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I want to make a few game projects but im working on one for now...i use rpg maker xp to test code, animation scenes, mapping ideas, items...

I'm color blind due to a lazer injury, so i can't see any colors anymore. I'll need some help with a greyscale graphics scheme.

I'll need a programmer with some experience in platformers, i want to code but my skills are bad for game design.

I'll need a sound fx specialist,

Music technician with non copyright bgms... and some animators.

Might need a proofreader for my scripts(story).I've been doing a few 50 page fanficts lately to improve my writing skills.

Im good at designing game mechanics, attribute systems,

Making cutscenes, skills and crafting systems.

I'll Show some pictures from time to time. If anyone wants to join let me know.

The side scroller project will be themed around humans and machines, there will be no sequels to it, but the game will grow with each update.

I want to make a game similar to the megaman games but not actual clones. The graphic style will be similar to the megamanx pixelated ratio from x1 to x3.

Ideas with a (*) means pending.

Ideas with a (!) means confirmed.

Ideas with a (×) means rejected.

This will be a chance to create a new cast of characters, a story pandering to separated "era".

Idea of eras(*)

1st era) classic era. Here robots are made with a limited will and follow simple purposes.

2nd era) cataclysm era. Here is when free willed machines rebelled, while humanity won, they regressed to the industrial revolution.

3rd era) rediscovery era. Ancient ruins and factories, advance development, are discovered by archeologists and geologists.

4th era) humans are building machines once more but enforce asimov's laws of robotics. Not everyone agrees and some people go independent and underground.

5th era)2nd cataclysm era. Robots want freedom from human tyranny and rebel. Humans loose this war.

6th era) 1st robot citizens era.

Robots now have equal rights and do not answer to asimov's laws.

2 organizations form:

Human enforcement division (Deus)

Robot enforcement division


Both work together to deal with crimes and wars. Human criminals are dealt with by Deus.

Robot criminals are dealt with by Machina.

This is the structure for now plot wise. 6th era will be where we start game wise, but there will be animated cuscenes for past eras to flesh out the games world a bit more.

The game will have non combat zones to buy stuff or interact with other characters, combat zones for platforming and fighting bosses.

I want movements and controls similar to a megaman x game.

Dash, jump, run, duck, ranged, melee, wall jump, doublejump, air dash and more...

Ill work on modding the player character in game with an upgrade system for key parts of your machine. The crafting system will be key to getting some upgrades.

Let me know what you think!

Ill need to make a demo before the crowd funding gets started.

The fundraiser is to pay for the participants to the project and for the project itself. I want to make a fun rpg game with this platformer.