wrote: I’m pretty sure as long as u claim it as a remake it’s fine. Ppl have remade cp so many times, it only became an issue with Disney cuz CP Rewritten ended up getting involved with tons of drama and allegations of—(you what I can’t even explain the lore goes so deep)
tldr, yes, a lot of mmos function the same ur not gonna get in any legal trouble. If u worried, label it as a parody

It's been 20 years and people still don't know not to abbreviate Club Penguin/cyberpunk.... Especially when also mentioning Disney😋



Response to: 2023 Year-End Recap! Posted 4 days ago in NG News

At 12/31/23 11:49 AM, ChazDude wrote: Happy Newgrounds Year! May 2024 bring...uh... further Newgrounding!

But why do we have to wait so long? 😮

.... Also how about re-open politics just this year for one final go-round, winner take all? 😆

Response to: Suggestions to make games for ladies. Posted 4 days ago in Game Development


Or that's what I WOULD be saying until I saw the art was ok, just not detailed enough.

while "Otome" is a good category, it's also a large genre. It might be better to not only "take after" a specific company's output, but use their tools, too!

there's a tool called Renpy specifically designed for games like this, and you might want to look up the company Hanako Games as a place to start, beginning with Cute Knight as a base. It will probably be easier to use that first and then port it to flash or whatever we use these days, than start immediately in flash itself

Cute Knight also has even today a little seen innovation where you DON'T have to hook up if you don't want to. There are like 4 dozen possible endings, and you can marry a stereotypical gallant prince, become a "warrior princess" yourself and snag the little innkeeper boy as a house husband, or just give up on love and become the local Crazy Cat Lady!


At 12/29/23 03:03 PM, TheBestBroster wrote:
At 12/29/23 02:26 PM, TheKlown wrote:
At 12/29/23 06:40 AM, TheBestBroster wrote:
At 12/29/23 03:32 AM, TheKlown wrote: Beginning on July 29, 2024, we will no longer support the Xbox 360 Store or the Xbox 360 Marketplace (marketplace.xbox.com).

Will any game company offer any free games before the store shutsdown or no? Is it just Crackdown and Crackdown 2 for now?
cuz the xbox 360 is almost 20 years old now
Yeah but if they take the store down they're stealing money from people that purchased the digital games.
ohhh right, i foget you cant play those old games without it. Shit that sucks

Once again proving us old fogeys right about you dumb kids and your fancy schmancy "cirrus services" 😂


Response to: Nu(ked)grounds Posted March 6th, 2023 in General


Welp, we're bone(re)d

Response to: Trump’s VP Posted March 6th, 2023 in Politics

At 3/6/23 11:06 AM, BUM-DRILLER wrote: Since I turned off the news and got rid of cable, I have no idea who the “darling” of the right would be these days.

I suppose like most they announce somebody very late in the season, and someone barely anybody has heard of.

Having a minority VP is good for making people feel good, but that’s like making a hot Latina the face of your companies commercials while the execs are all white guys.

A VP is only useful for breaking ties in the senate. That’s it. That’s their only job. Beyond that, they stay in a bunker, perhaps literally, and avoid any microphones for the good of the administration.

Unless they're Cheneys! Pretty scary there's some idiots who actually want to put the Liz(ard) in with so much Russia tension.

A big problem with the Republicans is there's a bit of a generation gap from the "information age" occurring, so whoever appeals to the youth looks like a deranged vulgar idiot to the old farts, and whoever appeals to the boomers looks like an uncool oil shilling Israel first dinosaur to young people. A lot of those youngsters only are even on the right because of the media censor BS the Clinton camp and feminists started in the mid-2000s. (AKA "south park Rep" as the phrase of the time went). And the only ones with vague "cross gen appeal" are lamoids with no charisma like Shapiro and Charlie Kirk. So unless they can whip up another Cain (since the establishment would never let a Paul get that close to the seat) they're in a pickle there. Most of these picks only appeal to donors not voters and that ruins youth appeal since they'd rather not vote and let Dems win than vote for business lobbying shills or anyone who reminds them of local HoA Karens

Really can't think of anyone who gets on Faux that would appeal to college reps, they might have to just randomly grab like Scott Adams or something

