Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Response to: Elon Musk to Also Acquire Newgrounds Posted April 25th, 2022 in NG News

At 4/25/22 05:08 PM, TomFulp wrote: Ok not really but here is what has happened on Newgrounds this month: 

Hey, as long as Mr. Fulp is still in charge, I'm happy.

Response to: What are your opinions on open source? Posted November 3rd, 2021 in Programming

At 11/2/21 01:21 PM, detergent1 wrote: I abominate that there are thousands of websites around full of advertisements that downloads YouTube videos, converts your files and do other stuff, whilst they are just a Web interface to an open source library or command-line tool. But hey, who wants to touch the mystery magical terminal to convert your shit, right?

makes me wanna clone a whole bunch of them and make a big bloated (windows users like that right) GUI tool that converts and downloads a whole bunch of different things, and make it open source

Response to: Events, 2FA, Audio and Thank You! Posted October 22nd, 2021 in NG News

At 10/22/21 10:21 AM, TomFulp wrote: I think NG is doing something pretty cool where we make a site that is free for everyone, doesn’t collect and share/sell personal data and increasingly runs without ads, all with the hope that enough people will pay to sustain it.

This is a very rare sight to behold...


Usually there's at least some third party gathering data from somewhere (facebook, google, etc) but Newgrounds literally has nothing that Brave considers worth blocking

Newgrounds is a good fuckin' site and I hope you guys continue doing what you do

How do you want people to use your code? Assume you have an MIT license on your code. Would you be happy if someone took your code, changed the bare minimum and then made money from it?

Personally I'm unemployed, so I need people to see how I work. Without open source I'd be kind of boned. But it does concern me a little bit if I use an open-source license, that someone might just take what I've written, sell it, and give me nothing in return.

But I also believe in open source. People should be allowed to do what they want with software, they have a right to know what's going on under the hood, even if they don't know how to write code, they should still be able to ask someone who does "hey, can you have a look at this source code and let me know if anything spooky is going on behind the scenes?"

I figure it's an interesting conversation topic and might spark some replies.

Response to: Wallpapers Posted October 17th, 2021 in General

At 10/17/21 04:48 AM, Sparkey10984 wrote: had this on my phone as a wallpaper, if this counts

mobile wallpapers? sure, why not

Wallpapers Posted October 17th, 2021 in General

post your wallpapers!

not a screenshot of your desktop, post your wallpapers. 1080p jpegs or whatever file format you've saved them as.

Response to: About Encrypting NG IO Keys Posted October 15th, 2021 in Programming

At 10/14/21 06:08 PM, Pinetrow wrote:
At 9/13/21 10:38 AM, GoKritz wrote:
At 9/6/21 09:26 AM, CuckyDev wrote: Yeah, I was always aware of this, I just know from personally digging in stuff that putting stuff in plaintext is a super easy way to get keys and codes stolen with no effort. But I'll keep your suggestions in mind. Thanks!
I like to keep secret stuff in my root folder, then I feel like Mr. Robot whenever I push code
The main thing is that you don't have an imaginary friend.

yeah, crying in the corner of my apartment out of overwhelming loneliness is fine.

just kidding. I live with my mom, I don't have an apartment.

Response to: If you were trapped on an elevator with any NG user Posted September 30th, 2021 in General

At 9/29/21 08:03 PM, FullOnWave wrote: Who would it be and why?

Stamper, because I've kinda sorta met the guy and he seems okay and like he won't kill me

I don't think he'd appreciate being trapped in an elevator with me though

Response to: Show NG your desktop! Posted September 29th, 2021 in General


you can't tell me what to do

Response to: Show NG your desktop! Posted September 29th, 2021 in General

At 5/13/20 03:40 AM, GoKritz wrote:
I don't know who made the wallpaper.

Not blurring out my real name since i link to my portfolio website on my profile anyway.

iu_432357_2256189.webp oh shit what happened here

Response to: surprising facts about yourself Posted September 23rd, 2021 in General

I do not have a god complex, but I am Jesus Christ reincarnate.

Unity3D NG API example project Posted September 22nd, 2021 in Game Development

If you're having trouble with the Newgrounds API as I see a lot of people are, you can have a look at this EXAMPLE PROJECT I set up.

This project starts off on one scene, makes sure you're logged in and then switches to a new scene with a button that just unlocks a medal. I've tested it to make sure it works. Download the source code and project files from the link in the project description! any questions, post them here or send me a DM.

(and if you think this could be better, feel free to submit a pull request!)

Response to: Unity3d WebGL Support Posted September 22nd, 2021 in Game Development

Hey everyone, check it out I made this.


