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Reviews for "Rogue Fable IV"

Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais le jeu refuse de se lancer de mon côté.
Le chargement s'arrêter toujours dans les derniers dix % et rien ne se passe après.

Reminds me of DCSS
i really like that game.

Trying out a few runs, the magic characters feel criminally underpowered. In the last version, they were pretty decent - spells like fireball and lightning were reliably decent for taking out lesser enemies, and the ranged staves felt useful. Now, everything has more range than the player, the spells are all extraordinarily weak, and nothing seems to compensate.

JustinWang123 responds:

Obviously loads of balance issues are still a work in progress (I'm expecting 3 more years of development) but the compensation for weaker abilities is generally shorter cooldowns and faster MP/SP regen. Roughly speaking CDs were cut in half and regen time was doubled. Weapons were intentionally made weaker in comparison to abilities.

The main gist of what I'm trying to do is to shift a lot more of the power into abilities, movement abilities, general speed point movement etc. and away from basic attacks and simple back peddle kiting. I say 'trying' since.. yeah... balance is tricky business and is still an ongoing thing.

Game: Hold z while moving to move onto dangerous terrain

Me: Binds z to walk down left

Also me: Why am I randomly dying

There goes my weekend