At 3/6/23 10:37 AM, OpusFreiling wrote: VP typically don't need to debate anyway, so why not the first VIRTUAL vp? 😋
I was all in until i saw “race war”

Kekw, she is quite literally an insane 4chan troll as a vtuber, it would be perfect for "the 4chan meme president"


She is, as the kiddies would say, "hilariously based"

Trump appears to not know his way around computers well outside of social media, so while politically she doesn't "bring anyone new" she "covers essential holes" that causes zoomers to slip away from the party like his (and his generation's) goofy opinions on games, "satanic music," and drugs to say the least. Retention was a big problem in 2020 as well after all, so a colossal shitter who twists the panties of Karens and race hustlers will keep them from losing more under 30s to "breadtube" and their edgy "Dirtbags"

Remember how many libertarians Bernie drew in primaries, after all, that "hole" is actually a flaw of both parties, and there's a lot of people bouncing back and forth who are looking for candidates nobody in DC likes, and are willing to give up their stance on fiscal or social policy if they are offered a stronger push on the other end. Bernie promising to "fight the banks" and end the forever war is what let righties overlook the social progressivism bits. So the reps need to look into offering something like that, say wiping gun laws or forfeiture or ending internet sales taxes but being pro LGBT/M4A. {I actually think two old school punks would be utterly perfect, there's only one teensy tiny little problem with Rainy and Nick Culmer.... They're Bri'ish!!! 😆 But they fit the "cool tech guy that's anti ID & pro Free Speech Absolutism & supports unrestricted guns for all" bill perfectly. They are just in the wrong country! They are both very similar to McAfee, just with less money and hostile third world takeovers}

Response to: Trump’s VP Posted March 6th, 2023 in Politics

VP typically don't need to debate anyway, so why not the first VIRTUAL vp? 😋



Response to: Florida bans Democrats Posted March 6th, 2023 in Politics


We must rid ourselves of the Democratic menace before they succeed in their primary goal of disarming the proletariat 😎🚬iu_914520_964020.webpiu_914521_964020.webp

Response to: Guess my political stance based on the accounts I follow. Posted February 23rd, 2023 in Politics

At 2/3/23 02:35 AM, Enere wrote:
At 2/2/23 09:11 PM, Caniac76 wrote:
Wokeness is a far-left belief, leftists usually hate it too.

Naw, it's pretty mid

I left cpusa for being "too right" (promoting libs) and I hate it too! Or at least the overprivileged West Coast academic elitist one you think of when you hear it/see it used on Twatter.

It used to mean simply "being aware" of the mendacious nature of the US government and its corrupt G-man fedboys, so quite a bit of the non-globalist/non-Q/non-religious nutter right would have qualified as well. If they hate cops, they can always count on me as a pal! 😆

Response to: Favorite Defunct Site? Posted February 22nd, 2023 in General

Kongregate, sank by the NFTs and crypto craze, RIP

Response to: Opinion on East Palestine, Ohio? Posted February 21st, 2023 in Politics

At 2/20/23 12:53 PM, BUM-DRILLER wrote:
At 2/20/23 11:58 AM, ZomAlien wrote: Uh, other than the fact that it is pretty fucking bad, and this isn't go be just Ohio's problem once that toxic shit runs down the major rivers to other states.
Now these are just projections, but I have seen graphs that it could reach the Mississippi. Albeit in very diluted amounts.

But still, phosphene gas is used in chemical weapons. It’s an element sure but how much does the human body need need besides like micrograms per year?

I knew it!!! The memes were right! Ohio really is plotting an invasion!!!


Response to: Atomic Hearts Posted February 21st, 2023 in Politics

At 2/21/23 07:21 PM, CyberRobotnix wrote:
At 2/21/23 12:22 PM, EdyKel wrote: You know, this is the only discussion I have seen on this, and I have not seen anyone boycotting it. The same thing with Hogwarts legacy. At this point, I think some people are just overreacting more over a few people overreacting to something silly, which just generates more buzz over a game over a non-issue.
Streamers who played Hogwarts Legacy ended up being harassed by the woke mob tho.