Open source too, so if I've done something all shit-like, as I do, feel free to make a pull request

Response to: Are You Friends with the Above Poster? Posted September 20th, 2021 in General

At 9/20/21 06:17 AM, BitSweetChoco wrote: I don't know the person above me yet, I hope they're chill.

get this homie, I don't know you either. Nice to meet you.

Response to: AI generates any image Posted September 18th, 2021 in General

"Darth Bane kills the Sith Lords"


Response to: vegans. Posted September 15th, 2021 in General

At 9/13/21 11:51 PM, Mistman7 wrote: there's a fucking reason i cannot take vegans seriously. they do shit like harass eaters of meat, cage up and torture PREGNANT WOMEN, screw up events,and shove their beliefs down our throats. im fine with vegetarians, pescatarians, ect. But about 99% of vegans I've seen were obnoxious, arrogant assholes

those are just the vegans you remember, if someone is a vegan and not an asshole, they're not likely to tell you because they have nothing to prove to you

Response to: Unity API Scoreboard issue Posted September 14th, 2021 in Programming

I wanna help you but I don't know what your project looks like. Could you upload it somewhere?

You say it works in the editor but not when it's exported... try making a preview on Newgrounds and see if it's just a local server issue?

Response to: Code review? Posted September 14th, 2021 in Programming

At 9/14/21 06:07 PM, 23450 wrote: I'm not certain I understand this look. It looks like the getStabbed has multiple ways to call die();, and will do it multiple times. This line of code in particular, I do not see a reason for it.

I added a new type of NPC class, but haven't actually got any sound assets for them yet. When the NPC class tried to play the death sounds for that NPC, the game crashed. As a temporary solution until every possible sound exists, I made it check for null, then skip over the sound.play stuff by just making the function die and return.

At 9/14/21 06:07 PM, 23450 wrote: I think this might just.....not be a constant.

Oh yeah, I forgot I wrote that. I think it used to be a constant, and I was using it for some logic somewhere else, and then i added functionality to pick up new weapons, the logic that depended on MAX_WEAPONS broke, so it just made it not a constant, but didn't bother to make it lowercase... then added a weird comment like I do

Thanks for all your pointers! I can see where you're coming from, I'm gonna be going over it for a while

Response to: Unity API Scoreboard issue Posted September 14th, 2021 in Programming

At 9/14/21 02:19 AM, ZabuJard wrote: Hi i followed the PDF guide and i can post score in unity editor no problem

but when i publish to WEBGL its not publishing the score to the game, and when i open up the game it asks for NG passport login. Then I click proceed but that's it. Maybe it's not logging me in?

im thinking that has something to do with it? Any ideas? Thanks guys

I don't remember exactly how I got EAT CIRCLES to work, but the source code is HERE if you wanna look at it

Response to: I have this really terrifying fear... Posted September 13th, 2021 in General

At 9/13/21 02:14 AM, NeonSpider wrote: See, this isn't good. It leads me to believe it probably isn't safe and your feeling is probably right.

Be careful.

This is terrible advice

People generally don't wanna shoot strangers they've never met in the back of the head. It sounds like you're having social anxiety issues or something. If it's impacting your life negatively you should seek some mental help. You should feel like you can walk into a store without having your brains splattered all over the sidewalk if you ask me.

Response to: im an atheist. debate me! Posted September 13th, 2021 in General

At 9/13/21 03:02 AM, an-salad wrote: god isnt real and your pathetic man made religions are laughable. debate me!

Religions can help people. Gives people a purpose. Gives them reason to keep living, get out of bed, keep a routine. Religions have been a force for evil in the world before yes but they can also be a power for good.

I'm agnostic because I don't like to take sides or say outright that I know for certain what's out there. Atheism is a man-made assumption that the universe was not an intelligent and or deliberate creation. Yknow maybe we're a mistake in an otherwise carefully crafted painting that is the milky way? Like you're drawing something but you accidentally spill a little grease on the page so you try to wipe it off but it just kinda smears and gets worse. That's us. We're a grease stain.

What was the question?

Response to: What are you right now? Posted September 13th, 2021 in General

At 9/13/21 10:45 AM, Adididi wrote: Describe it by what you saw first in your surrounding

This post, Newgrounds, your PC set, and mobile is excepted

I'm on my phone, I'm in bed. Shut up, I'm trying to sleep.

I'm waiting for some nerd to read the code for a game I'm developing over on the programming forum so they can tell me why it sucks so I can make it not suck.

