Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Response to: Newgrounds.io Help & Support Posted June 25th, 2019 in Game Development

At 8/1/16 01:58 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: If you are interested in in-game ads, we will not be adding those to this API. The old Flash API often had issues with ad-blockers because they would occasionally block access to the entire API server, and we do not want a repeat of that with Newgrounds.io.

At some point, we will be looking at creating a standalone API for implementing ads in games, so keep your eyes open for that.

I would like to know whether there is any implementation of the standalone API yet, if not is it possible to have a look at the .flas to see how I can implement it?

How can I make game music? Posted June 22nd, 2019 in Game Development

I am really excited to get my teeth into LMMS to make music but I can not come up with a melody... It seems a bit hard though and watching tutorials doesn't help... I have been playing around with LMMS and know the basics from the website.

Are there any guidelines which I need to follow? Thanks in advance!

Hey there!

I have heard about Phaser 3 and p5.js, however, are there any other good game development and animation libraries for HTML5?

I have looked at Wick as an option and I just might try using it.