IDGAF if these guys boycott any game they don't like. There's huge chances they were never going to play it anyways even if it had no drama surrounding it. The only problem is they are emotionally unstable stalkers who'd use any underhanded tactic to push their agendas and destroy any form of freedom of expression. Like for example they try to hurt this game's sales because they hope it would hurt Rowling monetarily.

Moona got pissed over what happened with Pikamee and Hiyo and Silvervale's streams, and let absolute shitlords overrun her discord, that's been a pretty entertaining side outcome. Strangely amusing that Pikamee has become a sort of rallying cry for the anti-lib left, they are all "lgb without the T" sorts. Fgc streamers and "black gaymurrs" have also decided to play it "to show solidarity with Pikamee" so this was ultimately all round a shot in their own foot, convincing people who didn't even like Potter or care for the universe to get on it "to pwn the libs"

This is why I tell people that are organizing something like this to do a BUYCOTT instead, for example reccing people read Caroline Stevermer's college of magic instead. Heck, if enough people had pushed it as an alternative, it might have gotten its own movie series too!

Or take the chik fila thing, they should have promoted places that did better chicken on the side, like Wendy's or Rally's

Heck, I find quite a lot of flaws in it, like the limited spell selection or not being able to abuse poly juice as much as you ought to, they should have all formed an independent studio and just straight up made a better game



Response to: Boomers. Zoomers. Doomers. Groomers. Posted January 28th, 2023 in Politics

At 4/27/22 10:09 PM, Kel-chan wrote: Groomers.

Why is there such an apologist stance on the left toward obvious exploitation and grooming of children. I acknowledge there are plently of redneck republican pedos but by and large people don't support it nor make excuses for it. I mean look at what happened with Milo Yiannopolous once he was exposed as a groomer. How can the left justify grooming?

Picrel is how i feel/felt

Lads, can it be considered grooming when the one groomed was yourself?

Response to: Boomers. Zoomers. Doomers. Groomers. Posted January 28th, 2023 in Politics

At 4/27/22 10:09 PM, Kel-chan wrote: Groomers.

Why is there such an apologist stance on the left toward obvious exploitation and grooming of children. I acknowledge there are plently of redneck republican pedos but by and large people don't support it nor make excuses for it. I mean look at what happened with Milo Yiannopolous once he was exposed as a groomer. How can the left justify grooming?

Picrel is how i feel/felt

Response to: Nobody's actually pissed about black little mermaid, right? Posted January 20th, 2023 in Politics

At 1/1/23 10:16 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
At 1/1/23 09:18 AM, FUNKbrs wrote:
At 1/1/23 08:10 AM, LittleWashu wrote: Actually there are a group of people that are sick of the WOKE virtue signaling. I haven't seen the movie myself nor do I plan to. However I have seen quite a few of my old school favorites completely destroyed by this sort of thing just because a certain group of people are trying to push in my opinion a stupid agenda.
So you'd prefer people to be "asleep"?

That seems...dumb. And wrong.

The same people who've been screaming "WAKE UP!" for years are now made everyone is "woke" because they're caught on to their bullshit.

Frankly it's hilarious to care about something so silly.
Actually "WOKE" is a political slang term that has a lot to do with SJW's (Social Justice Warriors)

But my original point is these people are trying to pander to a certain group of people when doing this sort of thing instead of allowing it to flow naturally.

No such thing as SJW, only SJ, it's the very personification of severe brain rot through and through

Always a bit of an issue I had with the Anti SJ side, they somewhat accidentally imply with this misnomer that there exists "a good form" by splitting the definition up into "extremist" and "does basically the same but not kind of extremist"

It's little more than the areligious counterpart to the Moral Majority, the "American Taliban," all they did was remove the word God from every proclamation yet retain the same outlook, as the (often amusingly male) feminist anger and outrage over scantily clad anime babes would attest, harkening back to a time a hundred years ago where going to the beach with too much thigh or belly showing would net you a fine. They even have a similar level of child abuse when you really dig into it! 😹

It's interesting to note that the godliness and feminism are just excuses for this bad behavior as well, and there appears some sort of innate inborn drive for certain people to operate in such a fashion, this "Authoritarian Academicism" that so often results in the policing of bodily autonomy, occupational pursuits, and property rights. They always attend the same set of "woke mind virus" indoctrination centers the same way evangelist preachers all came from the same little circle of "Christian Colleges," Brigham is to Oberlin as Oral Roberts is to Berkeley.