Response to: About Encrypting NG IO Keys Posted September 13th, 2021 in Programming

At 9/6/21 09:26 AM, CuckyDev wrote: Yeah, I was always aware of this, I just know from personally digging in stuff that putting stuff in plaintext is a super easy way to get keys and codes stolen with no effort. But I'll keep your suggestions in mind. Thanks!

I like to keep secret stuff in my root folder, then I feel like Mr. Robot whenever I push code

Response to: Fnf McTonight Mod (yeah how original) Posted September 13th, 2021 in Game Development

At 9/13/21 12:30 AM, DerpyRob wrote: Hey! So if you stumbled upon this post i hope im not posting this on the wrong place and stuff...
basically the mod is well that!
a good ol fnf mod inspired by mcdonalds old late 80s midnight mascot, i have only done some sprites for it back on june-july but i really want to finish it and figured out i wasnt able to finish it myself, so if anybody is interested in it, um just reply to this, i dont really know if newgrounds has a dm system so maybe i will just leave my discord here ExtraGK#7639

Show us?

Response to: why do first trys get blammed?? Posted September 13th, 2021 in Game Development

At 9/13/21 10:09 AM, voter96 wrote:
more like a blam-trap

Oh god, ew, I necroposted I'm so sorry, I DIDN'T SEE THE YEAR

Response to: why do first trys get blammed?? Posted September 13th, 2021 in Game Development

At 4/20/07 10:55 PM, WolfAkela wrote: Because it's crap. The "my first try" label isn't a blam-protector.

more like a blam-trap

My general rule of thumb is that it's better to post something that you KNOW is going to pass judgement and have maybe 2 or 3 things on your profile, than have a bunch of different little games that scrape by and a mountain of submissions that get blammed

that being said, it's easier to pass judgement on newgrounds these days than it used to be. Just make stuff you're proud of. you shouldn't be trying to impress us really, you should be looking to be proud of what you make

Response to: Where did politics go wrong? Posted September 13th, 2021 in Politics

I think the problem we're facing is that it's become impossible to convince people to care about the environment, covid, things that matter, things that really should not be politicized have become talking points - and this has caused people to become irritable. It's a dragon, a big monster that you have little to no control over and we as humans are capable of defeating said dragon - if we work together. Unfortunately there is a right and a wrong way of defeating the dragon, and people are going to argue about how it should be defeated while the dragon burns down villagers' homes and eats people...

Response to: Project ideas for a portfolio on GitHub Posted September 13th, 2021 in Programming

At 8/11/21 09:00 AM, OlTroutBlossom wrote: Make an ncurses cli tool that helps you perform a task or group of tasks that you often do as part of your everyday computing. Could be anything from aggregating RSS feeds to a full-blown file manager.

Make a game that utilizes hardware like a Raspberry Pi that uses RGB LEDs for gameplay. Make sure to include schematics with your source code.

Keep all your custom dotfiles on your git repo. This shows prospective employers that you care about your workflow.

Make a mobile app to help with a task performed by tradesmen.

Go to your favourite open source projects and fix bugs for them.

Provide translation for open source projects (if you speak another language, that is).

Fork an open source project to add functionality you wish it had.

Reprogram common gnu tools in Rust.

these are actually really good ideas and I may steal some

it's worth talking about. Game developers so often are presented with people coming at them and asking them to make games because someone's had an idea.

Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network movie said this when he was in a court meeting with the guys who tried to sue him for stealing the idea: "If they were the inventors of Facebook, they would have invented Facebook."

They approached him with the idea and offered funding, he didn't want the funding then went off to make what is basically the same project on his own (and with funding from somebody else). When it started to blow up and start earning money, the Winklevoss twins were (understandably) annoyed - but the reality is, they did not put any of the work into the project, they did not put in any money towards it. They approached nobody else with the idea. They had an idea and they wanted someone else to make it for them because they had money

sometimes, money is enough. There are people (myself included) who will take on a project as such if you provide them with funding. However if someone is financially stable, they're going to want to work on their own ideas rather than yours. Because the fact is - ideas are easy to come up with.

If it sounds harsh or brutally honest, that's because it is. I don't like telling people this, but it just happens so often that it is inescapable and it makes me uncomfortable when someone I respect and don't want to offend approaches me and says "you should make my idea for a game"

as @lajebel said, if you really want to see that idea come to life, the most respectful thing you can do, for others and for yourself is to pursue the knowledge to start working on that project yourself. It's not going to come out anywhere near the same as you pictured it in your head, because you're going to be bad. Everyone is. Look at my games, they're not even my first, but you certainly wouldn't call EAT CIRCLES a triple-A award winning title, but making that first step is necessary to go on and make something actually good.