Hell, despite "conflicting" political ideology, sometimes they even team up! As seen in the Anti drug and anti pornography movements. NOT so dissimilar at all, really.

Only two little words appear to divide these camps from association with each other 24/7, "God" and "abortion" are the deal breakers. Otherwise they are completely interchangeable.

Response to: Musk Twitter deal collapses Posted December 19th, 2022 in Politics

At 12/18/22 08:14 PM, FinaLee wrote: Gentlemen, our boy is once again feeling the sobering twinge of regret.

I love how the true OG awose fwom da gwave just to say "hey, wanna let me take a crack at it?"

At 12/10/22 01:15 PM, GenericDungeonSlime wrote: I have seen full audio versions of this clip on Twitter before, if I come across it again I will share it.

The supreme irony is that the American generation that fought and won WW2 would be unironically described as "nazi" today, given their politics. Was it worth it? To fight and die only to have your land disown you, your history spit upon, your name tarnished, everything you wanted for this nation gone without a trace?

Heck, a lot of the time they were confirmedly worse!


At 12/10/22 08:54 AM, ItsAugie wrote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anarchist_communities

Marinaleda and Cherán are probably the best ones to pull from this, they originally had similar "police problems" and gang violence as major us cities, then just up and shot the bastards and chased the polichickens out of office. The US could stand to take a few pointers!

And now a couple decades later are smoothly sailing, on par with the safest US cities in the most crime ridden regions.

Chicago might be a bit too big to get everyone on board as a "first experiment" but that's the kind of place it was before, truly wholly corrupt top to bottom. A city of 50k-200k in similar straits is where you might have it happen here.




Response to: Fascist coup foiled in Germany Posted December 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 12/10/22 08:48 PM, SkunxWorkshop wrote: well I get called a nazi for being right leaning. simply right leaning. not even far right. and apparently I'm a nazi. I say "the sons of liberty would been proud of J6". and all of a sudden, I'm a traitor to the USA. i dunno.

Bruh, I am a legitimate revolutionary communist who doesn't see a possibility of a representative democracy in US without a violent overthrowing of its billionaires' theocratic oligarchy & media propaganda organs and they call me that because I don't believe in the genital mutilation of children, Dem suxxx are They Live brainworms personified xD

Gets even more ridiculous when you realise that goofy viking wannabe nutzis have been all kicked out in favour of freaky Chrissaun cults, so as an OG carpenter-stabbing crucifix-pissing NG atheist I would be even more out of place as one of those so-called "nutzis"

Response to: Fascist coup foiled in Germany Posted December 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 12/9/22 08:55 AM, Calamaistr wrote: Here I am wondering how anyone can still defend ANY government as legitimate in the first place.
Especially considering the entire fraud that has been ongoing for three years now, nvm.. I mean many decades since rockefeller carnegie an morgan changed health into oil administering.

Is there even a single guverno mentis on this entire plane still in place without having been caught with innumerable lies and scandals of a (unrelated to the prior) variety..

The only answer can be to become self sufficient and ignore all state-legislation. Do not seek re-presentation, present yourself.

The cabinets of the "socialism trinity" Lugo, Morales, and Zelaya were pretty based, probably why Americans fought so hard to undermine them xD

In the old days it was just about "muh gommunism" but these days I can't help but think the (especially "Democratic") Nortèamericanos hate democracy so much because they are jealous of functioning governments

Response to: Long term future of the Republican party? Posted December 4th, 2022 in Politics

SO IS IT FATED, SO SHALL IT HAPPEN, #YE24iu_828541_964020.webp

Response to: Republicans hate democracy Posted December 3rd, 2022 in Politics

At 11/19/22 05:57 AM, Cerbskies wrote:
At 11/19/22 05:44 AM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 11/18/22 07:49 PM, Cerbskies wrote:
At 11/18/22 05:40 PM, DamnedByFate wrote:
At 11/17/22 07:46 PM, Cerbskies wrote: You only hear what you want. There's someone saying the same about dems / libs.
But only one side can point to an actual armed coup attempt.
To be fair, I dont think the BLM / Antifa riots were trying to coup anything. I think it was just senseless violence and an excuse to loot.
Hence, they're not as bad. Case closed.
Who DID try an armed coup though?

Perhaps this will give us a clue!



Response to: Musk Twitter deal collapses Posted December 3rd, 2022 in Politics

At 12/2/22 01:05 PM, Gimmick wrote:
At 12/2/22 11:47 AM, Gario wrote:
At 12/2/22 08:49 AM, FinaLee wrote: Ye’s tweet falls well short of that standard. No court in the U.S. would consider it to be incitement. Musk is either simply unaware of how free speech works in this country or being intentionally dishonest.
so what

as has been said of the owners before musk took it over, it's his site, he can literally do what he wants, much to everyone's chagrin
Well yeah, the post was moreso pointing out the contradictions and backpedalling that Elon did and does. He can do whatever he wants with his platform, but he's being disingenuous as usual when he justifies his (in)actions with "free speech", because of these contradictions.

I'd respect Elon a little bit if he just flipped the bird to everyone and said that it's his platform, his rules, he doesn't give a fuck about anything else. But that would be admitting that he's going to rule with his iron fist which would drive away even more advertisers.

Doubt he actually gives a shit about advertisers, he's approaching it in such a hypocritical way because he doesn't want to scare away the weird crypto nerds. He is eating the hell out of their hero worship and wants to keep it going. I mentioned either last year or the year before he was basically turning into Hugo Drax, and now I think he's really coming into that comparison!

Actually, let me adjust that a bit. That's only a third of the equation, he's also equal parts.....



Response to: Long term future of the Republican party? Posted December 3rd, 2022 in Politics

At 12/1/22 03:26 PM, DieterTheuns wrote:
At 12/1/22 10:44 AM, Tyler wrote: In 2016, Marxist thought leader Zizek Slavoj urged progressives Bernie voters and MAGAs work together - both have similar radical anti-establishment & revolutionary aims.
Zizek's kind of a naive dumbass, though.

Zizek, like Marx, falls into the trap of downplaying the effect of race, religion, gender etc on wealth inequality, and distills the discussion to simple class (with some pseudo-psychological sexual references thrown in for good measure).

He theorizes that because MAGA wants to take down billionaires, that must mean this would provide a net positive to the world. He chooses to ignore the enormous ripple effect of how abolishing *only* Democrat billionaires (Soros and Gates) would have on climate change, women's rights, LGBT rights, racial equality etc. which would in turn limit how many people even can vote.

I don't know how he expects it to go. Perhaps he hopes the left can "infect" their enthousiasm of taking down billionaires on MAGA, but in reality, they'll only listen to authoritarians. It's socialist suicide.

If the working class truly want change, it's all billionaires, or nothing. There is no middle of the road.

I don't buy into such corpo-pushed arbitrary divisiveness either, it only serves to derail the holy flames of the revolution!!!!!

I'm going on a different approach though, I first introduce them to Fernando Lugo and Camilo Torres, because they are also Catholic, and also do not use the other dreaded C word, then I work on getting them to hate the pigs through their thievery (civil forfeiture) and enforcement of eminent domain seizures and protection of public officials over the public itself. It also helps locally the porkers thanks to George Floyd protests now hate ALL "civilians" equally and refuse to partake in the communities aside from writing tickets and the occasional drug bust, they are like the irs but even more petty and evil.

Before they realise it, another conservative is suddenly joining us for a day at the range with the SRA boiz and replacing that poster of Ray gun with Luis Lima or Commandante Marcos >:}

Next year I'll work on them from the "free state angle" and see how far along I can push a bunch of mini township secessions, get them to overlook how fail Chaz was and get a home grown Marinaleda going by 2025+

Zizek's approach is too "academic," you gotta get "down in the dirt" to properly impress these hayseeds! That means participating in their silly little war games and reenactments, and talking about Right to Repair and 3d printing munitions. 8D

Response to: Musk Twitter deal collapses Posted November 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 11/11/22 04:24 PM, Gimmick wrote:
At 11/7/22 06:53 PM, Yomuchan wrote: On the bright side, this is honestly nice to see.
Pretty sure that image is misleading, since I remember reading that Elon fired the teams responsible for cleaning up and summarizing the trends on Twitter (that's right, it was manual, not automated) and that's why trends were frozen everywhere. It wasn't because "leftists are inciting war", it's because they got lucky with the timing of it all.

Ah, that explains why loli won't stop trending now xD

They probably created that after 1d fangirls owned Twitter for a whole year

Boy did that lead to some immensely cursed trend combos


Response to: SHOWDOWN! Trump vs DeSantis Posted November 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 11/11/22 07:39 PM, GenericDungeonSlime wrote:
At 11/11/22 01:05 PM, Zachary wrote:
At 11/10/22 10:01 PM, GenericDungeonSlime wrote: The long and the short of it is if you were a prominent Republican pre-Trump, you are probably a DeSantis guy. If you became a Republican because of Trump, you are likely a Trump guy still. Although Trump still crushes DeSantis in republican polling.
I can see how DeSantis being a little more polished than Trump would be more appealing to pre-Trump republicans.

Do you think it is going to hurt the republicans in the Georgia runoff election if Trump announces his intentions to run for president in 2024?

It seems like the republicans are telling Trump to chill out a bit until after the race in December and obviously are aware that Trump being on a ticket causes democrats to come out and vote.
I think Trump should keep his mouth shut until after the elections entirely. Then let him run in 2024. After that DeSantis has a clear path forward as the presumed figurehead for the foreseeable future. Trump polls too well among Republicans to ignore and does too good in once-uncontested states to ignore.

He increases turnout on both sides, but that's a good thing! The more people participate in the election the more legitimate it actually is. If nobody is caring then something is seriously wrong and politics aren't catering to peoples needs or desires.

It's also a good antidote to fraud, as it gets harder to fudge votes the closer you are to 100%

As Detroit exposed in 2016 when it suddenly had 130% votes counted

Apparently after they decapitated Kwame, they forgot to "turn off" his regime's engine

If you have a consistent ~100k not voting, it becomes very easy to "accidentally" nudge a few to one side

Response to: SHOWDOWN! Trump vs DeSantis Posted November 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 11/11/22 02:18 AM, SleeveMcdichael83 wrote:
At 11/10/22 07:42 PM, TylerFromTexas wrote: This is one of those scenarios where, if both of these guys were trapped in a burning building and I only had time to save one, I may just crack open a beer and watch it burn down.

If I HAD to choose though, slight edge to DeSantis I guess...
I guess this a big difference between the left and right. If AOC, Biden, Pelosi etc were in a burning building and I could save then I would. They are terrible people but don't deserve to die for it. The left want their opponents to die as they dont care about any human life only being in power.

I'd only grab AoC, and not because of those reasons. ;þ

It would be a "least harm committed" principle.

Human life which harms other human life is kind of a bad thing to leave hanging around. And unjust incarceration ranks pretty high up there!

And from a utilitarian perspective they are also old as dirt and may as well start napping. Ask not what Jesus would do, but John Mill!

Response to: Transgender Player in Female Football Posted November 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 11/9/22 12:16 PM, SPOOKY-BUM-DRILLER wrote:
At 11/9/22 12:00 PM, 4Dimens wrote: Why can't we have just normal football instead of "female" football or "male" football. That's not gender equality at all. It's just dividing both. It's like you should separate black men to white men. Doesn't make any fucking sense.
It is sensible to discriminate in this regard. Girls can get really hurt by boys because science.

That one is a little wtf, since unless they are playing with Mutant League rules I'm pretty sure any face spikes are purely accidental

It's probably irrelevant in purely "skill sports"

We'd need to know more about the injury first

Response to: Transgender Player in Female Football Posted November 11th, 2022 in Politics

At 11/6/22 02:36 PM, Scott-The-Woz wrote:
At 11/5/22 05:58 PM, DieterTheuns wrote: Miss United States of America Can Ban Trans Women From Competition, Federal Court Rules

Somehow I think it might not have been about 'fairness' of genes after all.
Trans Women have an unfair advantage in Beauty pageants, they’re just that damn sexy
